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Space Exploration. Future Society & Enviroment. .: SPACEGOO :. Cheroke. Chrome Experiments - Home. Tarkus. Future Society & Enviroment. Cancer pain. Pain in cancer may arise from a tumor compressing or infiltrating tissue; from treatments and diagnostic procedures; or from skin, nerve and other changes caused by either the body's immune response or hormones released by the tumor. Most acute (short-term) pain is caused by treatment or diagnostic procedures, although radiotherapy and chemotherapy may produce painful conditions that persist long after treatment has ended.

At any given time, about half of all patients with malignant cancer are experiencing pain, more than a third of them experience moderate or severe pain that diminishes their quality of life by adversely affecting mood, sleep, social relations and activities of daily living.[1][2] The presence of pain depends mainly on the location of the cancer and the stage of the disease. Two thirds of patients with advanced stage cancer experience significant pain.[3] Pain[edit] The sensation of pain is distinct from its unpleasantness. Cause[edit] Infection[edit] Tumor-related[edit] Cancer cell. A diagram illustrating the distinction between cancer stem cell targeted and conventional cancer therapies Cancer cells are cells that grow and divide at an unregulated, quickened pace. Although cancer cells can be quite common in a person they are only malignant when the other cells (particularly natural killer cells) fail to recognize and/or destroy them.[1] In the past a common belief was that cancer cells failed to be recognized and destroyed because of a weakness in the immune system.

However more recent research has shown that the failure to recognize cancer cells is caused by the lack of particular co-stimulated molecules that aid in the way antigens react with lymphocytes.[2] Causes[edit] All cancers begin in cells, the body's basic unit of life. The body is made up of many types of cells. Sometimes this process of controlled production of cells goes wrong. Pathology[edit] Discovery[edit] Telomerase[edit] Cancer stem cells and drug resistance[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] Cancer. Cancer The causes of cancer are diverse, complex, and only partially understood. Many things are known to increase the risk of cancer, including tobacco use, dietary factors, certain infections, exposure to radiation, lack of physical activity, obesity, and environmental pollutants.[2] These factors can directly damage genes or combine with existing genetic faults within cells to cause cancerous mutations.[3] Approximately 5–10% of cancers can be traced directly to inherited genetic defects.[4] Many cancers could be prevented by not smoking, eating more vegetables, fruits and whole grains, eating less meat and refined carbohydrates, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, minimizing sunlight exposure, and being vaccinated against some infectious diseases.[2][5] Cancer can be detected in a number of ways, including the presence of certain signs and symptoms, screening tests, or medical imaging.

Definitions There is no one definition that describes all cancers. Signs and symptoms Causes. Space astronomy. Earth. EARTH. Sun. Web designs. Websites. Technology. Education. Education. Help in English. Pearltrees. Picked Pearls. iCloud. Your prezis | Prezi. Our Universe. Space. NASA. Find Stuff. Cherokeehill.
