FR:Choisir un nom Romain. Pamela Redmond Satran: The Best Ancient Roman Baby Names. Ancient Roman names are being rediscovered in the modern world in a major way.
Rarely does a whole class of names from a place or historical period undergo this widespread a revival, but several forces are at work that are making us take a fresh look at ancient Roman names. The first Big Read, which featured "To Kill A Mockingbird" and its hero Atticus Finch brought that name to contemporary consciousness. Then there was the HBO series "Rome. " But "The Hunger Games" which features ancient Roman names for most of its male characters has popularized the genre like nothing else.
Générateur de tria nomina (angl.) Getting into Character is important.
Sometimes it starts with a concept, other times, it starts with a name. Typical Roman names of the late Republic had three parts (the “tria nomina”). Example: Gaius Iulius Caesar where: * Gaius is a praenomen (“given name”, plural praenomina), * Iulius is a nomen (“gens or clan name”, plural nomina), and * Caesar is a cognomen (“family name within a gens”, plural cognomina). Some names had no cognomen, but in other cases a second cognomen, (called an agnomen), was added.