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Curation Companies

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Content Curation Tools - The Newsmaster Toolkit by Robin Good. Genieo - A newspaper styled homepage. Real-time Discovery Engine - YourVersion: Discover Your Version of the Web™

Curation Deadpool – read Twitter and Facebook as a daily newspaper. NewsMix takes on Flipboard with their curated news app. Flipboard may have been first to market with their Twitter and Facebook curated news service, but they certainly won’t be the last.

NewsMix takes on Flipboard with their curated news app

The popular news application scours your Facebook and Twitter streams for links and then builds a personalized news feed for you based on what your friends were sharing online. Flipboard is pretty amazing, and now we’re starting to see some real innovation in the field with Sobees‘ NewsMix. Flipboard still rules the roost when it comes to socially curated news, but having newcomers in the field is a great idea. We’re glad Sobees took up the challenge. NewsMix is very similar to Flipboard and provides a similar experience despite the UI differences. Video of NewsMix in action. Quora. Quora - Premières impressions sur un réseau social très élitiste.

Quora est un réseau social basé sur un principe simple: posez une question, vous obtiendrez une réponse.

Quora - Premières impressions sur un réseau social très élitiste

Ou plutôt, des réponses. Quora est surtout depuis quelques jours, la coqueluche des blogueurs “influents” et des médias techniques francophones. Pour Techcrunch, Quora pourrait connaitre un succès équivalent à Twitter. Pour OWNI, Quora ne peux que plaire aux blogueurs, car ce nouveau service répond parfaitement à leurs aspirations. Bref, Quora est un peu le nouveau média social incontournable du moment pour toute personne un tant soit peu “branchée”. Bien évidemment tenté par cet eldorado de la connaissance, je me suis empressé de me procurer une invitation (et oui, ne s’inscrit pas qui veut sur Quora). Design et ergonomie : Le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est que c’est austère.

Malgré ce design d’une sobriété exemplaire, le site n’en reste pas moins ergonomique., nouvel acteur de la curation entre blog et Twitter (invitation beta)

B2B Curation

Chirpstory Lets You Filter And Bundle Tweets Into Stories. Curation, the concept of filtering and organizing online content to separate signal from the increasing noise in social media, is currently one of the most discussed buzz words in the web industry.

Chirpstory Lets You Filter And Bundle Tweets Into Stories

The number of curation tools, however, is still (relatively) low: Storify, which launched during TechCrunch Disrupt, and are probably the most prominent examples at this point. Enter Chirpstory, a new and Twitter-focused curation tool, which lets you gather and share collections of tweets around a specific topic. Popular news items, events, or trends may see thousands of related tweets, retweets and spam posts in a matter of hours: Chirpstory offers a way to curate and “summarize” related tweets in the form of a continuous or thematic narrative. Adds Search and Curation to Social Bookmarking. Keepstream - Collect, organize, and share the best of the web.

Trailmeme. Home.

Guy Kawasaki's Twitter 101 Bag (

Welcome - Aims To Be The “Smithsonian Of The Web”, But They Need Your Help. Last night was interesting. Aims To Be The “Smithsonian Of The Web”, But They Need Your Help ? read Twitter as a daily newspaper. Curate That! Nsyght Makes Twitter Curation As Easy As Hashtagging. There seems to have been a rash of startups based on Twitter in London.

Curate That! Nsyght Makes Twitter Curation As Easy As Hashtagging

Some of the best known are Tweetdeck and Tweetmeme, but others have appeared like (which just moved out to the Valley). But one which has been bubbling under and, like is focused on curated realtime streams, We covered their relaunch last year when they announced Angel funding from a group of investors which included Shawn Kernes (co-founder of Stubhub). Realtime search and discovery of the social web. Storify: Social Media Curation And Storytelling. Storify is a tool that allows users to ‘create stories using social media’.

Storify: Social Media Curation And Storytelling

Storify caught our attention because it taps into two macro-level trends, or notions that we’ve been discussing for some time – curation and storytelling. The tool has applicability for journalists, bloggers, professionals, brands and even casual, personal online storytelling (i.e., “storifying” personal travels). One feature we found particularly noteworthy about Storify – vs. other curation tools like Posterous or Tumblr – is the ability to create a story utilizing specific lines of text from a larger story (that most relevant to the story you’re trying to tell). The bookmarklet allows you to select lines of Text or individual Tweets from a broader page, news article or website, and to add commentary that will result in your personalized story referencing key and potentially varied sources. Phildunn.amplify.