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Destruction Myths and the Afterlife

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Greek Mythology- Question #1- Describe the image. Greek Mythology Question #2- Read and summarize. After passing Cerberus, the shade came to a fork in the road.

Greek Mythology Question #2- Read and summarize

From this point, three paths led to different regions of the Underworld. At this fork the shade encountered the Judges of the Dead. Usually the Judges determined which path a shade would take, determining that shade's new home for eternity. Sometimes the gods intervened and made the choice instead. (Hades himself never did this, however.) Elysium Elysium (sometimes called the Elysian Fields) was the dwelling place of the exceptional. Some myths do not make much of a distinction between Elysium and the Asphodel Fields. Asphodel Fields Most shades resided in the Asphodel Fields. Here, the shades normally mimicked the activities of their former lives. Tartarus The following crimes were punishable by imprisonment in Tartarus: murder for the sake of adultery, refusal to share one's wealth with others, treason, rape of one's own daughter, and committing fraud and persuading others to do the same — to name just a few.

Hindu Afterlife- Question #1- Describe the image. Hindu Mythology Question #2- Describe the Image. Hindu Mythology Question #3- Describe the image. Hindu Mythology Question #6- Read and Summarize. Hindu Mythology- Question #7- Read and summarize. Once a group of people wanted to know what makes for hell and what makes heaven.

Hindu Mythology- Question #7- Read and summarize

Where all suffer, it is called hell and where all enjoy it is called heaven. So the committee of the above persons wanting to know how hell is made, first went to hell where all people were suffering. What they saw in hell surprised them very much because hell looked a very rich place where every enjoyable object was available in plenty. Why should any one suffer here, they wondered. As it was the lunch time in hell, all denizens of hell were in the dining hall and the committee went to investigate whether there was any food problem.

The members of the investigation committee closely scrutinized the people who were thus quarrelling and fighting. The committee felt that it was cruel joke to play upon people. They wished to see how things were in heaven and went there in time to see the heavenly beings at lunch. Hindu Mythology- Question #5- Describe this image and compare with other images of Kali. Norse Mythology- Question #2- Describe the image. Hindu Mythology Question #4- Compare this image with other images of Kali. Norse Mythology- Question #1- Read and summarize. Norse Mythology- Question #3- Read and summarize. Ragnarok in Norse Mythology What is Ragnarok?

Norse Mythology- Question #3- Read and summarize

The Vikings belived that the world oneday would end as we know it, they called this day for Ragnarok, also spelled Ragnarök in old Norse. Ragnarok is the doom of the gods and the humans. It will be the final battle between the Aesir and Jotuns. The battle will take place on the plains called Vigrid. Surt the fire giant, setting the world on fire. During Ragnarok the walls of Asgard, the homes of the Aesir, and the huge bridge Bifrost, will be set on fire by Surt the fire giant. Odin will be killed by the Fenrir wolf and Thor and the Midgard Serpent will kill each other. The signs of Ragnarok There will be some signs if Ragnarok "the end of the world" is coming. We will have a long and cold winter that, will last for three years with no summer in between.

A beautiful red rooster "Fjalar" which name means the "All knowner", will warn all the giants that the beginning of Ragnarok has begun. A new begining after Ragnarok. Celtic Underworld.