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Entoptic artifacts as universal trance phenomena. Entoptic artifacts as universal trance phenomena By Floco Tausin [above: Alfred Dam aus der Schweiz Beschreibung: Aus der Serie "Inbetween Heaven and Earth", 1999] In the mid-1990s the author met a man named Nestor living in the solitude of the hilly Emmental region of Switzerland.

Entoptic artifacts as universal trance phenomena

Nestor has a unique and provocative claim: that he focuses for years on a constellation of huge shining spheres and strings which have been formed in his field of vision. He interprets this phenomenon as a subtle structure formed by our consciousness which in turn creates our material world. Nestor, who calls himself a seer, ascribes this subjective visual perception to his long lasting efforts to develop his consciousness. In ophthalmology, eye floaters are generally regarded as harmless vitreous opacities [right]. As physical and neurological symptoms, they belong to the physicians' area of study; as subjective light phenomena they are likely to gain spiritual meanings for people like Nestor. Conclusion. Human Ingenuity: A 100,000-Year-Old Story - Bruce Upbin - Tradigital. Articles / EntopticPhenomena browse. Entoptic phenomena (or just entoptics) are visual sensations that occur in the human visual system itself without external stimuli.

Articles / EntopticPhenomena browse

That means the sensations can be observed even with closed eyes. The figure below gives some examples of the entoptic phenomena. These are usually simple geometric patterns, like lines, grids or nets, dots, zigzags and spirals. Further, it is typical that there is a replication of the patterns. Neurologist as early as the 1920s or even before have studied Entoptic phenomena. Entoptic phenomena. In 1988 Lewis-Williams and Dowson [Lew88] published a paper with the visionary title ‘The signs of all times’ that put entoptic phenomena into an archeological context. Other authors, like [ Bradley89], [Dron95] took this theory forward and showed that Neolithic art shows similar links and can be explained by means of entoptic phenomena. Summoning Thoth the God of Writing 2. Hybrid Creatures of the Ancient Greek World. Timeline. Ancient Babylonia - Literature.

Examples of Cuneiform Babylonians developed an abstract form of writing based on cuneiform symbols.

Ancient Babylonia - Literature

Their symbols were written on wet clay tablets which were baked in the hot sun and many thousands of these tablets have survived to this day. It was the use of a stylus on a clay medium that led to the use of cuneiform symbols since curved lines could not be drawn. Perhaps the most amazing aspect of the Babylonian's calculating skills was their construction of tables to aid calculation. Ancient Babylonia Return to Bible History Online. Hieroglyphic Monad - John Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica. This symbol was created by John Dee and described in the Monas Hieroglyphica, or Hieroglyphic Monad, in 1564.

Hieroglyphic Monad - John Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica

The symbol is intended to represent the reality of the monad, a singular entity from which all material things are said to derive. The image here includes graph lines to illustrate the specific proportions described by Dee in which writings. Summary of the Hieroglyphic Monad Dee summarized his description of the glyph as such: "The Sun and the Moon of this Monad desire that the Elements in which the tenth proportion will flower, shall be separated, and this is done by the application of Fire.

" The symbol is constructed from four distinct symbols: the astrological signs for the moon and the sun, the cross, and the zodiacal sign of Aries the ram, represented by the two semi-circles at the bottom of the glyph. For the full article, please check out John Dee's Hieroglyphic Monad.