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DjangoFullSerializers - wadofstuff - Documentation and examples for the Wad of Stuff Django Full Serializers - Solaris configuration tips, advanced jumpstart installation tricks, tools, and code snippets. The wadofstuff.django.serializers python module extends Django's built-in serializers, adding 3 new capabilities inspired by the Ruby on Rails JSON serializer.

DjangoFullSerializers - wadofstuff - Documentation and examples for the Wad of Stuff Django Full Serializers - Solaris configuration tips, advanced jumpstart installation tricks, tools, and code snippets.

These parameters allow the developer more control over how their models are serialized. The additional capabilities are: excludes - a list of fields to be excluded from serialization. The excludes list takes precedence over the fields argument. extras - a list of non-model field properties or callables to be serialized. relations - a list or dictionary of model related fields to be followed and serialized.

The module currently support serializing to JSON and Python only. The latest stable release for the serialization module can be obtained by: Anyone got a backend for MS SQL Server working? [Posted this reply yesterday, but I can't see it, I post it again.

Anyone got a backend for MS SQL Server working?

Sorry for any duplication. / Ulf ] - show quoted text - On Jun 27, 4:12 pm, gordyt <gor...> wrote: > Ulf I haven't played with this second solution, but I did just check > out a copy of the django-pyodbc project. You should be OK following > the author's instructions. Hi Gordon, thanks for your prompt answer. I've now started my installation process over again trying to follow the author's instructions, and here is what I did and the results: I installed the patched version (0.8.1) of pymssql (from and placed it as in my site-packages directory.

I downloaded the django-pyodbc package (revision 12) by doing: svn checkout django- pyodbc-read-only as stated on the package website ( pyodbc/source/checkout). The next step is to added django-pyodbc to my PYTHONPATH. And tried loading a database-accessing web page, and got the following error message: Thanks for any further help on this, Ulf. #5062 (New backend for Sql Server using pymssql) Products: Django: mxODBC Django Database Engine - ODBC Database Adapter for Django Websites. Using our mxODBC Django Database Engine, you can connect your Django-based websites to all ODBC compliant databases and data sources - in a hassle-free, robust and scalable way.

Products: Django: mxODBC Django Database Engine - ODBC Database Adapter for Django Websites

Version: 1.2.0 Introduction The mxODBC Django Database Engine™ product allows you to easily connect your Django website to just about any database backend on the market today, giving you the reliability of the commercially supported product mxODBC and the flexibility of the ODBC standard as middle-tier architecture. Flexible Database Access With the mxODBC Django Database Engine 1.2, you get two ways to connect to your databases: Across Platforms mxODBC Django Database Engine works on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris and AIX, providing you with the same consistent interface, flexibility and robustness across all of these platforms.

ORM support for more database backends will follow in future releases. Features MS SQL Server ORM Features Direct mxODBC Interface to other Databases System Requirements. Django MSSQL Database Backend — Django MSSQL dev documentation. Django-pyodbc - MS SQL Server Django DB backend using pyodbc. Description A Django external database backend for MS SQL Server that uses ODBC by employing the pyodbc library, supports SQL Server 2000 and 2005.

django-pyodbc - MS SQL Server Django DB backend using pyodbc

Pyodbc seems to be a mature, viable way to access SQL Server from Python in multiple platforms and is actively maintained. It's also used by SQLAlchemy for SQL Server connections. Important If you are following Django trunk development and have revision 10026 or newer, the minimal development revision of django-pyodbc trunk you need to use is r157. Also, the DATABASE_ODBC_DRIVER, DATABASE_ODBC_DSN and DATABASE_ODBC_EXTRA_PARAMS settings were migrated to the DATABASE_OPTIONS dictionary setting in this revision. This is a backward-incompatible change for setups that were using at least one of these three settings. SVN trunk development follows closely Django development, so it needs a recent checkout of Django SVN trunk. See our News page. Features Works on Windows and Linux (using FreeTDS) Native Unicode support.