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The revolution that’s changing the way your child is taught | Ian Leslie. The video does not seem remarkable on first viewing. A title informs us that we are watching Ashley Hinton, a teacher at Vailsburg Elementary, a school in Newark, New Jersey. Hinton, a blonde woman in a colourful silk scarf, stands before a class of eight- and nine-year-old boys and girls, almost all of whom are African-American. “What might a character be feeling in a story?” She asks. She repeats the question, before engaging her pupils in a high-tempo conversation about what it is like to read a book and why authors write them, as she moves smartly around her classroom.

On an October morning last year, I watched Doug Lemov play this video to a room full of teachers in the hall of an inner-London school. Here is what Lemov sees in the video: he sees Hinton placing herself at the vantage points from which she can best scan the faces of her pupils (“hotspots”). Lemov never considered himself a brilliant teacher. Characteristically, he started with a spreadsheet. Take “cold calling”. « Apprendre et enseigner les langues dans la perspective actionnelle : le scénario d'apprentissage-action », par Claire Bourguignon. Conférence donnée le 7 mars 2007 à l’Assemblée Générale de la Régionale de l’APLV de Grenoble, par Claire Bourguignon, Maître de conférences HDR, IUFM de l’Académie de Rouen Dans le même temps qu’un rapport de l’Inspection Générale souligne que « la médiocrité des performances françaises [en langues], inférieures à celles des autres pays, constitue un défi à relever » [1], le Cadre européen commun de référence invite les enseignants à « prendre en considération un choix d’options plus large ou à mettre en question les hypothèses traditionnelles sur lesquelles ils fonctionnent et qu’ils n’avaient pas examinées auparavant. » (CECR p. 21) C’est face à la constatation de l’Inspection générale - qui ne date pas de janvier 2007 mais remonte à 1996 (date de la première étude conduite au niveau européen !)

- que j’ai tenté de trouver une solution en tenant compte du potentiel que renferme le CECR, sans renier l’existant mais en le faisant évoluer. 1. II. 1. 2. Actualités - 38 vidéos pour enseigner les langues dans le premier et le second degrés. UNESCO LiteracyReport chapt6 eng. The workspace for your life’s work | Evernote. Zotero | Home. Understanding academic argument. Identifying the elements of argument At the heart of much academic writing is an argument. An academic argument can vary in form according to the subject area; however, there are shared common elements.You need to be able to deconstruct and understand an academic argument when reading and create an argument in your own writing. Instruction Examine Riddle's model below for understanding academic argument and its core elements.

(Riddle, 2000) A claim refers to the writer's opinion or position regarding the matter being written about. Data relates to the evidence that is used by the writer to support their claim. Justification refers to the writer's interpretation of the facts or circumstances. This example extract is taken from a larger text in the subject area of Archaeology. The huge cost of large-scale excavations at Classical sites means that they are much rarer today than they used to be.

Simon Keay, Portus MOOC, University of Southampton 1. 2. 3. Critical thinking in the EAP classroom. Developing critical thinking skills with Dr Sara Hannam At the centre of the learning philosophy in many English speaking universities is the idea that academic thinking requires balanced judgement reached through exploring multiple points of view. It is believed that a simplistic right/wrong approach is limiting and listening to alternatives is likely to lead to a better outcome.

This more complex way of considering issues is often referred to as critical thinking, a term that is used widely in further and higher education. There are many different interpretations of what this may mean but a useful definition is the idea of looking at issues from a number of perspectives. Using our critical mind is an ongoing process which continues throughout our lives. At a very basic level, critical thinking is the act of questioning information by asking where it comes from, who has said/written it, what their motivation was for doing so and what world view it represents.

Teaching ideas. Academic Phrasebank. Video Tutorials. PUREN 2012j Traitement didactique documents authentiques.