Field validation. Advanced Text. Masked Input. Sometimes you need the user to input data in a particular format like a Social Security Number or a standard US phone number.
By masking input of a particular textbox, you can change its behavior so that it accepts input only according to specified format, e.g. a masked phone number input box will only allow 10 digits of of the phone number to pass through and won’t accept any other input. This module provides the Masked Input Plugin by Josh Bush. Drupal 7 users: This module includes: A fully configurable field widgetA form elementA small API for embedding this feature on existing form elementsA user interface for configuring your own mask definitionsDrush integrationDrush make example file You are free to use this module in the same fashion that is described for the Drupal 6 version, all you'll need to do is include the script from code using Libraries API libraries_get_path('maskedinput') . Drupal 6 users: Use the following format: $("#YOUR-FIELD-ID").mask("YOUR-MASK");
Field placeholder. Field Placeholder module gives support to add HTML5 placeholder attribute to field widget forms.
By default, this module integrates text, number and mail modules, but any other widget type can be added through hook_field_placeholder_info(). Field placeholder adds a new option in field settings page to enter the placeholder value, which is included automatically when the widget is rendered. You can make the most of this module using it with Entityforms module. i18n_field integration Since 7.x-1.0-rc2, this module provides a submodule named i18n_field_placeholder.
This submodule allows to translate the placeholder value through i18n_field interface. Non-HTML5 browsers support Given that placeholder attribute was introduced in HTML5, this module did not work with older browsers. This project has been developed thanks to the ideup! Address Field Static Map. This module can generate either of the 3 following as a block when placed on a content type that has an address field: As of beta5, you can also just use this module's built-in field formatters if you do not need block-level elements and want just your address field to be rendered as a map.
Usage: No API key needed for Google Static Maps, but you do need one for Mapquest.Go to /admin/config/system/addressfield_staticmap and select the address fields that should be used to populate this block.Make the block visible on the content types with those fields.To use KML overlay files with the regular Google map, create a file upload field on your content type that only accepts .kml files.Go to /admin/config/system/addressfield_staticmap and select the KML file field for the appropriate content type(s) and save.Upload your KML file to your node with an address field.
Facebook Events. Computed Field. Computed Field is a very powerful field module that lets you add a custom "computed fields" to your content types.
These computed fields are populated with values that you define via PHP code. You may draw on anything available to Drupal, including other fields, the current user, database tables, you name it. (Feeling the power yet? :) ) You can also choose whether to store your computed field values in the database with other content fields, or have them "calculated" on the fly during node views. (Although you should note that Views use requires database stored values.) Important This module is intended to be used by PHP developers to insert & execute PHP code on a Drupal website. Please do not post questions to the issue queue asking for unpaid help with your specific PHP code snippet. If you are looking for paid support, you may post a support request in the issue queue marked as such.
To get started, make sure to follow the documentation link to the right. Drupal 7 Notes Alternatives. jSlider Form API 6/7. AudioField 6/7. Audio Field module adds new CCK field that allows you to upload audio files and automatically displays them in a selected audio player.
Currently it supports 6 players and it provides API for easy addition of new players. Developed by Tamer Zoubi Installation See the Documentation. Dependencies AudioField 6.x depends on the CCK and FileField modules. Select default player Go to admin/settings/audiofield and you will see list of available players. Add audio upload to the content type First you must add audiofield to the preferred content type. How to upload and play audio file? After adding audiofield to content type you can upload audio files when creating new nodes. Originally this module supports only mp3 audio files. Modules using AudioField AudioRecorderField -record audio from microphone + wav player Audio Converter -convert your audio files to mp3 using FFMPEG or SoX Utility Phone Recorder Field -record audio through Phone call and play in one of AudioField players.
Video Filter 6/7. This is a highly flexible and easily extendable filter module to embed any type of video in your site using a simple token.
Other modules can add video sites/formats (called codecs) using an easy plugin architecture. With WYSIWYG installed, you can use the Video Filter button to easily add videos in a rich text editor. TinyMCE and CKeditor are supported (both standalone and with WYSIWYG). Included codecs Token Syntax: Quick syntax: BackgroundField 6/7.