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Affaire Rendlesham - UK - 1980

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UFOs over Rendlesham? Lt Col Charles Halt says radar DID track objects. UFO files reveal 'Rendlesham incident' papers missing. Intelligence papers on a reported UFO sighting known as the "Rendlesham incident" have gone missing, files from the National Archives reveal.

UFO files reveal 'Rendlesham incident' papers missing

The missing files relate to a report of mysterious lights from US servicemen at RAF Woodbridge in Suffolk in 1980. The disappearance came to light with the release of 8,000 previously classified documents on UFOs. Officials found a "huge" gap where defence intelligence files relating to the case should be, the papers show. Russian rocket The documents are the latest MoD files on UFOs released into the National Archives which will be free to access on its website for a month.

Photographs and sketches of UFOs made by members of the public are included, as well as their eyewitness reports. Among the documents is testimony from an airline pilot and his son who say they spent five minutes watching an object made up of three circles fly past their garden in Hellingly, East Sussex. Minister's request. UFO Invasion at Rendlesham. UFO Rendlesham forest, Bentwaters-Woodbridge AFB UK Dec-1980.

Best UFO Resources Written by Dimitris Hatzopoulos Last modified: Sunday 12-Aug-2012 03:52:48 EEST In December 1980, the 3 nights after Christmas (26-28 Dec 1980), a series of UFO incidents occurred in the Rendlesham forest area, which lies between the twin RAF/USAF Bentwaters and Woodbridge bases in Suffolk England, which at the time reputedly held the largest stockpile of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe.

UFO Rendlesham forest, Bentwaters-Woodbridge AFB UK Dec-1980

UFO sightings at two of UK's most sensitive military sites. Quick intro: clip from "Best Evidence: Top 10 UFO Cases" documentary (2007): Summary: What is the Rendlesham Forest incident? Two nights later (night of 27 - early morning 28 Dec 1980) the bizarre lights were spotted again. Note: original witness statements in the days right after the event, are misleading.

"The first of these areas concerns the original witness statements made by Penniston, Burroughs, Cabansag and Chandler. Since the official documents have surfaced in 2001, several important witnesses have come forward. Retired Air Force Colonel Claims New Evidence Will Blow The Lid Off Rendlesham UFO Sighting. Rendlesham Forest. The Rendlesham Forest incident is the most intriguing and best-documented UFO case in the world and is second only to Roswell in terms of name recognition.

Rendlesham Forest

Nick Pope conducted a cold case review of the incident for the British Government. He presented the following summary of the case to a cross-party group of former US Congressional representatives in 2013, and this briefing is widely used by journalists and film/TV executives looking for a concise, neutral point of view introduction to what happened.

The UK’s best-known and most compelling UFO incident is a series of sightings that occurred in December 1980 and are collectively known as either the Rendlesham Forest incident or the Bentwaters incident. The sightings took place near the twin military bases of Bentwaters and Woodbridge. These were bases in the UK, operated by the United States Air Force (USAF), as part of the wider US military presence in Europe. Investigations by the UK were inconclusive. General Gabriel's Bentwaters Visit. Incident de Rendlesham. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Incident de Rendlesham

L'entrée Est de la base Woodbridge en novembre 2014. L'incident de Rendlesham se déroula dans le Suffolk, dans le sud-est de l'Angleterre, les nuits du 27 et du 28 décembre 1980. Un détachement de militaires américains prétendit avoir observé aux alentours de la base aérienne de Woodbridge différents phénomènes inexpliqués. C'est le cas le plus célèbre d'observation d'un ovni présumé en Grande-Bretagne[1], comparable en importance à l'affaire de Roswell aux États-Unis (on parle parfois de « Roswell britannique »)[2]. Selon l'enquêtrice Jenny Randles, « S'il subsiste encore quelques incertitudes, on peut raisonnablement affirmer qu'aucun aéronef non terrestre n'a été observé dans la forêt de Rendlesham. Cadre[modifier | modifier le code] Emplacement de l'incident La forêt de Rendlesham est la propriété de la Commission des forêts du Royaume-Uni.

Observations et témoignages[modifier | modifier le code] 27 décembre 1980.