CARTE INTERACTIVE DES MEDIAS SOCIAUX 2015 (Overdrive) - Comment maximiser l'engagement sur Google Plus ? Google+, c’est compliqué. Certaines marques réussissent à accomplir de belles choses sur le réseau social, quand beaucoup d’autres délaissent Google+, faute de résultats. À moins qu’elles n’obtiennent peu de résultats car elles délaissent Google+… Quoi qu’il en soit, Google+ est un réseau social difficile à cerner car nous détenons peu d’études qui dissèquent les performances du réseau social.
CircleCount, un outil de statistiques pour Google+, vient de dévoiler les résultats de son enquête qui vise à comprendre comment obtenir de l’engagement sur Google+. Voici les principaux enseignements. 57% des publications sont des photos, 27% des liens, 8% des vidéos, 6% du texte.Les photos obtiennent, de loin, les meilleurs résultats en termes d’engagement.Les textes obtiennent de nombreux commentaires mais peu de partages.Les liens sont les contenus qui fonctionnent le moins bien sur Google+.Les publications longues (>100 caractères) obtiennent plus d’engagement.
Creating a Weekly Social Media Report: How to Make an Impression With Your Boss | Simply Measured. Creating a Weekly Social Media Report: How to Make an Impression With Your Boss Kevin Shively Blogger Extraordinaire Simply Measured Working at Simply Measured, we interact with community and social media managers on a daily basis. A common misconception is that this role gets to play on Twitter all day, but the reality is that CMs are focused on a myriad of tasks every day: engaging their community, converting traffic, adding value, building the brand, connecting with influencers, creating content…AND playing on Twitter.
If you work in social media, you know as well as I do that the list goes on. With such a sprawling task list and an even more diverse set of goals, it can be tough to parlay that activity into a meaningful and concise weekly summary for your team or boss. How can Community Managers summarize what our wins, losses, and lessons of the week were? 1. Your weekly report should operate the same way a piece of content would: like a funnel. 2. 3. The point here is to focus. 4. La petite histoire de Youtube en 10 vidéos-clés. Social media use by museum visitors before, during and after their visit: a useful tool of customer care | #svegliamuseo.
As museum social media managers, have we ever really stopped to think about how our audiences use social networks before, during and after their visit to our institutions? How much useful it would be to reflect on these dynamics to plan better online strategies and maximize the limited resources at our disposal? Have we ever noticed how some of the information passing through social media could prove to be crucial to reconsider some key factors, such as curatorial choices, exhibition design, and audience research?
Last summer I had the chance to attend an interesting session of internal training on these issues conducted by Erin Blasco, Education Specialist at the National Museum of American History. I think some of the things Erin pointed out can be useful to address the topic of social media as a tool of customer care. Part #1 – before the visit The first moment in which the public interacts online with our museums is the one preceding the visit. Part #2 – during the visit Let’s sum up. Les ados boudent Facebook et Twitter, mais plébiscitent Instagram, Snapchat et Tumblr.
Les ados sont une cible particulièrement complexe à appréhender, car extrêmement volatile, donc avec des comportements très durs à décrypter. Une population néanmoins essentielle à étudier pour identifier les prochaines tendances et pouvoir anticiper dans quelle direction le marché va se déplacer. Ceci est d’autant plus vrai avec les médias sociaux, dans la mesure où les moyens mis en oeuvre sont de plus en plus élevés (moyens humains et financiers, budgets publicitaires…), d’où la nécessité d’avoir une longueur d’avance.
Je pense que tout le monde est d’accord avec ça. Le problème est que c’est beaucoup plus facile à dire qu’à faire. Le caractère très volatile des ados rend difficile tout travail de modélisation de leur comportement. Il existe pourtant des études chiffrées comme celle de Global Web Index (Here’s Where Teens Are Going Instead Of Facebook) ou celle plus récemment publiée par Pipper Jaffray (Teens Prefer Twitter to Facebook, But Instagram is Number One). 100 caractères + une infographie, nouvelle unité de langage de la com politique. Datavisualisations, infographies, dessins, GIF: pourquoi les fils d'info politiques sur les réseaux sociaux ressemblent de plus en plus à l'avenue des Champs-Elysées en période de Noël...
Quand Jean-Paul Huchon, président du conseil régional d’Ile-de-France, s’emmêle les pinceaux à la mi-octobre sur le Grand Paris et affirme sur Europe 1 que le futur métro roulera à 160 km/h (au lieu de 60), le fait qu'il soit passé à 22 heures n'y changera rien. Twitter dégaine dans les heures qui suivent avec un petit montage visuel qui, faute de pouvoir gagner un concours de graphisme, obtient l'objectif recherché: être repris. La fédération UMP d'Ile-de-France et d'autres comptes des ténors de l'opposition locale le relaient. Des métros à 160 km/h selon M. #Huchon Vivement @vpecresse présidente du #cridf pic.twitter.com/rQ5RCePUZx — PierreYves Bournazel (@pybournazel) October 15, 2014 . Le #Pacte de responsabilité et de solidarité, c'est un cercle vertueux! ... September Epic Content · Penflip. 1. Create an exclusive club. Making your email subscribers feel special is a great way to generate excitement for the content or offers you are sending them and it's a powerful community building tool.
Exclusivity can be subtle, like the Apple example below, or it can be overt, like the Groove example. Whenever Apple launches a new product, customers camp outside their stores to get their hands on the latest device. By offering a pre-order, Apple can cash in on that excitement without putting additional stress on their retail stores. With free shipping as an added incentive, these emails will no doubt drive huge sales before the iPhone 6 is even released. Groove's Alex Turnbull takes a more direct approach. As a subscriber, you’re getting this link about an hour before the post goes live on our blog’s homepage.
Each email he sends begins with the words "Early Access". It makes email recipients feel like they are part of an exclusive club because, well, they are! 2. Thanks Dropbox. :) 3. 4. Email Marketing Best Practices: 20 Tips for Dramatically Better Emails. En Islande, la police se lâche sur Instagram ! 25 KPIs Every Manager Needs To Know. By Bernard Marr, Chief Executive at Advanced Performance Institute on 27,072 views Featured in: Business Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) should be used to understand performance and drive better decision-making. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) should be used to understand performance and drive better decision-making. Statistics Views Total Views Views on SlideShare Embed Views Actions Likes Downloads 25 Embeds 9,573 More... Usage Rights © All Rights Reserved. Facebook Organic Growth: How to Defy the Odds and Grow a Huge Facebook Community.
Do you want to grow a massive Facebook following? Are you wondering how an organic Facebook strategy can be successful? To learn how to grow a huge organic following on Facebook using techniques you have likely never heard of, I interview Holly Homer for this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast. More About This Show The Social Media Marketing podcast is a show from Social Media Examiner. It’s designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing. The show format is on-demand talk radio (also known as podcasting). In this episode, I interview Holly Homer of KidsActivitiesBlog.com to find out how her Facebook page fan base grew from 7,000 fans to more than 530,000 fans in only 8 months without using Facebook advertising or crazy gimmicks. Holly shares how beginners can develop their own Facebook strategy. You’ll discover the unfortunate circumstance that jumpstarted Holly’s success.
Find out how to grow a Facebook Page organically. Listen Now. Go Big on Community Management! Featured in: Social Media Community management goes way beyond customer service and crisis management. Making human connections is absolutely crucial to the success of your business. There is no avoiding it. ... Community management goes way beyond customer service and crisis management. Making human connections is absolutely crucial to the success of your business. All the data has citations and sources, so you can show this to your boss, your coworkers, your clients, or anybody who needs to learn the value of community management! Statistics Views Total Views Views on SlideShare Embed Views Actions Likes Downloads 22 Embeds 3,671 More...
Usage Rights © All Rights Reserved. 6 Ways to Get Your Tweets Noticed. Do people pay attention to your tweets? Are you customizing your tweets for maximum attention? About 500 million tweets are sent every day. That’s roughly 5,800 tweets posted each second. Competing with that is a challenge. In this article you’ll discover six ways to improve your tweets and get noticed. #1: Personalize Retweets Many people like to tweet out blog posts they’ve read. Unfortunately, most people rely on the pre-populated text and move on. Tell people if you agree or disagree with an article and why. Add your thoughts to your tweets to stand out. Questions are always a good draw because you can use them to intrigue your followers (“Have you tried this crazy tactic?”) Every blog post has a quotable sentence. Crafting an interesting tweet takes more effort than letting the widget do the work for you (especially if the pre-populated tweet didn’t leave you too many characters to work with) . #2: Share Articles More Than Once Tweets don’t have long shelf lives.
. #3: Be Yourself. Social Media Strategy: How Much Time Does a Good Strategy Take? Featured in: Social Media Does juggling social media management along with an armful of other task sound familiar to you? If so, I thought it might be helpful to detail what I’ve found so far and to show what all’s ... Does juggling social media management along with an armful of other task sound familiar to you? If so, I thought it might be helpful to detail what I’ve found so far and to show what all’s involved in the way that we go about managing our social media strategy at Buffer. Statistics Views Total Views Views on SlideShare Embed Views Actions Likes Downloads 29 Embeds 6,503 More... Usage Rights © All Rights Reserved. How To Go Viral. 7 entreprises qui ont tout compris aux réseaux sociaux.
Lorsqu’une entreprise souhaite développer sa présence en ligne et engager la conversation avec sa communauté, il lui est crucial de bien définir sa stratégie. Le sujet a en effet déjà été de nombreuses fois abordé car la profusion des réseaux sociaux et leur spécialisation nécessite de bien choisir ce que l’on souhaite faire et surtout pourquoi on veut le faire. La première étape d’un projet relatif aux médias sociaux est souvent de faire un audit permettant d’établir un état des lieux de la situation actuelle. La définition des objectifs à court et moyen terme permettra ensuite de définir une stratégie et un plan d’action. Quels outils faut-il alors choisir et quels réseaux sociaux répondront au mieux aux objectifs que l’on souhaite atteindre ? Voici un petit tour d’horizon des réseaux sociaux qui peuvent soutenir la stratégie d’une entreprise et un aperçu de la manière dont sept d’entre elles les utilisent.
Certains entreprises l’ont bien compris : voici 7 exemples inspirants !