PEACE EDUCATION. "Pedagogy is the determinant of human relationships in the educational process.
It is itself the medium of communication between teacher and learner, and that aspect …which most affects what learners receive from their teachers. "– Betty Reardon The following section supplements the Learning Units offered in the Learner as Teacher section and gives an overview of the broader theory of peace education. Navigate through the three sections on the left (Content and Methods, The Importance of Educational Environments, Challenges and Opportunities) to gain information on the substance and scope of the field.
Announcing PEACEapp winners. vInspired - Leaders in youth volunteer opportunities. Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators. “USIP’s Peacebuilding Toolkit enables educators to bring important global issues into the classroom and strengthen students’ conflict management skills.
I highly recommend that other teachers utilize the resources provided by USIP.” — AP World History teacher About This Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators1 is designed to support the work of educators as peacebuilders. It is a resource developed by and for educators, to enable you to help introduce peacebuilding themes and skills into the classroom. The Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators can help develop students’ understanding of, and interest in, global peacebuilding, and develop their skills and capacities to act as peacebuilders. There are two volumes of the toolkit––one for middle school and one for high school. Go to the Toolkit Feedback Form The Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators supports educational standards established by the Common Core: see how the Toolkit curriculum aligns with Common Core Standards.
Online Discussion Youth Wellbeing - Measurement and Policy - Wikiprogress.org. The Institute for Technology and Social Change. PIVOT. PIVOT reveals to users images, videos, and information based on a specific location during a specific time period.
Multimedia changes as either location changes, or as a different time period is selected. PIVOT will streamline digital cultural preservation in areas where cultures and histories are at risk of being lost, areas with rich tourism potential, or areas with diminished tourism sectors throughout the world. PIVOT’s goal is to be a high quality, widely used open-sourced platform that enables everyday users to streamline digital cultural preservation in the places they know best. PIVOT is a startup aimed at building a multi-platform app that seeks to digitally streamline historical preservation throughout the world.
We will first implement a proof of concept in Historic Palestine (Palestine/Israel) as well as in and around Harvard University. Play online, learn online and feed the hungry. 06112014_WhatMattersMostForStudentsInContextsOfAdversityAFrameworkPaper_WorldBank_English.pdf. Free Lesson Plans and Games for Learning Civics. Games for Change. Lyvoices. Global Nonviolent Action Database. PEACE EDUCATION. "Youth have the energy, enthusiasm and ability to transform their lives and help make the world a better place in which to live.
" - Craig Kielburger, 16 year old founder of Free the Children, an international youth organisation whose mission is to free children from poverty and exploitation and to empower young people to become leaders in their communities, nationally and internationally Peace education is not just about what happens in school. It is not about what you need to know for the test or memorise to please the teacher. Peace education is about how you can help build the future and make your world a more peaceful place to live. Peace education asks you to ask yourself: What is PEACE? The curriculum units on this website are designed to guide you through these kinds of questions and help you think about PEACE and EDUCATION in different ways.
The United Nations is encouraging young people to participate in the process of building peace. Learning_2013map_lg. Why the End of Poverty Requires the End of Violence. Educación para la Paz. Propuesta de valor Contribuimos a que los niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes vivan la ciudadanía como constructores de paz, por medio de una formación basada en el arte y la lúdica, con la participación de la familia, la comunidad y el sector educativo.
¿Cómo lo hacemos? Contributions of the Arts to Peacebuilding Evaluation : Alliance for Peacebuilding. DM&E By Amanda J.
Brown January, 17, 2014 While the role of the arts in peacebuilding has emerged as a field of study and practice, there is a dearth of literature and research on how the arts – theater, photography, music, the visual arts, song, and other forms – can contribute to peacebuilding evaluation. Transformar la realidad con proyectos TIC, desde Colombia. Contratación es un municipio del departamento Santander en Colombia, que posee una historia muy dura, de discriminación y de exclusión.
Historia que Carlos Enrique Sánchez Santamaría con sus alumnos de Tecnología e Informática en los grados décimo y undécimo del Instituto Técnico Industrial San Juan Bosco (ITIS), supieron resignificar y utilizar como el motor de una gran experiencia con TIC en la Escuela. Esta será una reseña acerca de procesos de verdadera Educación en acción y con sentido social; que desde Febrero de 2005 alimenta una comunidad virtual, un periódico y un canal de TV local que -comandado por los mismos alumnos- transmite además hacia todo el mundo vía internet.
Un proyecto de inspiración, con muestras de las producciones, links para seguir el trabajo de los alumnos y la palabra del profesor. Ver mapa más grande Video en youtube. Cuál fue la estrategia pedagógica Una explicación extendida del proyecto, puede leerse en este pdf.