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Edward Montero

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Polypill. In addition to the noted fixed-dose types of polypills, polypills can also be custom-made for specific patients through a process called pharmacy compounding.


Physicians in most jurisdictions have wide discretion to prescribe customized drug products containing unique drug-dosage combinations (and/or formulations thereof) specifically for individual patients, which certain pharmacies can then sometimes produce for such patients. For treatment or management of disease[edit] Polypills are a useful therapeutic tool for those afflicted with various diseases/conditions, by consolidating multiple medications into a single product and thereby simplifying medication administration for healthcare personnel as well as alleviating pill-burden for patients.

HIV, mental-health, transplant, and certain other patient groups are known for especially high pill-burdens (whether temporary or indefinite). Origin of multi-drug pill usage[edit] Developments in polypill usage for disease therapy[edit] Single 'polypill' found to cut heart attacks, stroke. A single pill that combines four medications meant to lower blood pressure and cholesterol plus an aspirin may cut the risk for the nation's No. 1 killer: heart disease.

Single 'polypill' found to cut heart attacks, stroke

That finding is the result of a large new study presented Friday at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association and published simultaneously in the New England Journal of Medicine. The more pills heart patients must take, the less they are to comply, according to Dr. Salim Yusuf, a cardiologist and the study's lead author. Reducing the number of prescriptions to fill "makes life easier for the physician and the patient," he said. By "using combinations of existing low-cost medications, we can actually make an important difference to people's lives," said Yusuf, a professor of medicine at McMaster University in Ontario, as well as the director of the university's Population Health Research Institute. Yusuf's study was large, involving 5,713 people who were followed for four and a half years.

Dr. Dr. Polypill: Does it treat heart disease? A 'transformational' and inexpensive polypill could cut heart attacks and strokes up to 40%, study finds. The research was also presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions on Friday.

A 'transformational' and inexpensive polypill could cut heart attacks and strokes up to 40%, study finds

A polypill is a medicine that combi nes three different blood pressure medications (atenolol, ramipril, and the "water pill" hydrochlorothiazide) and a cholesterol-lowering statin medication simvastatin. These are all generic drugs. Polypills can be taken alone or with an aspirin. Polypills are widely used in Europe, but not marketed or used much in the US. The particular pill in this study was made in India. The study had more than 5,700 volunteers from all over the world who researchers followed for nearly five years. The male volunteers were 50 or older and women were 55 or older. Vitamin K and Fractures - NBI. Akiyama N, Miyazawa K, Kanda Y, et al.

Vitamin K and Fractures - NBI

Multicenter phase II trial of vitamin K2 monotherapy and vitamin K2 plus 1[alpha]-hydroxyvitamin D3 combination therapy for low-risk myelodysplastic syndromes. Leukemia Research. 2010;34(9):1151-1157. [Article] Asakura H, Myou S, Ontachi Y. Vitamin K administration to elderly patients with osteoporosis induces no hemostatic activation, even in those with suspected vitamin K deficiency. Cockayne S, Adamson J, Lanham-New S, Shearer MJ, Gilbody S, Torgerson DJ. Conly J, Stein K. Ferland G, Sadowski JA, O’Brien ME. Hodges SJ, Pilkington MJ, Shearer MJ, Bitensky L, Chayen J. Ide Y, Zhang H, Hamajima H, et al. Iketani T, Kiriike N, Murray, et al. Tectonic History of the Eastern Caribbean – MVO. The Lesser Antilles Island Arc is a chain of islands, approximately 850 km long, in the Eastern Caribbean from Sombrero in the north to Grenada in the south.

Tectonic History of the Eastern Caribbean – MVO

They have been formed at the junction of two tectonic plates. The North American Plate is being subducted beneath the less-dense Caribbean Plate at a speed of approximately two centimetres every year. The islands are formed from magma derived from the melting of the North American Plate as it goes deeper into the Earth. Puerto Rico Trench.

An oceanic trench on a transform boundary between the Caribbean and North American Plates Coordinates: Perspective view of the sea floor of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

Puerto Rico Trench

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Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked at what she learns

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