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Netcococo.png (952×442) Quotes - Open Source Learning, Kauai's Sudbury School. “Everybody is a genius.

Quotes - Open Source Learning, Kauai's Sudbury School

But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” ~ Albert Einstein "No study, pursued under compulsion, remains rooted in memory. " ~ Plato ‎"Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.

" ~ Stephen R. Covey “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” ~ Albert Einstein "Teaching fills the mind with artificial association that must be got rid of before the child can develop independent ideas out of actual experiences. " ~ Anne Sullivan. Microsoft Word - SIG D8 final outcome 11 09 07.doc - d8.pdf. Diss.pdf. The 30 Biggest Myths About Online Learning. For as long as eLearning has been around, it has been haunted by the voices of those who aim to criticize its authenticity, viability, and quality. But is it true? Do students of traditional institutions boast more success than those who’ve chosen distance learning? It’s time for some of these myths to die. 1. The technology is unreliable Every other arena in society- financial institutions, businesses, and government- do not avoid updating their procedures and protocols because of the fear of unreliable technology. 2.

In recent years, the amount of social interaction between people has increased. In fact, eLearners have the opportunity to connect with people all over the world; something that a traditional classroom cannot offer. 3. Computers haven’t replaced people. 4. Unmotivated students fail whether a teacher is watching him/her or not.

The old saying, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink,” is applicable to this myth. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. Yes they do. Brain Study Module. Welcome to the Midsagittal Brain Study Module Page!

Brain Study Module

Below you will find links to modules designed to help you learn all about the structures of the brain visible from a midsagittal section. In the Human Brain Anatomy Study Module, the parts of the brain are taken apart and put back together to help teach you about the structure and function of the different parts. There is also a quiz to go along with the module. **To view this module you will need the Macromedia Flash Player, which you can download for free from the Macromedia Site. In the Human Brain Anatomy Quiz Module, take some fun interactive quizzes to reinforce what you have learned in the Brain Study Module. . © 2000, Department of Psychology, University of Alberta.


TypesInstruction. Instructional Design Types of Instruction by Domains of Learning: Knowledge, Attitude & Skills In 1956 Benjamin Bloom led a task force that identified three domains of educational activity: Cognitive (mental development & skills) Affective (emotional development, attitude, beliefs & values, feeling awareness, empathy, interpersonal communication, and self awareness) Psychomotor (physical development & skills, perception, sensory-kinesthetic awareness).


This taxonomy of learning behaviors can be thought of as the goals of the training process. A parallel way of referring to these domains of learning (acronym "SKA") are the terms : Knowledge Attitude Skills It should also be understood that in an information processing model of learning there is a cognitive component (and sometimes a meta-cognitive component) in both affective and psychomotor learning. No approach to curriculum would be complete if it did not take into account this broader, more integral model, of human development.

Socio-cultural aspects of learning

Psychology of learning. Biology of learning.