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Ideation and the 90:10 Rule. Most surveys today indicate that Research and Development executives are frequently disappointed in their ideation exercises and that they commonly complain that ideas aren’t actionable, aren’t relevant or simply aren’t economical. They also complain that ideas are insular, vague and can’t be scaled for the real world but ultimately it would appear that good ideas are hard to find and some recent research studies have indicated that it can take thousands of ideas to generate one commercial success. That’s a lot of time, money, and energy to invest only to meet frustration. Most companies respond to this dissatisfaction by increasing the number of participants in the ideation process, or by increasing the number of ideation sessions but in the worst cases by simply stopping the programs all together and this can lead to the company’s slow death.

If not managed properly company’s can find that their returns on ideation erode further and the hole they are in only gets deeper. Wait! 10 Emerging Educational Technologies & How They Are Being Used Across the Globe. For over a decade, the New Media Consortium (NMC) has been charting the landscape of emerging technologies in teaching, learning, and creative inquiry on a global scale. The NMC’s advisory board includes 750 technology experts and faculty members from colleges and universities in 40 countries, and is supported by the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). The NMC’s latest research efforts, the NMC Horizon Report: 2013 K-12 Edition and the NMC Horizon Report: 2013 Higher Education Edition, were released this spring, and together highlight ten emerging technologies that will impact education over the course of the next five years: cloud computing, mobile learning, learning analytics, open content, 3D printing, MOOCs, virtual and remote laboratories, games and gamification, tablet computing, and wearable technology.

As an educator, you have probably heard about many of these technologies, if not all of them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How to be Innovative: The Top 3 Innovation Articles of March 2013. Every company asks themselves the question, ‘How can we be more innovative?’ According to Google, there are about 591,000,000 web pages devoted to answering that question. Each month The Medici Group highlights the top innovation stories of the last 30 days. The stories come from nearly every field imaginable: Last month highlighted the United Nations and Corporate Anthropology. Our year end wrap-up showcased innovation in the film industry, economic development and automobiles. This month we look at two separate stories. Both offer not only possibilities, but questions as well. Germany’s Model Stresses Execution Over Innovation – Ben Rooney Copycats are everywhere. Tuition at Learn-to-Code Boot Camp Is Free — Until You Get a Job – Marcus Wohlsen Most people consider innovation a shiny new product—an iPhone or Google Glass.

The Origin of Human Creativity Was Surprisingly Complex – Heather Pringle A very readable and interesting look into how we evolved the capability to innovate. Top 20 Innovation Articles – March 2013. Drum roll please… At the beginning of each month we will profile the twenty posts from the previous month that generated the most traffic to Innovation Excellence. We also publish a weekly Top 10 as part of our FREE Innovation Excellence Weekly magazine (PDF for printing or downloading to iPad, Kindle, Nook, etc.) and email newsletter.

Did your favorite make the cut? But enough delay, here are February’s twenty most popular innovation posts (each receiving 3,600 – 6,000 page views): BONUS – Here are four more strong articles published the last week of the month: If you’re not familiar with Innovation Excellence, we publish 2-6 new articles every day built around innovation and marketing insights from our roster of contributing authors and ad hoc submissions from community members. Get the articles right in your Facebook feed or on Twitter or Linkedin too! P.S. Wait! Choose how you want the latest innovation content delivered to you: THE SIXTH WAVE: THE RISE OF THE CREATIVE CITIES. Innovation is no longer driven by states or nations. It’s driven by cities. The key for the future of competitiveness is the development of local ecosystems.

And these ecosystems will be built around cities. Some years ago, I developed the thesis of the six innovation waves. The last one is a wave of concentration in small countries, clusters or urban areas. Innovation tends to stick where agglomerations of talent, technology and tolerance (as Richard Florida said) are. Better if, apart of that, we find capital, manufacturing facilities, and specialized suppliers. The economist Joseph Schumpeter was the first in introducing the concept of innovation in the economic literature. This view of innovation was closely linked to public R+D spending, mainly for military issues, fueled by the II World War and the Cold War. Soon, innovation emerged as a new management concept. But echoes from the automotive sector, the most competitive and R+D intense in the world said that it wasn’t enough. Infographic: The World’s Technology Hubs. The Rise of the Intangible Economy: U.S. GDP Counts R&D, Artistic Creation. On July 31, the U.S.

Bureau of Economic Analysis will rewrite history on a grand scale by restating the size and composition of the gross domestic product, all the way back to the first year it was recorded, 1929. The biggest change will be the reclassification—nay, the elevation—of research and development. R&D will no longer be treated as a mere expense, like the electricity bill or food for the company cafeteria. It will be categorized on the government’s books as an investment, akin to constructing a factory or digging a mine. It’s a great idea, if late. GDP is the main yardstick of macroeconomics—the sum total of all goods and services produced in the country. The effect of the revision will be immediate. Of course, it’s hard to work up much excitement over an upward revision in historical GDP figures. Intangible investment is far from a faddish new idea. Economic theory was ahead of accounting practice. Then there’s the challenge of calculating depreciation.

This Little Sticker Works Like an Anti-Mosquito Force Field | Wired Design. The Kite Patch is a little square sticker that emits a cloak of chemical compounds that block a mosquito's ability to sense humans. Image: ieCrowd The idea is to make humans "invisible" to mosquitos. Image: ieCrowd The sticker is small enough to be unobtrusive to the people who wear it. Image: ieCrowd Olfactor Laboratories developed non-toxic compounds that work against mosquitoes' long-range abilities to detect humans through CO2, as well as dampening the bug’s short-range ability to sense us from our basic human odors. Image: Olfactor Laboratories A scientist testing the chemical compounds. Image: Olfactor Laboratories Without the compounds. Image: Olfactor LaboratoriesWith the anti-mosquito compounds.

The Kite Patch is a little square sticker that emits a cloak of chemical compounds that block a mosquito's ability to sense humans. The findings were considered a breakthrough moment in the field. Though the Kite seems a little fantastical, it’s backed by some legitimate technology. “Mini Lisa” demonstrates potential of nanomanufacturing technique. Arguably the world’s most famous painting, da Vinci's Mona Lisa has now been copied onto the world’s smallest canvas at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Associate Professor Jennifer Curtis' "Mini Lisa" is one-third the width of a human hair, with details as small as one-eighth of a micron. Mini Lisa demonstrates the flexibility of a new nanolithography technique that can vary the surface concentration of molecules on very small portions of a substrate. View all Mini Lisa was rendered using an atomic force microscope and a new process called ThermoChemical NanoLithography (TCNL).

The Georgia Tech team formed the image pixel by pixel. The molecular canvas is a plastic whose surface contains active chemical sites which are initially protected from chemical reaction by capping them with protecting molecules. More heat produced the lighter shades of gray, as seen on the Mini Lisa’s forehead and hands. Source: The Georgia Institute of Technology. The Ten Myths of Innovation: the best summary. I wrote the popular book The Myths of Innovation to capture everything I wish I learned about big ideas before I started my career. I’ve seen bloggers summarize the book into a simple list (or cheezy video), but here’s a version written by my own hand. You can also see my compilation of 177 Innovation myths others have written.

The book was heavily researched with 100s of footnotes and references, but here’s the tightest summation: The myth of epiphany. Few mention the millions of “epiphanies” people have had that ended in years of failure. If you liked this: Get the book. European Innovation Varies by Country. As the global financial crisis roiled Europe, who was still investing in the future? From 2008 through 2010, the European Union’s EuroStat office conducted a survey to gauge commercial innovation.

The numbers have now been crunched to create a continental leaderboard of business creativity (except for Greece, for which no data was available), with innovation defined as the creation of “new or significantly improved goods or services or the implementation of new or significantly improved processes, logistics, or distribution methods.” The survey also captured the rate of collaboration on innovative activities with partners in the United States or China and India.

This article originally appeared in print as "Innovation Europe. " Musical swings by daily tous les jours - empathiCITY exhibition. Mar 20, 2013 musical swings by daily tous les jours empathiCITY exhibition ’21 balançoires’ by daily tous les joursall images by olivier blouin ’21 balançoires’ is a giant collective instrument. the public installation, produced for the quartier des spectacles in the center of montreal, canada, is composed of 21 swings, which each individually trigger a selection of different musical notes. however, when they are used together, melodies begin to emerge as a result of people’s cooperation with one another. developed by montreal collective daily tous les jours, the project explores notions of collaboration and the positive outcomes which can be a result of working together. the musical swings light up when in use to enhance the overall sensorial experience when the swings are used collectively, melodies begin to emerge… the installation is situated in the quarter des spectacles in montreal, canada the public intervention turns the street into a domain for democratic expression.

Does Karma Herald A Future For Social Hardware? Over the last few years, as cell-phone companies have phased out their unlimited offerings and replaced them with plans based on monthly allowances of data, we users have read the message loud and clear: Mobile bandwidth is a scarce, precious thing, and its usage is something we need to keep an eye on. Nowhere is that attitude more evident than when you’re talking about mobile hotspots--the hockey puck-sized devices that let our gadgets access the Internet on the go. We keep the things locked up and hoarded like ammo during the zombie apocalypse.

Karma, a carrier-agnostic, pay-as-you-go hotspot, was born out of the idea that consumers might be ready for a mobile Internet solution that wasn’t tied to the byzantine payment plans of their cellphone company. But even more interesting is the system the company has established to address the problem outlined above, that when it comes to getting online at the cafe, or the park, or the airport, it’s pretty much every user for his or herself. 2012-innovation-in-cities-by-cities.pdf.