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Berlin, Selected Teams. Next Tuesday, we’ll be gathering with over a hundred of our ‘best of the best’ mentors and 20 truly awesome start-ups for Seedcamp Berlin.

Berlin, Selected Teams

Our investors, BDMI , are hosting us at their beautiful Unter Den Linden building in central Berlin. We have a great panel lined up to speak about the build and sale of DailyDeal . Nicolas Gabrysch of Osborne Clarke together with Fabian Heilemann , co-founder, and Michael Brehm , their first angel investor, will share their thoughts and emotions on the entire life of Dailydeal. They may even be able to divulge some insights into the deal that haven’t been made public yet.

We’re very flattered to have them join us. BDMI is very obviously keen to show everyone a good time, and what a great host they are! So, who are the 20 start-ups making waves in the start-up community? Meet the Teams: Compétition de startups à LeWeb. Difficile d’être passé à côté tant le plan marketing est bien exécuté : LeWeb 2011 arrive !

Compétition de startups à LeWeb

Il se déroulera du 7 au 9 décembre prochains à Paris, et ce sera la Mecque du petit monde tech durant les 3 jours, avec cette fois-ci le thème SoLoMo, pour Social, Local, Mobile. J’y serai pour ma part en tant que blogueur et vous relaterai donc ma vision de l’événement. Evidemment, j’y vais avec mon focus « startups », et ce sera bien de ce sujet-là que je traiterai. Et il faut dire que j’aurai du taff : entre les entrepreneurs à succès (Kevin Rose, Denis Crowley, Daniel Ek, Sean Parker, Fabrice Grinda… ), ceux sur la route du succès (trop nombreux pour être cités, mais le programme est ici) , les investisseurs (CrunchFund, Jeff Clavier, Accel Partners, Index Ventures, Eric Archambeau, Yossi Vardi, Sean Parker bis… ), le concours de startups, les copains que je vais croiser, et les autres blogueurs sur mon thème de prédilection… je ne vais pas m’ennuyer !

Start-Up 100: A-Z. Start in Paris. 10 European Startups To Watch in 2011. When you hear Silicon Valley discuss the European startup scene it’s often negatively.

10 European Startups To Watch in 2011

Some say that the investors aren’t brave enough, some say the entrepreneurs aren’t bold enough. Whether there’s any truth in these accusations or not, the fact is that there are startups across Europe that are brimming with original ideas and creativity. Following on from our 10 Exciting European Startups from 2010, here are 10 startups to look out for in 2011.

Pearltrees Visitors to the LeWeb conference last month couldn’t have failed to spot Pearltrees. Pearltrees makes organising groups of links to content incredibly easy. Recent additions to the service include real-time group collaboration and a touch-screen based interface which will be ported to the iPad soon. Planely The idea behind Planely is a certainly niche one, but the Danish startup could well be onto something that frequent air travellers will love. Geomium LikeOurselves Storific Datasift SuperMarmite Viewdle Screach Shutl. The London List – London startups exceeding $10m in annual revenues. Saul Klein is a partner at European VC firm Index Ventures, previously worked for Skype, co-founded Video Island and is founder of Seedcamp.

The London List – London startups exceeding $10m in annual revenues

In this guest post he responds to recent posts by TechCrunch US writer Paul Carr regarding the position of London as a startup hub. I’m singing in the rain Just singing in the rain What a glorious feelin’ I’m happy again I’m laughing at clouds So dark up above The sun’s in my heart And I’m ready for love - Lyrics Arthur Freed, music Nacio Herb Brown (dance moves Gene Kelly) It seems that it remains fashionable to knock the London startup community – especially if you’re a former resident. There is no question that London (and Europe) has a long way to go. But we really believe London has a lot to offer as world-class design & marketing, access to global markets and siginificant capital become more and more of a competitive advantage for ambitious companies. A good place to start might be Seedcamp London – you can still apply. So…. In the last 10 years: The Europas European Startup Awards 2010 – The Winners and Finalists.

The Europas, the European Startup Awards, were held last night in London.

The Europas European Startup Awards 2010 – The Winners and Finalists

It was the culmination of a month of online voting by the European tech startup industry for the finalists, where some 33,126 votes were cast across 23 categories, eight judges deliberated over the results and over 350 people paid to join the cream of Europe’s startups, VCs and entrepreneurs on the 31st story of stunning venue with amazing views over central London. A huge thanks to our awesome sponsors Moonfruit, Winston & Strawn / Bootlaw, Latitude, Fidelity Growth Partners Europe, TechHub and video streaming partner Newspepper. Here are the winners and finalists. PHOTOS: A selection of photos appears further below, and are also available here and on Facebook here). Winner of The Europas Grand Prix Moshi Monsters Moshi Monsters is a virtual world for children that allows users to adopt and care for their own pet monsters. Other Categories Best New Startup in 2010WINNERFlattr.

11 nouvelles startups entrent à l’incubateur HEC !