Crossover fanfiction
> Fanfictions
Harry Mewter Chapter 1: It Started In The Restroom, a Pokémon + Harry Potter Crossover fanfic. Disclaimer: What can I say?
I don't own it. Summary: Harry decides he wants to try Animagi, and persuades Hermione to help... this changes them... a lot. -- Chapter 1 : It Started In The Restroom -- Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had always been a strange, mysterious place; its very founding had been surrounded and impeded by secrets, arguments, and rivalries that had never quite died down. One of those very 'secrets', a nasty surprise left for the future by one of those very founders would, centuries later, come back to bite a certain student in the shoulder, quite literally as it turned out.
Harry Potter, however, had put a stop to that; though the animosity between Salazar's house and that of Godric Gryffindor would remain to the end of time, Harry had placed a final nail in the coffin of Salazar's mighty surprise. Which, of course, allowed Harry and his friends to go back to what they really ought to have always been: children.
The Promise of a New Dawn Chapter 1: Prologue, a Harry Potter + Lord of the Rings Crossover fanfic. A.N: I've returned to reading in the fandom of the Lord of the Rings after a few years of other interests and also delved into the Harry Potter crossovers.
This is my own attempt at one of those classic Harry-elfling fics. I know it's terribly cliché but… I love those! ^-^ Harry so deserves a second chance at a childhood. And Middle-Earth is just the place. Please review and let me know if it's worth the effort to write.
Concerning Wizards Chapter 1: Prologue, a Harry Potter + Lord of the Rings Crossover fanfic. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Harry Potter Series or affiliated books and movies.
I do not own the rights to The Lord of the Rings or affiliated books or movies. I am not making money off of this monstrosity of unoriginality. Here is my challenge to myself: A completed LotR/HP crossover where Harry does not end up with Legolas (actually..he won't end up with anybody in all probability, I don't have the patience to write about relationships) or he comes into middle-earth as an elf. Elves do not have all the fun. (pssst…if you find one or have written one, please tell me!) Prologue He had heard some fishy things about the after-life. His snort echoed through the stone ruins of what was the Ministry of Magic in another glorious lifetime. "How poetic"
Bae'que Chapter 1: To Be Judged, a Harry Potter + Lord of the Rings Crossover fanfic. Prologue— Five years and he was already dead.
Well, maybe that wasn't the right wording. He was finally, dead, finally. That was what he had longed for, was it not? Though the thoughts might sound slightly morbid for one young as he. But it was a relief. You see, this child wasn't like other five-year-olds.
Demon Team: Demon, Angel & Devils Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + Lord of the Rings Crossover fanfic. A Pale Hope Rises Chapter 1: Prologue, a Harry Potter + Lord of the Rings Crossover fanfic.
This is the disclaimer.
I do not own anything from Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, they are the property of JRR Tolkien and J K Rowling, this writing is purely for pleasure and I get no money out of this whatsoever, now that is out of the way on with the story! Prologue Harry watched as the form of Lord Voldemort crumpled to the ground, the light finally leaving the red eyes that had seen and commanded so much pain and cruelty.
Voldemort was dead, his task was done but Harry couldn't find any happiness within him, any will to celebrate. Around him death and destruction littered the hallways of what had once been a proud castle, now nothing more than a smoking ruin and a memory, the victim of Voldemort's last great assault. Hogwarts had held out until the bitter end. So many lay dead as Harry stumbled through the ruins looking for the faces of his friends. They had won, the gamble had paid off but there was nothing left in Harry but hollow emptiness.
But that strength was gone now.
The Immortal Hero Chapter 1: His Decision, a Harry Potter + Lord of the Rings Crossover fanfic. Hi everyone!
This is a rewrite of my story The Lost Elfling. I know that it's probably not what you were all hoping for but I have terrible writer's block for Harry Potter: Chosen One. So while I think about what's going to happen in the summer (as I know what I'm going to write once school starts up again) I decided to rewrite my first story as I've recieved a few reviews believing that the first one was a bit rushed.
Do if you could all read this and let me know whether this is a hopeless cause or not, I'd much appreciate it. Any hints for my other story would also be appreciated. So without further ado, I give you...
Is that a carrot in your pocket? Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + Lord of the Rings Crossover fanfic. Title: Is that a carrot in your pocket?
Author: dapper scavenger Type: FPS Pairing: Will be slash Rating: PG for now. Will likely increase later.
And In The Darkness Bind Them Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + Lord of the Rings Crossover fanfic. And in the Darkness Bind Them Arc One: Lord of the Rings Chapter One "—and then he just waved me off, as if it was nothing, can you believe that?!
" He sighed, leaning against the bar's counter as he halfheartedly heard the other man blabber on, drunkenly waving his keg of beer in the air to emphasize his words.
XMen meet the Potters Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + X-Men: The Movie Crossover fanfic. Disclaimer; I do not own either the Harry Potter series or characters neither do I own the X-Men series or characters.
A/N; So, this follows more along the line of the X-Men movie (the first one) and X-Men Origins; Wolverine. As for the Harry Potter world, I've only read up to the fifth book and simply know what happens in the sixth and seventh, so if I say something odd, do remember that this is a fanfic and my knowledge might not be as wide as other people's on these subjects.
Warnings; Slash, M-preg, Teenagers (can't live with 'em, can't survive without 'em), may contain gore and lemons later on. Chapter 1 Charles Xavier went to the doors to welcome the new parent that came to visit the school, a seven-year-old boy behind him and a little one less than a year old in his arms.
Mutant Storm Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + X-Men Crossover fanfic. Standard Disclaimer: "Threatened the readers about the ship.
Check," muttered Alyx. "Warned the canon nazis away. Check," she added.
Recruitment Options Chapter 1: Prologue: Meeting over Pancakes, a X-Men: The Movie + Avengers Crossover fanfic. AN: Credit goes to Marvel Comics, Marvel Studios, the writers of Iron Man (2008), and finally Clark Gregg himself for his wonderful portrayal of everyone's favorite SHIELD agent. With thanks to Forgotten Honor for beta'ing. Prologue Nothing said Americana like a 50's style diner set on a desert road addressed in the Middle of God-knows-where, Southwest United States. Nothing was also better for when a couple of government secret agents and colleagues wanted to hold their bi-weekly meetings to catch up on the events of their unique line of work, bounce ideas off one another, and come up with creative solutions to problems the average citizen couldn't even begin to dream of. Rose's Place fit that bill to a capital T. Jasper Stillwell, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and exactly one half of the people that attended these aforementioned meetings, sighed and ran a hand over his smooth head as he exited his burgundy company issued car.
"Mm. Jasper shrugged. Coulson sat his juice down with a sigh.
It's an Odd Coincidence Chapter 12: The Wolverine Unleashed, a Lord of the Rings + X-Men: The Movie Crossover fanfic. It's an Odd Coincidence Golgar: I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Here's the next chapter. Violet: Thank you for reading.
Wand and Shield Chapter 1: First Days, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic. Wand and Shield by Morta's Priest Chapter 1 - First Days There was nothing. He'd half expected it, of course: between the empty lot that had replaced the Leaky Cauldron in London and the impoverished family that had taken up residence in 12 Grimmauld Place, the Wizarding World was suddenly looking considerably different from how he remembered it.
Indeed, it looked very much as if it had never existed. Unfortunately, that proposition seemed to be correct. The Marauder's Map was quite an invention and had been helpful back in Hogwarts, all those years ago. "Well, that's the last of them, then," he muttered, stuffing the map back in his mokeskin pouch, glancing around warily for Muggles. This place: it was definitely not where he was born or raised. Standing here, among the ruins, he finally admitted what his research seemed to conclude: there was no Wizarding World.
Death's Companion Chapter 3, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic.
((Holy crap you guys are freaking amazing! Almost eighty reviews and more than four hundred follows already! Thank you, please review 3 )) From across the room, Bruce can feel Director Fury's gaze resting heavily on him making it feel as if an invisible weight was being slowly placed on his head.
Twofaced Riddle Chapter 7: Zero Displacement, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic. Agent Phil Coulson walked briskly through the yellowed hallway. He just remembered that he had a date with his cellist girlfriend. He couldn't believe that he had forgotten it and he only hoped that she wouldn't mind his tardiness. A call interrupted his thoughts. The guitar riff for Johnny River's Secret Agent Man played as his ringtone and echoed through the empty corridor.
Prince of Death Chapter 1: A Sister's Plea, a Harry Potter + Percy Jackson and the Olympians Crossover fanfic.
A Sister's Plea It was a few days after Petunia Dursley nee Evans' young nephew had came into her life. A few days since Petunia had received the news about her sister's demise at the hands of the most feared Lord Voldemort. Petunia hadn't seen Lily for many years unable to bear the fact that her sister had got everything she hadn't but she still cared for her younger and far more beautiful sister. And now to know she was dead. To know that Petunia could never mend the gulf between them that was entirely her own fault was hard. When young Harry had been sent to her Vernon had wanted to chuck him out onto the streets into an orphanage wherever he didn't care.
Finding Home Chapter 1: To Begin Anew, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic. Disclaimer: I do not own anything from both Harry Potter and Avengers… Summary: When Harry finally accepted the fact that he had stopped aging, ten years had passed and he knew it was time to leave.
AU. The general idea of the first two chapters are similar to that of criesofthefallen's Taking Chances. Check out their story if you have time; it's pretty good. Chapter 1 – To Begin Anew The war had left the Wizarding World in pieces and its eighteen-year-old Saviour even more so. After the war, Harry had quietly packed his things and found a small flat in Muggle London to move into. And gradually, the time between visits from people he knew became longer and longer, and Harry found that he didn't really mind.
Beyond Secrets, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic. Beyond Secrets Harry did not like bullies. He had a severe dislike of people who enjoyed making other people, weaker or more vulnerable then themselves, feel hurt, alone or frightened.
Child of the Storm Chapter 1: When Everything Changes, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic. So, I decided that this needed a bit of an overhaul because I rushed it first time round. For those who wonder why such an apparently fluffy/family fic where good conquers evil is rated T, the rating is for later chapters. The darkness really starts at about chapter 21, though it doesn't descend into a dark emofest. It just gets more serious. I am intentionally mimicking the Harry Potter books in that it gets darker and edgier as Harry gets older. And, conveniently, the start is set during Prisoner of Azkaban, when the series got dark and started playing for keeps.
It'll be canon compliant for the Harry Potter books up to a point – basic events will still happen, but there will be serious differences as Harry begins to change under the influence of the Avengers. It'll start movieverse for the Avengers, but more and more elements of the comics will sneak in over time. First off, the Wizarding World knows about the Avengers. I own nothing you recognise. Stand aside, you foolish girl! OoOoO. I See The Moon Chapter 1: Prologue: Radishes and Wrackspurts, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic.
AN: This is more or less a tester chapter, just to see if I can do anything with this damn plot bunny and see if it can go anywhere. Came about after having a chat with Sleeping Moon and seeing 'The Avengers' for the third time, and really, Bruce needs more love. As of now, it'll stay gen. I have no idea if I want to add a pairing or not.
Mortem Cantor Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic. Hi peoples! Just a reminder; tell me what pairings you want! And the more you review, the more I'll be inclined to write! I know most of you will read this page, then go and look at another fic, but I ask to all of you who RESPECT FANFICTION, to REVIEW! It really helps us authors!
Fly Chapter 4, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic. Part Four. Crestfallen Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic. Disclaimer: I'm not lucky enough to own either The Avengers or Harry Potter.
Crestfallen Chapter One When he appeared in the odd forest, with trees far larger than any tree had right to be, Harry took it all in stride, as he had done for most of his long life. The wizard who looked to be in his late teens, but in reality was far older than that, took a deep breath and pulled his wand from his pocket. "Point me; Great Britain.
" Sighing, he tried again. Shaking off the thoughts of the last time that had happened (and really, what use did giant carnivorous horse like animals with tusks have for the food chain?)
Steve And The Barkeep Chapter 1: Steve And The New Evening Routine, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic. Disclaimer: I don't own The Avengers, in either its comic or movie incarnations. If I did, well, FrostIron would be far from the fantasy that it is. Actually, Loki would probably make everyone his bitch, but that will sadly (probably) never happen.
Harry Potter and the Aftermath Chapter 1: Prologue, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic. Disclaimer: I own none of the characters in this story, they all belong to thier relevant creators Harry looked across the crowd before him. He stood before them on the shore of Hogwarts Lake, next to the memorial that bore the names of all those that had fallen in the war. A brilliant white, glowing orange in the setting sun, it was a testament to all those who'd given their lives battling against Voldemort.
Harry was watching their family and friends, all of whom were waiting for him to speak. He'd had a speech prepared, but the words seemed contrived now that he was actually standing in front of those meant to receive them. "The war is over.
Harry Potter and the Aftermath Chapter 1: Prologue, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic. Call it Home Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic. Oma's Choice Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + Stargate: Atlantis Crossover fanfic. Guardian Chapter 1: Prologue: Manchu Sabin Norard, a Stargate: SG-1 + Harry Potter Crossover fanfic. That Which Holds The Image Chapter 1, a Doctor Who + Harry Potter Crossover fanfic. My Experiment Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + Sherlock Crossover fanfic. Illusions of Grandeur Chapter 1: Prologue: Erit Nobis Pacisci, a Harry Potter + Supernatural Crossover fanfic.
Supernatural Magic Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + Supernatural Crossover fanfic.