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Assignment 2

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MEM30007A Select Materials. MEM30007A Select Common Engineering Materials (36 hr) Nominal Hours: 36 | Diploma/Adv Dip: Elective (Group 1 - Compulsory) | Competency Based Assessment Plan A: (One Semester: 18 weeks) Updated Feb 2013 Quiz = Computer Based Testing: Typically consists of practice mode (iTester) and assessment mode (Moodle).

MEM30007A Select Materials

Exam = Written test submitted on paper, all working shown neatly. *Where applicable. (CAUTION: This subject contains most of MEM30006A Stresses, so you should do both together) Assessment is a combination of multiple choice tests, written tests, and submitted reports (print/email). MEM30007A Select Materials. Materials Assignment 2. WIKI WIKI WA WA.

P1 Some resources mostly concerned with atomic structure

P4. M1. Steel. Steel is the most important engineering material.


The hardening of steel is very important. Lecture Videos. 1/3 What is a grain. 01_What_is_a_grain.wmv Download Sign in Caps lock is currently onSingle sign-on enabledor Log in with Dropbox credentials Sign up for Dropbox 18 hrs ago · 10.72 MB DownloadSave to my Dropbox Install Adobe Flash Player to view this video on the web.

1/3 What is a grain

2/3 Recrystalisation. 3/3 Heat Treatment of Steels.