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First things first - which cycles what mechanisms drive glacial periods ?

What's Really Warming the World? Climate deniers blame natural factors but NASA data proves otherwise - beautiful datavisualisations. Climate scientists tend not to report climate results in whole temperatures. Instead, they talk about how the annual temperature departs from an average, or baseline. They call these departures "anomalies. " They do this because temperature anomalies are more consistent in an area than absolute temperatures are. For example, the absolute temperature atop the Empire State Building may be different by several degrees than the absolute temperature at New York’s LaGuardia Airport.

But the differences from their own averages are likely to be about the same. The simulation results are aligned to the observations using the 1880-1910 average. US EPA - Can We Delay a Greenhouse Warming? the Effectiveness and Feasibility of Options to Slow a Build-Up of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere - sept 1983. Toerisme en luchtvaart maken Parijse doelen onhaalbaar. In het jaar 2100 vliegt de wereldbevolking negen keer zo veel kilometers als in 2015, en over dezelfde periode verdubbelt de gemiddelde reisafstand van alle toeristische reizen.

Toerisme en luchtvaart maken Parijse doelen onhaalbaar

De luchtvaart, voor 90% toerisme, ontkomt niet aan een sterke afname van de groei of zelfs geen groei, als we de klimaatdoelen willen halen. Dat zegt Paul Peeters, die op woensdag 15 november op dit onderwerp promoveert aan de TU Delft. Wusstet Ihr, dass der Klimawandel schon 1978 Thema war? Unser #ZDFretro heute ist ein 41 Jahre alter Ausschnitt aus der Sendung "Querschnitt" – und aktueller denn je.… The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes. Severn Cullis-Suzuki (@SevernSuzuki) Extinction Rebellion sur Twitter : "They ignored 12 year old @SevernSuzuki in 1992 so they might also ignore @GretaThunberg now. But we won't let them. #YouthStrike4Climate this Friday #FridaysForFuture #SchoolStrike #ClimateStrik.

International Youth Climate Movement / YOUNGO (@IYCM) Occupy Climate (@OccupyClimate) Here Comes Solar Energy. Wayback Machine. FridaysForFuture - Events / Map. Europe Climate Change Protests: Teenage Girls Organize Mass School Walkouts And Protests. Eric Lalmand / AFP / Getty Images LONDON — A huge student protest movement led almost exclusively by teenage girls and young women is sweeping Europe, and it's on the brink of breaking through in the US.

Europe Climate Change Protests: Teenage Girls Organize Mass School Walkouts And Protests

So far this year, tens of thousands of high school–age students in Belgium, Germany, and Sweden have boycotted class and protested against climate change. The loose movement’s inspiration, a 16-year-old girl who began a solitary picket last year outside the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm, has compared the protests to the March for Our Lives movement organized by the Parkland teens in the wake of a shooting at their school that left 17 dead. In the latest mass climate strikes, large crowds took to the streets in The Hague on Thursday, in the largest such protest in the Netherlands so far. The protests are injecting a new urgency into the debate around climate change, and calling attention to a lack of action by governments. Some of the most dramatic protests have come in Belgium. Something extraordinary is happening in Europe—and perhaps soon in America. Teen girls are leading a movement to stop climate change. Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg)

Hon klimatstrejkar utanför Riksdagshuset - Nyheterna - Melda Nahnfeldt (@melda_nahnfeldt) I just adore this human.… Schwarzenegger bjuder in klimatstrejkande 15-åringen Greta Thunberg till klimatmöte - Nyheterna - Nej, Greta Thunberg kämpar inte förgäves. Försöken att rädda klimatet är dömda att misslyckas, enligt Roy Scranton.

Nej, Greta Thunberg kämpar inte förgäves.

"Det här måste sägas", framhåller den Sverigeaktuelle klimatfilosofen. Med hänvisning till en mängd data menar han att det är för sent att göra någonting åt växthuseffekten. Och även om det skulle komma någon ny teknisk möjlighet, så saknas det politisk vilja att tillämpa den, resonerar Scranton i en TT-intervju. Ur hans nattsvarta synvinkel är det lika bra att ge upp. Följaktligen ser Scranton ingen mening med Greta Thunbergs uppmärksammade skolstrejk för klimatet. Men det gör många andra. Samtidigt anas tecken på att svenska konsumenter börjar ta större klimatansvar. Prognosmakarna på Handelns utredningsinstitut tycks ha träffat helt rätt när de – med hänvisning till ökande klimatomsorg – utsåg ett återvunnet plagg till årets julklapp 2018.

Därtill verkar uppmärksamheten kring utsläppen från flyget ha börjat påverka svenskarnas resvanor. Utsläppen från bilresor kan också trendmässigt minska. Greta Thunberg på klimatdemonstration i Helsingfors: ”Det är klart att det kan göra skillnad” - Nyheterna - SPIJBELEN: 15-jarige Zweedse houdt al twee weken schoolstaking voor klimaat. Time Magazine: Greta Thunberg - en av årets mest inflytelserika tonåringar - Nyheterna - Greta Thunberg "You are never too small to make a difference"

Why bother to learn anything in school if politicians won’t pay attention to the facts? #climate #klimat. Elevstrejker för klimatet sprids över hela världen - Nyheterna - Just uploaded a new instagram story of all the strikes I could find from the last week. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #SchoolStrike4Climate… Greta Thunberg Incorporated: The Exposé - ? PRIVATE SECURITY ? - HIGH CHANCE THAT SECURITY IS NOT PRIVATE BUT GOVERNEMENT. I went to Greta Thunberg's "school strike. We had only spoken once prior to this. Even though I was on the other side of the world, wearing a parka, and we hadn't spoken in months- Greta hadn't been asked a tough question since last seeing me. Greta recognized me because I ask tough questions. SAD.

Keean Bexte □□□□ (@TheRealKeean) / Twitter. YouTube. Friends of Science. Friends of Science (FoS) is a non-profit advocacy organization based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Friends of Science

The organization rejects the established scientific conclusion that humans are largely responsible for the currently observed global warming. Rather, they propose that "the Sun is the main direct and indirect driver of climate change," not human activity. They argued against the Kyoto Protocol.[1] The society was founded in 2002 and launched its website in October of that year.[2][3] They are largely funded by the fossil fuel industry.[4][5] Madhav Khandekar, Chris de Freitas, Tim Patterson and Sallie Baliunas act or acted as advisers to the Friends of Science with their work cited in Friends' publications. Douglas Leahey has been president since December, 2009.[6] History[edit] The first board of directors in 2002 included oil industry geologist and member of the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Arthur M. Position[edit] Friends of Science states:[29] Activism and education[edit] An open letter to Danish universities: Let us show the way towards a more ambitious climate agenda.

If we do not start a global transition to a greener society immediately the consequences will be catastrophic.

An open letter to Danish universities: Let us show the way towards a more ambitious climate agenda

(Photo: Shutterstock) On October 8, 2018 the UN’s panel on climate change, IPCC, published its latest report.


NL - The Netherlands. Youth For Climate NL (2019) vimeo. Silent Spring—I. Probably no aspect of the entire water-pollution problem is more disturbing than the threat of widespread contamination of ground water. Seldom if ever does nature operate in separate compartments, and she has not done so in distributing the earth’s water supply. As rain falls on the land, it seeps down through pores and cracks in soil and rock, penetrating deeper and deeper, until eventually it reaches a zone where all the pores of the bedrock are filled with water—a dark, subsurface sea, rising under hills, sinking beneath valleys. This ground water is always on the move, sometimes as slowly as fifty feet a year, sometimes as rapidly as nearly a tenth of a mile in a day.

It travels unseen until, here and there, it comes to the surface as a spring, or perhaps is tapped to feed a well. But mostly it contributes invisibly to streams, and so to rivers. Ziektes hebben klimaatmeisje de perfecte voedingsbodem gegeven.


France. Youth Climate Strike US (@climatestrikeUS) Haven Coleman (@havenruthie) Nadia Nazar (@nadiabaltimore) Jamie Margolin (@Jamie_Margolin) How teenage girls defied skeptics to build a new climate movement. A thick smudge of gold glitter on her right cheek belied the fact that Taylor, 17, has taken a leading role in organizing a protest that is expected to see hundreds of students walk out of class across the UK on Friday.

How teenage girls defied skeptics to build a new climate movement

The school walkout, called Youth Strike 4 Climate, is planned for more than 40 British towns and cities. Its aim, Taylor said, is to raise awareness of the threats of climate change. Everyone needs to watch this video of @SenFeinstein disparaging literal children from @SunriseMvmt calling on her to support @AOC and @SenMarkey’s Green New Deal. Sunrise Movement □ (@sunrisemvmt) Trump’s White House is setting up an ad hoc panel of #climatechange skeptics to counter the wide scientific consensus about man-made global warming. AYCC (@AYCC) Inspired by a Swede, Australian student Milou Albrecht strikes for climate action - Radio Sweden.

Why-we-re-striking-from-school-over-climate-change-inaction-20181031-p50d30. School Strike Follow Milou Albrecht 14 yo (right), Harriet O'Shea Carre 14 yo (centre),Nimowei Johnson 13 yo (right) ?? Harriet O'Shea @cymraes_fach ?? Jean□ (@jean_hinchliffe) Bill Ryan (@BillRyan1922) School Strike. Schoolstrike4climate. School Strike 4 Climate (@StrikeClimate) School Strike 4 Climate sur Twitter : "DAY 1 of our strike for #climate: School's out, there are important things to fight for, like a liveable planet! For a safe future we need to #StopAdani now. @ScottMorrisonMP @billshortenmp #auspol #climatestrike… ht.

"show me what democracy looks like! This is what democracy looks like!! #ClimateStrike… .@RobStokesMP on school climate rallies: School children on school days should be at school. You simply can’t strike if you don’t have a job. MORE #thekennyreport… New South Wales Education Minister Rob Stokes has warned students and teachers will be punished if they follow through on a climate rally during class time, scheduled for 15 March. Ende Gelände (@Ende__Gelaende) Luisa Neubauer (@Luisamneubauer) "Ihr seid doch gesteuert!" - sagen einige. So wird #FridaysForFuture finanziert @luisamneubauer… BUNDjugend Berlin sur Twitter : "Wir unterstützen #FridaysForFuture seit Beginn. Jetzt haben Vorstände von @bund_net & @BUNDjugend auch offiziell die Solidarität mit den #Klimastreik.

Erst sagen die Alten: Die Jungen sind unpolitisch. Doch wenn die Jungen dann politisch sind, dann ist es auch nicht Recht. #berlindirekt über #fridaysforfriday und @gretathunberg… Schulstreiks am Freitag: Mehrheit der Deutschen unterstützt Proteste. Die deutsche Jugend galt lange als politisch desinteressiert und unideologisch.

Schulstreiks am Freitag: Mehrheit der Deutschen unterstützt Proteste

Forscher attestierten den jungen Menschen, dass für sie vor allem der Spaß und der persönliche Erfolg zähle. Scientists for Future: Mehr als 700 Wissenschaftler unterstützen Schülerproteste. Die sogenannten Fridays-for-Future-Proteste erhalten einem Bericht zufolge Unterstützung aus der Wissenschaft.

Scientists for Future: Mehr als 700 Wissenschaftler unterstützen Schülerproteste

Mehr als 700 Forscherinnen und Forscher sowie Prominente unterschrieben eine Petition, in der sie Unterstützung für die demonstrierenden Schülerinnen und Schüler fordern, berichtet der Tagesspiegel. Sie soll am 12. März vorgestellt werden, wie die Initiative mit dem Namen Scientists for Future auf Twitter mitteilte. Scientists for Future: Mehr als 700 Wissenschaftler unterstützen Schülerproteste. Die sogenannten Fridays-for-Future-Proteste erhalten einem Bericht zufolge Unterstützung aus der Wissenschaft.

Scientists for Future: Mehr als 700 Wissenschaftler unterstützen Schülerproteste

Mehr als 700 Forscherinnen und Forscher sowie Prominente unterschrieben eine Petition, in der sie Unterstützung für die demonstrierenden Schülerinnen und Schüler fordern, berichtet der Tagesspiegel. Sie soll am 12. März vorgestellt werden, wie die Initiative mit dem Namen Scientists for Future auf Twitter mitteilte. Die Unterzeichnerinnen und Unterzeichner schreiben dem Bericht zufolge, die Anliegen der Schülerinnen und Schüler seien gut begründet. Die derzeitigen Maßnahmen zum Klima-, Arten-, Wald-, Meeres- und Bodenschutz reichten bei Weitem nicht aus.

Die jungen Menschen forderten zu Recht, dass sich die Gesellschaft auf Nachhaltigkeit ausrichte. Volker Quaschning sur Twitter : "Kürzlich waren wir noch 700 Wissenschaftler*innen, die #FridaysForFuture unterstützen, jetzt schon sehr viel mehr. Am 12.3. veröffentlichen wir unsere Stellungnahme, am 15.3. geht es auf die Demo. #Scientists4Future @scifo. Scientists for Future (@sciforfuture) Twitter. Vash4Change (@vanessadantes1) Wow! Tausende Leute beim ersten #FridaysForFuture in #Graz! #schülerstreik… #fridaysforfuture #b2202 @FFF_Berlin… Roope Kaaronen (@RoopeKaaronen) Roope Kaaronen sur Twitter : "The academic community in Finland, inspired by the UK support letter, collected over 1000 signatures in less than a week to support the #ClimateStrike movement! Who's next? #FridaysForFuture #schoolstrike4climate @GretaThunbe. 若者が週に1度学校を休み、政府などに地球温暖化対策の強化を求めるデモ #FridaysForFuture. Time to Panic. - Mr. Wallace-Wells is the author of the forthcoming “The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming.”

And unfortunately, as climate change has been dawning more fully into view over the past several decades, all the cognitive biases that push us toward complacency have been abetted by our storytelling about warming — by journalism defined by caution in describing the scale and speed of the threat. So what can we do? And by the way, who’s “we”? The size of the threat from climate change means that organization is necessary at every level — communities, states, nations and international agreements that coordinate action among them.

But most of us don’t live in the halls of the United Nations or the boardrooms in which the Paris climate agreement was negotiated. Instead we live in a consumer culture that tells us we can make our political mark on the world through where we shop, what we wear, how we eat. But conscious consumption is a cop-out, a neoliberal diversion from collective action, which is what is necessary. Economists' Statement on Carbon Dividends. Over 3,300 economists have now signed this statement on the carbon tax, making it the largest public declaration in the history of economics. Extinction Rebellion. International Rebellion. (2) International Rebellion. Our leaders have failed us.

(2) International Rebellion

This twisted system is killing us. It has us headed for extinction. It’s time to rebel. On April 15th we are calling for a full-scale Rebellion to demand decisive action from governments on climate change and ecological collapse. Join us as we engage in acts of non-violent civil disobedience against governments in capital cities around the world. Learn more about our demands and values here:www.Rebellion.Earth Under our current system, we are headed for disaster. Extinction Rebellion - Google My Maps.

Extinction Rebellion NL - Accueil. Twitter - co-initiator @NLRebellion (via RT Marjan Minnesma ) XR_Deutschland (@ExtinctionR_DE) Extinction Rebellion France (@XtinctionRebel) Paris for real , tomorrow □ #IlEstEncoreTemps. Gordon Freeman on Twitter: "Paris for real , tomorrow □ #IlEstEncoreTemps " Telegraaf - Klimaatdemonstranten krijgen betaald - Door Edwin Timmer en Marcel Vink. Op TMG websites en apps gebruiken TMG en derden cookies en vergelijkbare technieken (“cookies”) voor functionele en analytische doeleinden, om het mogelijk te maken content via social media te delen, om informatie te verzamelen over je surfgedrag en die informatie toe te voegen aan je klantprofiel en om ervoor te zorgen dat je voor jou relevante inhoud en advertenties te zien krijgt.

Klik hier voor een overzicht van deze doeleinden. Daarbij kunnen je gegevens ook gebruikt worden voor het koppelen van apparaten, offline gegevensvergelijking en om precieze geografische locatiegegevens te verwerken. TMG deelt de informatie die zij verkrijgt middels het gebruik van cookies, waaronder ook persoonsgegevens, in een samenwerkingsverband genaamd NLProfiel met Sanoma, DPG Media en RTL Nederland, om gezamenlijke groepsprofielen op te stellen. Egbert Born sur Twitter : "Vandaag interview gegeven over #ExtinctionRebellion aan @telegraaf journalist Edwin Timmer. Over de #klimaatcrisis. Nu zie ik dat hij niet weet wat citeren is. Edwin beschrijft dingen die ik niet gezegd heb. Jammer, onprofession.

Vk - Extinction Rebellion betaalt enkele vrijwilligers - en maken onderdeel uit van DPG Media. Onze sites gebruiken cookies en vergelijkbare technologieën (cookies) onder andere om u een optimale gebruikerservaring te bieden. Ook kunnen we hierdoor het gedrag van bezoekers vastleggen en analyseren en daardoor onze website verbeteren. Journalisten belemmerd in hun werk bij protest Extinction Rebellion. en maken onderdeel uit van DPG Media.