Quantum Diaries. Physics PhD students make a zombie movie at the Large Hadron Collider facility. Yeah, I mean anyone could go to IKEA and buy a set of desks and borrow their friends monitors for a couple of weeks filming.
I'll believe it's real when I see it! I personally know some of the film team. They are particle physics PhD students from several nations who spend some of each year working at CERN. The film is shot in the tunnels beneath the facility, but not as deep as the LHC beam-pipe itself. It's not a hoax. Actually, the computer screens are one of the few things that are *not* authentic in the film (compare ). From CERN to the White House, zombies are everywhere. Joss Whedon released a sproof political ad, endorsing Mitt Zombie.
(This image has been cropped and flipped) Credit: Joss Whedon Zombies. Sigh. I think it’s the fact that I need my stories to have a realistic explanation of events that I’ve always resisted zombie movies and TV shows. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for others to enjoy the unbridled creativity involved in purely imaginary scenarios. But even I can’t avoid the resurrection of the zombie. 'Decay' Chronicles CERN's Zombie Apocalypse. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN has inspired its fair share of doomsday scenarios and rumors of pending Apocalypse, mostly centering on the exceedingly far-fetched possibility of creating mini black holes that consume the universe.
Fortunately, that hysteria has been soundly debunked, along with fears relating to the end of the Mayan calendar next month. But wait: WHAT ABOUT THE ZOMBIES? Why has nobody warned us about the CERN zombies? PHOTOS: Top 5 Misconceptions About The LHC That’s the premise of a forthcoming independent horror film called Decay, set at the LHC and written, produced and directed by a pair of physics PhD students from the University of Manchester in England. They teamed with a third Manchester graduate student, Clara Nellist, to bring their artistic vision to life. Crew, who then start hunting down the living physicists — who, one imagines, must have very tasty brains, indeed. Zombies Have Invaded CERN. WIRED: Physics Students Make Zombie Movie deep within the bowels of CERN. Filmed on location at CERN, zombie movie Decay chronicles what happens when the Higgs boson turns out to have horrific side effects. Screengrab: Wired If you ever thought CERN would be a fun place to work you’d only be half right: The scientists who work there might be awesome, but the nuclear research center makes the perfect setting for a zombie apocalypse.
Forthcoming feature film Decay is set entirely at the Large Hadron Collider, with the massive lab serving as backdrop for a dire scenario in which zombies have been created by exposure to the recently discovered Higgs boson (so much for that whole “God Particle” thing). The concept evolved in 2010 after writer/director Luke Thompson , a Ph.D. physics student at the University of Manchester, was exploring the maintenance tunnels of the European Organization for Nuclear Research along with fellow student Hugo Day. WIRED: Exclusive: See Zombies Prowl CERN in Creepy Clip from Decay. The zombie apocalypse continues to run rampant in the world of pop culture, and in the new film Decay, made by physics students at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, it makes its way to the Large Hadron Collider, where zombies shamble into the tunnels of CERN following exposure to the Higgs boson particle.
Decay will be available for free Creative Commons-licensed download on Saturday from the film’s website, but writer/director Luke Thompson gave Wired an exclusive clip of the movie — complete with a walker stalking the grounds of the Large Hadron Collider — to hold you over until then. “The audience was laughing at the B-movie jokes and pseudo-science, gasping at the gory bits and genuinely screaming at the scary bits,” he said in an e-mail to Wired.
“Really the highest goal we had besides having fun was to make something people would honestly enjoy. I’m so, so proud of that, and I think everyone else is too.” Stimulate creativity it did. Des zombies dans le ventre du grand accélérateur du CERN. Le Monde.fr | • Mis à jour le | Par Hervé Morin (propos recueillis) Le boson de Higgs, cette particule découverte avec 99,9999 % de certitude par les physiciens du très grand accélérateur (Large Hadron Collider, LHC) du CERN, est censé expliquer pourquoi les choses ont une masse. Mais pour Luke Thompson (université de Manchester) et ses camarades étudiants en physique, cette particule et la machine qui a permis de la repérer sont une formidable matière à fantasme : c'est grâce à des collisions engendrées au cœur d'un tunnel de 27 kilomètres de circonférence, creusé à plus de 100 mètres de profondeur sous la frontière franco-suisse, que la fameuse particule à été détectée.
Zombies, Brains, and Tweets. Best viewed in full screen. In this video, HI researcher Brian Abelson discusses the development of a joint research project on the interplay of social media and live television. Twitter’s popularity as a forum for discussing and sharing media events as they unfold offers a valuable source of data for measuring engagement. But much of the marketing, advertising, and social science research in the field is bound by siloed methodologies.
So what does audience engagement mean in the age of social media? HI collaborated with neuroscientists at Columbia University and City College of New York to learn more. To do this, we worked with online analytics company Crimson Hexagon and Twitter to obtain and query all the Twitter activity referencing the show during its original airing in 2010—what turned out to be more than 19,000 tweets over 90 minutes.
We then took an innovative, design-centered approach to analyzing and combining the data from each of these sources. Univers: Recensie: Zombies gaan op aio-jacht. Recensie: Decay (Luke Thompson, 2012) Decay is een film die gratis te streamen en te downloaden is via internet; hartstikke leuk natuurlijk, maar stelt het nog wat voor? Laten we eerlijk zijn, een nieuwe horrorfilm die kosteloos wordt aangeboden, is met een aan zekerheid grenzende waarschijnlijkheid niet zo goed.
Persoonlijk hoopte ik op een wonder, maar hoewel de Kerst nadert, zat dat er niet in. Zombie al Cern! Film (non autorizzato) diventa un caso. Un film d'horreur crée un buzz sur internet. Le film, appelé Decay (Décomposition), a été produit sans l'autorisation du laboratoire, qui n'a cependant pas chercher à interdire sa diffusion sur internet. «Nous ne savions pas que ce tournage avait eu lieu, car il n'y a eu aucune demande d'autorisation», a indiqué à l'AFP une porte-parole du CERN, qui a confirmé l'information.
Le LHC (Grand collisionneur de hadrons), l'accélérateur de particules du CERN qui est à ce jour le plus puissant au monde, est au centre du film. La porte-parole a précisé que «les scènes ont été tournées dans les sous-sols du site genevois, mais évidemment pas dans le tunnel du collisionneur, qui est hautement sécurisé». ProfBrianCox : This is brilliant. Made by... Gore: Les zombies s'emparent du CERN - Gore Des chercheurs du CERN ont tourné un film d’horreur au nez et à la barbe du centre européen de recherche. Lancée ce week-end sur Internet, la fiction sanglante connaît un succès international. Signaler une erreur Vous avez vu une erreur? Merci de nous en informer. NewScietist: CultureLab: Zombie horror infests the Large Hadron Collider. Eloise Kohler, contributor Making a zombie horror film isn't rocket science but if Decay is anything to go by, it has a close link to particle physics.
Or at least Luke Thompson, writer and director of this new zombie flick, thinks so - the film was written, acted and produced by physics students at the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, which lies underground at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland. "The idea came from some of us exploring CERN. " Thompson explains. Reuters: CERN students make scientist fiction zombie film. Students fight for their lives as living and dead collide. LHC maintenance crew turn into zombies in film by Cern-based student.
Matthew Reisz reports The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva may have been the source of one of the most important scientific discoveries in recent years, but it now has an additional legacy - in the zombie movie genre. Decay was the brainchild of Luke Thompson, a PhD student who is often based at Cern - the European Organisation for Nuclear Research - as his thesis is about the upgrade of the collider.