Psychology, College of LAS, University of Illinois. Rappaport's interests span the broad domain of community psychology, a field he first conceptualized in 1977 with the publication of Community Psychology: Values, Research and Action (Holt, Rinehart and Winston) and most recently with the Handbook of Community Psychology (see list of publications).
Interests span multiple levels of analysis, including social policy. Empirical research has been concerned with alternatives to professional care, particularly for those who are outside the mainstream of economic and social power. Substantive topics include juvenile justice, prevention and empowerment, self and mutual help especially for people with a history of serious mental illness, and school consultation and community organization with attention to the education of poor and minority children.
Collaborative and qualitative research, empowerment and narrative theory, and identity in the context of personal and social change are some of the theories and methods applied to current work. Empowerment. Empowerment refers to increasing the economic, political, social, educational, gender, or spiritual strength of individuals and communities. Definitions[edit] The term covers a vast landscape of meanings, interpretations, definitions and disciplines ranging from psychology and philosophy to the highly commercialized self-help industry and motivational sciences.
"Marginalized" refers to the overt or covert trends within societies whereby those perceived as lacking desirable traits or deviating from the group norms tend to be excluded by wider society and ostracized as undesirables. Sometimes groups are marginalized by society at large, but governments are often unwitting or enthusiastic participants. This Act made it illegal to restrict access to schools and public places based on race. Empowerment. Julian Rappaport.