"Sherlock", la web-série gay qui va faire grincer des dents. Si, depuis des décennies, les fans du détective lui inventent de nouvelles aventures, leur passion n’a fait que croître depuis le lancement de Sherlock, la série de Steven Moffat et Mark Gatiss.
En quatre ans et trois saisons, Benedict Cumberbatch et Martin Freeman ont sublimé les rôles du célèbre détective et de son acolyte Watson. Stimulés par cette réussite, de nombreux aficionados se sont lancés dans l’écriture de fanfictions mettant en scène des histoires d’amour entre les deux personnages. Fanfiction et crowdfunding L’une des fanfictions les plus lues, A Finger Slip, est publié sur le site d’hébergement de texte Archive of Our Own.
Ecrite sous pseudonyme par une certaine Pawtal, elle est disponible en pas moins de 10 langues (français, japonais, polonais…). C’est naturellement vers le crowdfunding (du financement participatif) que Naomi Javor s’est tournée pour financer son projet. Machisme assumé “Pourquoi a-t-il encore un boulot ? Why does the man behind 'Doctor Who' and 'Sherlock' still have a job? Imagine a man who’s spent years describing women as “needy husband-hunters.”
A man whose consumer base has grown increasingly upset with his refusal to listen to criticism, lack of diversity, and that time he made fun of a high-profile woman in his industry for criticizing the way he runs his department. Surely he wouldn’t be allowed to keep his job, or at the very least, the higher-ups would tell him to watch his public image? But that man is Steven Moffat, the current showrunner of Doctor Who and co-creator of Sherlock. In Moffat’s universe, he gets rewarded, not punished, for his history of dismissive, problematic speech and writing.
He now presides over not one, but two of the most popular shows in the world. Clearly, Steven Moffat has a lot to be happy—or infuriatingly smug—about: Moffat is happy his wife is no longer the size of “a boat," because her pregnancy was a scary time in his life that left him “pretty frightened” and “disgusted.” a) dumb people b) amateur psychologists. Soaring Through Skies : Women in the 50th Anniversary Special. Whovian Feminism Reviews "The Day of the Doctor" 26 Reasons "Doctor Who" Fans Are The Best. Les Compagnes du Docteur (1) : indépendance et vie de couple. Lisez à vos risques et périls.
Le Docteur est un extraterrestre humanoïde, de la race des Seigneurs du Temps, qui voyage à travers l'espace et le temps dans une cabine de police bleue. Doctor Who est la série de science-fiction comptant le plus d'épisodes. Quoi de neuf docteur ? Docteur Who et M. Moffat. La série britannique Doctor Who décrit les aventures d’un extraterrestre (un seigneur du temps) qui voyage à travers l’espace et le temps accompagné de différents compagnons (en majorité des compagnes).
Le docteur est un pacifiste extrêmement intelligent et vieux de plusieurs millénaires. Il change régulièrement de corps et donc, d’interprète, au cours de « régénérations ». Countdown to Doctor Who: Moffat’s Women - The Women of The Library. For the previous Moffat’s Women piece, which is devoted to Sally Sparrow, CLICK HERE.
It’s as though every Doctor Who episode Moffat had written up until this point was all preparation for River Song. “Silence in the Library,” the first of a two-part story in Series 4, finds The Doctor and Donna mysteriously summoned to The Library, a planet-sized treasure trove of books and information.
As things start getting weird, an archaeological expedition joins them, led by the indomitable River Song, a woman who seems to have history with The Doctor, despite it not having happened yet. The group encounters the Vashta Nerada, a piranha-like species that hides in the shadows. In Part Two, “Forest of the Dead,” the entire group deals with intense loss, The Doctor and Donna are both tested, and River is prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice.
“Silence in the Library” and “Forest of the Dead” excel in female characterization, because it isn’t just that there’s one female character that shines. Doctor Her » Is Rose Tyler “fantastic” for our daughters? The excitement in our household was palpable in the Spring of 2005 when Doctor Who returned to the BBC.
My husband a life-long fan, me a fresh convert and our impressionable two-year old daughter—who we said had to watch it with us or go to bed. You always remember your first Doctor. In the case of my daughter Christopher Eccleston came and went too quickly. Her Doctor will always be David Tennant, though she has embraced Matt Smith’s Time Lord incarnation. Rose Tyler will always be her first companion.