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The Future of Sport Seminar. The Future of Australian Sport Full Report. The class of 2035 report. Future of sport | Sport. Deloitte’s Sports industry starting lineup 2017 | Deloitte US. Endnotes 1. Maury Brown, “Disney Buys $1B Stake In MLB’s MANTech, TO Launch ESPN Streaming Service,” Forbes, August 9, 2016, accessed December 2016. 2. Allasyn Lieneck, “Twitter, Pac-12 partner to live-stream more than 150 games,” Sports Illustrated, July 18, 2016, si.com/tech-media/2016/07/18/twitter-pac-12-sports-live-stream, accessed December 2016. 3. Cynthia Littleton, “WME/IMG Takes Bold Swing with $4 Billion UFC Acquisition,” Variety, July 11, 2016, accessed December 2016. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Future Trends | Sport and Recreation Alliance. Innovating to grow participation in sport and physical activity The Alliance’s latest research written in partnership with the Future Foundation – the world’s number one independent consumer trends and insight firm – explores the five key trends that every sport and recreation organisation must be aware of.
Featuring a mixture of real-life case studies and research, Future Trends forecasts five themes which they believe will become increasingly important to all of us in the sport and recreation sector. The five key trends are: The Quantified Self – The use of technology to collect, analyse and interpret data about movement and performance.Game on – The incorporation of playfulness into mainstream products, services and retail contexts.Healthy hedonism – The increasing expectation that healthy behaviours should be fun. Download the report below. 10 Sports Industry Trends for 2016. According to Dr. Lisa Neirotti of George Washington University, sports tourism is an $8-billion industry.
This niche market is enjoying unprecedented growth and accounts for 14% of all tourism. Membership of the National Association of Sports Commissions has steadily grown from 34 members at its inception in 1992, to a record 718 in 2014. The end does not appear in sight, but here are 10 trends we should keep our eye on that will impact the future of what the sports industry looks like: Trend #1 – Venue development. Trend #2 – Management structures are evolving. Trend #3 – Social media evolves. Trend #4 – Usage of volunteers. Trend #5 – Board governance. Trend #6 – Bid fees. Trend #7 – Third party housing.
Trend #8 – Enhanced fan and participant experiences. Trend #9 – Legacy projects. Trend #10 – Sponsors as partners. 2016 promises to be another good year for our industry. About the authors Gary Alexander is a principal with the Huddle Up Group. Summary Article Name Description Author. Five Trends Shaping the Future of Sports. During the second annual Stanford Graduate School of Business Sports Innovation Conference, leaders from all corners of the sports world gathered to share their insights on pushing the boundaries of the industry. From building winning traditions on the backbone of technology to harnessing the dynamics between fan and franchise, teams must have a thirst for innovation to compete — both on the field and in people’s hearts — in the 21st century. Here are a few of the trends that are shaping the future of sports, today.
Virtual Training is Becoming Reality Virtual training has always been more fantasy than reality in sports. Attempts to train football players with virtual reality, or VR, “has been going on for 20 years,” said Stanford head football coach David Shaw. “All of them have failed; all of them have been terrible.” But the team behind STRIVR Labs, a product of Stanford’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab, may have cracked the code. Harnessing Limitless Data Richard Heal. Our Futures report web without references. Health sub report our futures.
Pokemon Go: A glimpse at the future of technology and physical literacy - Active For Life | Active For Life. Pokemon is once again sweeping the world by storm. Pokemon Go is a free smartphone app that brings the fantasy world of Pokemon into our world. Just like some of us did on our GameBoys when we were kids, players roam the world in search of these colourful creatures in a quest to “catch ‘em all”. But this time, players aren’t engaging with a screen and using only their fingers and thumbs. The CBC has a good description of the craze, and what it amounts to is that players are getting out into the real world, using their feet and legs to walk or cycle their towns and cities, capturing Pokemon that might be around the corner, or in the next block. So how does Pokemon Go relate to physical literacy, and by extension our health and wellness? While it is a very new app (with a few hiccups, including safety and privacy concerns), Pokemon Go has, so far, been wildly popular.
More people have downloaded Pokemon Go than are using Instagram and Snapchat, and it’s approaching Twitter levels. Five World Wide Trends in Sport which you ignore at your peril. Having visited more than 30 countries in four continents in the past few years and spent time with sports leaders, coaches, athletes, sponsors, sports scientists, sports academics, sports medicine practitioners, sports administrators, government funding agencies and other sports professionals in many of the world’s leading sports systems,five world wide trends in society (and by extension in sport) have become very clear and are screaming so loud that they can no longer be ignored. Ignore them at your peril. Getting Sport into Perspective: First of all you have to get sport into perspective. Imagine the world and everything in it was a bucket of sand: that’s all the people, the money, the institutions, governments, buildings, resources….everything.
Sport is roughly a teaspoon of sand in the bucket. And we know, that if you look at sport as a whole across the entire world, the vast majority – over 80% – of that teaspoon is related to football (soccer). It’s different here: The “Big Five”: Jennie Price: Sport’s moment is now | Sport England. Sport can be a powerful force for good. Whether it's playing in a five-a-side football league every week, doing a gym session or going for a bike ride with your children, playing sport and getting active can improve your physical health and mental wellbeing.
It can enrich you personally, enhance your community and contribute to the economy. This was a key feature of the Government's new strategy for sport, Sporting Future Open in a new window, published in December 2015. With this firmly in mind, Sport England has developed its own new strategy Towards an Active Nation, published today. With more than one in four of us doing less than 30 minutes of physical activity a week and one in six deaths caused by inactivity at a cost to the economy of £7.4 billion a year, we are particularly interested in what we can do to get more people active. Changing behaviour We know this is no easy task. We have already used this approach with our This Girl Can campaign to great effect. Sporting Future ACCESSIBLE. Trends Issues and Risks. Futurology. Superdiversity has reached critical mass - it's New Zealand's future. Mai Chen looks at the challenges superdiversity poses New Zealand in the kick-off to a new Herald series New Zealand's defining issue through the coming decades will be, not diversity, but superdiversity.
This is especially evident in Auckland, where almost 50 per cent of the population is Maori, Asian and Pacific peoples; where 44 per cent were not born in New Zealand; and where there are over 200 ethnicities, and 160 languages spoken. By 2038, on Statistics NZ projections, 51 per cent of New Zealanders will be Asian, Maori and Pasifika, although 66 per cent will still identify as European due to New Zealanders with multiple ethnicities. New Zealand's superdiversity has reached a critical mass; never before has New Zealand had living here such a large number of people who were not born here.
READ MORE: Rainbow nation must prepare for change I am part of that demographic shift. We have all married kiwis. . - NZ Herald. The Future of New Zealand Sport | Synergia. New Zealand 2040 - Looking towards the future - The Pulse NZ. Who, or what, are you talking to today? Have you thought about the fact that your conversations are increasingly with a screen? Sure, there’s a person at the other end, but you’re talking to a screen, and it’s really normal. As time goes on, we’re going to be looking at more than screens; exactly what and when, we’re not totally sure. But in 2040, who knows? Your coffee chats could be replaced by holograms and drones.
What is New Zealand looking forward to? Mind control, new currencies, always available insights to drive smart decision making, drones, holograms, self-driving cars, remote working without negative impact, and so on. 3D printing is only starting to surface in to thoughts of early adopters, but as time progresses, it will revolutionise manufacturing, architecture, design and more. How do we know what’s coming? “We’ve still not managed to invent a crystal ball to see what the business world will look like in 25 years’ time.
. #2040thefuture. Future New Zealand - Massey University. The dawn of 5G telecommunications The roll-out of 5G, the fifth generation of wireless broadband technology, is just around the corner. But there are questions about the impact it will have on human health. The science of virtual reality Virtual reality is on the cusp of breaking through to a mainstream technology, but there's still a way to go before being in a virtual environment is a seamless experience. Reaching for the stars For the first time young Kiwis can see tangible prospects in the space industry; Associate Professor Johan Potgieter reckons New Zealand's future as a space nation looks bright. Secure housing for an ageing population There has been a general decline in home ownership among people in mid-life - and this is going to have a huge impact on people once they stop working.
Family violence: New Zealand’s dirty little secret Will the new Ministry of Vunerable Children, Oranga Tamariki, be enough to overturn this country's plague of child abuse? The gender (r)evolution. The Future of Sports. Mega Trends, Mega Announcements by the Minister for Sport, and a Mega Fast Special General Meeting! - Sport NSW. It was great to see so many NSW Sport leaders on Wednesday night at the Sport NSW networking event at WatervieW in Bicentennial Park. Leading Times in Changing Times Internationally acclaimed award-winning social researcher, futurist and best-selling author Mark McCrindle provided a fascinating insight into the mega, social, generational, cultural and technological trends impacting on the way we lead, deliver, communicate and engage in sport.
The diversity of our generations was put on display. We heard about our aging population and considered how activity can be maintained for life. Gen Z who come after Y, "speak a different dialect of the English language". Gen Z no longer ‘Googles,’ they rather watch than read so prefer ‘YouTube’. And what about the Alpha Generation or Generation Glass? So the question left to us now is, how do we engage these generations? Sport - batteries not required! Take to heart the big 4 R's to really make your sport thrive: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Sport NSW. McCrindle | Research Resources. Meet Alpha: The Next ‘Next Generation’ Photo For professional trend forecasters, a generation (as in Generation X, or Y) is less a collection of individuals than a commodity: to be processed into a manufactured unit, marketed and sold to clients. To get there first and define the next next generation is like staking a claim in a gold rush. Perhaps this explains why, even as most marketers and demographers are busy enough trying to wrap their heads around Generation Z, the postmillennial generation of teenagers and tweens, some forecasters are already trying to define the essence of the generation beyond. You know: toddlers, babies, the unborn. For years, Mark McCrindle, a generational researcher and corporate consultant in Australia, has been trying to get a sociocultural read on the post-Generation Z tidal wave of consumers, never mind that many of them are still in onesies, if they have even been born at all.
Here’s his take on the cohort, such as it is, in an interview conducted over email, and edited for space and clarity. Our Futures « 2014 « Papers « Expert Advice. Our Futures: Te Pae Tawhiti The Royal Society of New Zealand has undertaken a major review of the rapidly changing New Zealand population, and the implications of this for the economy, social cohesion, education, and health. Its purpose is to promote informed discussion of the implications of the 2013 New Zealand Census for understanding the changing nature of New Zealand society. Ko te pae tata, whakamaua, kia tīnā, Ko te pae tawhiti, whaia, kia tata – Secure the horizons that are close to hand and pursue the more distant horizons so that they may become close Our Futures panel chair Professor Gary Hawke FRSNZ explains the purpose and process of the report and shares some of the key findings.
Return to top Report summary Summary from Our Futures: Te Pae Tawhiti, The 2013 Census and New Zealand’s changing population Diversity Population change Tangata whenua Migration Households and families Regional variation Work. What comes after Generation Z? Introducing Generation Alpha. Gen Zeds are the most formally educated generation in Australian history – not only have they started their schooling younger, they are also projected to stay in it for longer. Whilst 1 in 10 of the Builders generation have a university degree, 1 in 5 Baby Boomers, 1 in 4 Generation Xers and 1 in 3 Gen Ys, it is projected that 1 in 2 Gen Zeds will be university educated.
With the increased focus on formal education and the increased time spent behind screens and on digital devices, it is unsurprising that they live largely indoors; after all, their parents place priority on homework, coaching and extra-curricular activities over a carefree childhood. These sedentary lifestyles are having an impact on our Gen Zeds – based on the current trends, it is projected that in 2027, when all Gen Z have reached adulthood, 77.9% of males and 61.2% of females will be overweight or obese.
The Zeds are up-ageing because they are growing up faster. Technology Timeline 1995 to 2014 Gen Alpha.