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Paradigm Research Group Portal. Imaginative Worlds Paranormal and Supernatural Forum. Best Alien & UFO Sites Directory. St. David's Ghost? From their website: St.

St. David's Ghost?

David's "Built upon the site of St. David's 6th century monastery, St. David's Cathedral has been a site of pilgrimage and worship for many hundreds of years and remains a church serving a living community. This community is represented not only by the people of the parish of St. David's but by all who find peace in this place of prayer and devotion. " St. This picture was taken very early afternoon (between noon and 1pm on February 22, 2006) on a Sony DCR-PC120E PAL (video/photo combination Handycam.) SS Watertown Ghosts. Toys 'R Us Ghost. A Toys 'R Us located in Sunnyvale, California was the scene of inexplicable events such as items falling off shelves, strange feelings by employees, cold spots and other strange paranormal happenings.

Toys 'R Us Ghost

The story made it's way to a television show called "That's Incredible" hosted by Fran Tarkenton, Kathy Lee Crosby and John Davidson. They contacted a local California psychic, Sylvia Brown and professional photographers to document a séance in the store. Using both infrared and high-speed film, a photographer from Alpha Labs took simultaneous pictures of the empty isle where Brown was attempting to contact the presence of Johnny Johnston, a young boy in love with a local girl. He bled to death after a farm accident and it's thought that his ghost now haunts the store's location.

Shadowy Figure. Myrtle's Plantation Ghost. Man With a Derby. I stumbled across your website through Google when trying to find answers to a question.

Man With a Derby

I have a ghost photograph taken back in 2004 in my hometown of Massillon, Ohio. I was taking some pictures of a local reservoir after driving by and thinking I could get some cool night pictures. I took six pictures to finish off a roll of Fuji 400 speed 35mm film with my Nikon 6006. Floating Head? This was just another ordinary picture of a computer work-station in a suburban home and nothing was noticed out of the ordinary until the film was developed.

Floating Head?

Clearly floating on the computer screen, which was turned off at the time, is a disembodied head which is definitely not someone in the background or the picture-taker herself. The photographer believes it to be the ghost of her deceased husband but he appears much younger than when he left this earth. Brown Palace Hotel. My wife and daughter were watching a Travel Channel special on haunted places in the US.

Brown Palace Hotel

The Brown Palace Hotel was one of the places that was documented on the program. We were going to Denver in June and my wife suggested that we check this place out. Well, me being skeptical and all said jokingly if we found the place maybe we could get a picture of an orb or something. When we arrived in Denver on June 19, 2005 I picked up a rental car and asked where this Hotel was and they said pointing down the street at some flags that that was it. Blackpool Waxworks Ghost. I took this photograph at the Blackpool waxworks UK 9th August.

Blackpool Waxworks Ghost

It clearly shows a face behind my husband. The strange thing is that the photo was taken at the coronation street exhibit (long running UK soap) it shows the face of who I think may be Ena Sharples who died in the 1980's and was one of the original main characters. Since researching her I found that she died in Blackpool and was buried there. I have since sent the photo to the waxworks they are very interested in it and say that there would be nothing that could cause this face, i.e..... Reflection etc... Pauline Brannigan. Japanese Graveyard Ghost. Shining Strand. Agate Cemetery near Trout Creek, Michigan.

Shining Strand

Taken by John Cachel, GRS Patron Member, in the late evening on July 4, 1998. There was no one in the cemetery and it was about a half mile from the main road. The shooting light seems to make a curve to turn around the large tombstone. 35mm film taken at 1/360th of a second. Ghost Research Society ( © 1998 Dale Kaczmarek. Graveyard Globe. A floating orb in Mt.

Graveyard Globe

Thabor Cemetery, northern Illinois. This picture was taken with a Polaroid camera at about 10pm and shows a small orb apparently floating just above the ground near an old marble monument. The camera was pointed away from the roadway and any reflective surfaces. We can't be 100% sure that this wasn't a natural phenomena such as a bug, insect or dust particle. 99.9% of orb photographs have natural explanations. Photo by Dale Kaczmarek, June 1998. Skeletal Image. This photograph was taken by Christophe DiCesare who was a student at Geneseo State University of New York in 1985.

Skeletal Image

The photograph was taken in Erie Hall Dorm, Room C2D1. The ghost was called "Tommy" by those who were involved, and it turned out, after much research was thought be to that of a young boy of the same name who had hung himself at the college several years earlier. Strange drafts were also felt by many in the room. One evening, the student was shocked to look up and see a very life-like apparition of a male youth wearing a striped rugby shirt, his head tilted to one side. Objects were very often moved and cold spots experienced. Ghost at Gettysburg. Confederate Ghost. This photograph was taken by a tourist visiting the Confederate cemetery near Carnton Mansion in Franklin, Tennessee.

Confederate Ghost

Nothing out of the ordinary was seen when the picture was taken however if you look to the upper right of the photograph, hovering in the trees appears to be a figure of man in uniform. Closer examination suggests him to be a Confederate soldier. Ghost Research Society ( © 2002 Dale Kaczmarek. All rights reserved. Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek. Fire in the Sky. This picture was taken on a warm Sunny afternoon in July 1980 at Three Valley Gap which is located 12 miles west of Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada. The woman and her sister were standing in the motel park with a steep mountain wall behind them. Ectoplasm. This photograph was taken with an old-styled Polaroid land camera in 1959 at a location on north Damen Ave. which no longer exists. It shows a real girl standing on the stairs and this strange mist-like substance which seems to be exuding from her stomach region and collecting along the entire stairway.

Some parts are translucent while others seem visually opaque. Monks in Hull House. A black and white infrared picture taken at Hull House in downtown Chicago, Illinois by Dale Kaczmarek in November of 1980. Swirling forms in the graveyard. Red Spectre in the forest. Shade in the grass. This photograph was by Jackie Rhame of Florian, Alabama during a visit to a Six Flags Great America Amusement Park in Arlington, Texas. Girl on the gravestone. Figure in the background. Faces in the window.