Sustainable Energy Infrastructure - SUSI Partners. The visitor explicitly confirms by selecting the acceptance box at the bottom of this Disclaimer to have read and understood this Disclaimer, and the Terms and to have understood that any services or products referred to on the web pages accessible by accepting this Disclaimer (“Protected Site”) may not be registered with and have not been approved by the FINMA and must not be offered or distributed to Non-Qualified investors in or from Switzerland.
The services or products discussed on the Protected Site are not subject to the supervision by the Swiss Federal Banking Commission and investors don’t benefit from the investor protection afforded by CISA. SUSI Partners AG does not sell or distribute any fund products. Interested Qualified Investors (within the meaning of Art. 10 Para. 3, 3bis and 3ter CISA) are kindly asked to contact the fund managers advised by SUSI Partners AG. SUSI Partners AG is not responsible for funds or fund managers advised by SUSI Partners AG. The Age of Sustainable Development. HOME - Ecological Footprint - Ecological Sustainability.
Promoting Sustainable Lives & Communities. PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Speech: Sustainability and reporting: Europe at the forefront. European Commission.
The Sustainability Umbrella. Company Information. Soil & Plant Health. Congratulations!
Nothing enhances your entertainment experience like a huge flat-panel TV. Sustainability_text. "Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation" is a free, open-source textbook available for viewing online or as a download for use on e-readers or printing.
First and second-year college students are introduced to this expanding new field, comprehensively exploring the essential concepts from every branch of knowledge – including engineering and the applied arts, natural and social sciences, and the humanities. As sustainability is a multi-disciplinary area of study, the text is the product of multiple authors drawn from the diverse faculty of the University of Illinois: each chapter is written by a recognized expert in the field. Designed for the new generation of e-readers, the book can also be viewed in a browser, saved as a pdf, or printed. To download a pdf: click here To down load an epub: click here To read the book in your browser: click here and use the table of contents on the left For more download options: click here Alternative pdf download source: click here 1.
Introduction to Sustainability. About the Course This course introduces the academic approach of Sustainability and explores how today’s human societies can endure in the face of global change, ecosystem degradation and resource limitations.
The course focuses on key knowledge areas of sustainability theory and practice, including population, ecosystems, global change, energy, agriculture, water, environmental economics and policy, ethics, and cultural history. This subject is of vital importance, seeking as it does to uncover the principles of the long-term welfare of all the peoples of the planet. As sustainability is a cross-disciplinary field of study, this foundation requires intellectual breadth: as I describe it in the class text, understanding our motivations requires the humanities, measuring the challenges of sustainability requires knowledge of the sciences (both natural and social), and building solutions requires technical insight into systems (such as provided by engineering, planning, and management). Sustainable Solutions Tour. Green Living Tips - - Your Trusted Source for Green and Eco-Friendly Products. - Instead of meeting with clients use your smart phones power and have some "face time" with them without leaving your office. - Use a bike for short trips.
It takes a certain amount of dedication to permanently give up a car in favor of a bike, but even an eco-slacker can make it work for short trips that don't require hauling a lot of stuff: picking up milk at the local grocery store, after-dinner ice cream at your favorite dessert spot, your morning yoga class, brunch with friends at the coffee shop. Ride your bike for trips shorter than 2 miles and you could cut your carbon footprint significantly, save money on gasoline and car maintenance, and increase your fitness level -- all at the same time. - If you have to make an appliance purchase, try to make sure it is Energy Star Rated to save on your bill and to help the planet use less resources to run everyday items. - Choose solar items instead of gas, electric powered items to run your household items.
Green Build TVGreen Build TV. Sustainable denim manufacturing process creates 'green' jeans. Like sausage, making denim jeans isn't pretty.
Some estimates suggest that producing one pair of jeans requires more than 2,500 gallons of water, nearly a pound of chemicals and vast amounts of energy. DSE-SUSTENTABILIDAD. Knowledge database. Action for a sustainable world. The Challenge of Rudolf Steiner - Trailer. Welcome to the Sustainable Business Leader Program! GlobeForum's Channel. Green News and Opinion on The Huffington Post.
Resilient People, Resilient Planet. The UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability has just released its final report (“Resilient People, Resilient Plant: a future worth choosing“).
The panel, which was chaired by Tarja Halmen, president of Finland, and Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa, took an appropriately broad view of sustainability, looking at measures of human development, as well as environmental and natural resource indicators. Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Mixed Bag. With this year’s United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development meeting – also known as “Rio+20” – fast approaching, Greenpeace senior political advisor Pat Lerner takes an in-depth look at the UNSG’s High Level Panel report on Global Sustainability "Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A future worth choosing": It had been billed ahead of time as “a second Brundtland Report [1]”, designed to be visionary and describe a future 20 years from now, “a future worth choosing.”
Its mandate was clearly recognized: “efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other social and economic targets are hampered by the inability to agree on decisive and coordinated action in national and multilateral fora.” Yet in the end the politicians did what they always do – they kicked the tough issues down the road for someone else to deal with and bowed to what they thought could get agreed.
No wonder there’s a leadership vacuum. on Sustainable Devt.pdf. International Journal of Sustainable Development, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Sustainability...Your Competitive Advantage. International Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD) United Nations Sustainable Development. Green & Sustainable Business News. (eco3p) Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields. Sustainability is cost efficient. EARTH CHALLENGE. Virgin Unite - The non-profit foundation of the Virgin group. Hello, we’re Virgin Unite, the non-profit foundation of the Virgin Group.
We unite great people and entrepreneurial ideas, reinventing how we live and work to help make people’s lives better. We believe business can and must be a force for good in the world – and that this is also good for business! How do we do it? First up, we incubate new approaches to leadership such as The Elders, Carbon War Room and The B Team and lead the debate, amplifying Richard’s voice on issues that are important to the world. Secondly, we support entrepreneurs around the world as they launch and grow businesses, creating jobs and opportunities. Global Forum on Environment on Eco-Innovation. Documents and Background papers | Related links | Presentations This Forum organised by the OECD took place on 4-5 November 2009 in the OECD Conference Centre, Paris, France.
The Forum had three related objectives: Objectives Take stock of what we know on policies to support eco-innovation (based on work done at the OECD and elsewhere); Discuss policy challenges. Four main policy challenges have been identified so far: - How to make environment and innovation policies mutually supportive? Background. Expert Group members. Martin Charter is the Director of The Centre for Sustainable Design ( at University for the Creative Arts (UCA) and a former Visiting Professor of Sustainable Product Design at UCA before joining full-time. Since 1988, he has worked at director level in 'business and environment' issues in consultancy, leisure, publishing, training, events and research. Prior to this he held in a range of management positions in strategy, research and marketing in gardening, construction, trade exhibitions, financial services and consultancy including Save & Prosper Group, Reed International, Creative Marketing Group and Kiveton Park (Holdings) Ltd.
Martin was the launch Director of Greenleaf Publishing, Marketing Director at the Earth Centre, former co-ordinator of one the UK's first green business clubs, more recently he ran a regional network on green electronics ( and currently he directs a network focused on eco-innovation ( Laboratories for the 21st Century (Labs21): Home Page. Green Planet Monitor. Global Green USA. Forum Attendee List.pdf. Integrating Water Infrastructure in a New Paradigm for Sustainable, Resilient Communities.