Merkel: ne le laissez pas trumper la planète. Tropical diseases are moving north, and the poor are the ones getting sick. Ocean Conservancy. The Arctic is experiencing serious environmental changes—as temperatures rise, the sea ice is declining rapidly.
As the ice decreases, the Arctic becomes more accessible and ship traffic will increase. Increased vessel traffic in the Arctic means a higher risk of oil pollution. Climate Change Threatens Klamath Forest Regeneration After Wildfires. The gorgeous and biodiverse Klamath region of the Western United States could soon become a victim of climate change.
Most of those beautiful trees might one day disappear. That’s the disturbing conclusion of a new study conducted by scientists from the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and the University of Virginia. The Klamath Mountains ecoregion, which extends from southwestern Oregon to northern California, is home to 29 distinct species of conifer trees and a variety of other unique plants found nowhere else. It’s a rich, vibrant area that many consider to be a national treasure. So what’s the problem? Higher global temperatures due to climate change can cause areas like the Klamath Region to tend toward drought conditions. It’s time for cities to treat climate change like a public health crisis. Urban Canadians are feeling the impact of climate change.
Flooding in Quebec this spring damaged nearly 1,900 homes in 126 municipalities, causing widespread psychological distress. Summer heatwaves are predicted to become more frequent and severe each year, putting more people at risk of injury and death. Vancouver and Toronto are working to manage these risks. Most Canadian cities need to work harder to include climate change in public health planning.
The Climate Change Adaptation Research Group at McGill University looks at how climate change is impacting human society, and what solutions we can design to protect ourselves. Cities must also focus on the most vulnerable groups (such as low-income households and older adults) and emphasize the participation of citizens and the community in planning for climate change impacts. Climate health risks in urban Canada. En 2100, les trois-quarts de l'humanité pourraient mourir à cause de vagues de chaleur.
Des chercheurs viennent de faire un constat accablant : si l'augmentation de l'émission de CO2 n'est pas stoppée, les trois-quarts de la planète pourraient être exposés à des vagues de chaleur mortelles d’ici 2100.
Ce début de période estivale est placé sous le signe de la chaleur. After 3 hot years, reefs can finally chill a little. Two years ago, a paper came out arguing that America could cheaply power itself on wind, water, and solar energy alone.
It was a big deal. Policy makers began relying on the study. A nonprofit launched to make the vision a reality. Celebrities got on board. We named the lead author of the study, Stanford University professor Mark Jacobson, one of our Grist 50. Great Plains wildfires used to be rare. Not anymore. The Great Plains had long been spared the agony of frequent wildfires — until recent years.
A satellite analysis published by scientists this week showed the number of large wildfires burning up swaths of the Great Plains rose 350 percent during 30 years, while the total area burned each year increased fourfold. “There haven’t really been very many large wildfires in the Great Plains — until recently,” said Victoria Donovan, a PhD candidate at the University of Nebraska who led the analysis, published Friday in Geophysical Research Letters. A variety of factors are thought to be behind the wildfires, including warming caused by fossil fuel pollution, growing populations and the expansions of cities and towns, invasions by fire-prone weeds, and the aftereffects of a century of firefighting, which allowed flammable trees and dry grass to build up in wilderness and rural areas. In Phoenix, it’s too hot for planes to take off. An intense heatwave is crippling the West this week, sending the mercury above 120 degrees F in places like Phoenix.
In a sign of just how hot things are getting, some airlines have had to cancel flights because of the heat. American Airlines said it canceled 50 flights out of Phoenix Sky Harbor aboard Bombardier CRJ aircraft on Tuesday because the planes can’t operate above 118 degrees F. Heatwaves are intimately tied to climate change as rising background temperatures make them more intense and common.
The latest batch of heat will cook an area from northern California to western Texas, a region home to some seven of the 10 fastest-warming cities in the country. Temperature records have already fallen across California and heat will build throughout the week. West Coast shores are bathed in ocean acidification “hot spots”
Hot spots of ocean acidification have been found in the waters that wash onto the shores of the West Coast, a major concern for the region’s billion-dollar fishing industry as well as the region’s potentially fragile coastal ecosystems.
UNESCO : Protégez la culture, pas l'industrie du charbon ! - 350. Hawaii now has a state law supporting the Paris Agreement’s climate goals. In a new report, Grist 50-er Liz Specht identifies the obstacles that prevent earth-friendly meat from taking over the world.
If meat stopped coming from cows and was instead grown in the lab, she argues, it would slash meat production’s environmental footprint. Here are 3 ways you can push for clean energy in your state. In a new report, Grist 50-er Liz Specht identifies the obstacles that prevent earth-friendly meat from taking over the world.
If meat stopped coming from cows and was instead grown in the lab, she argues, it would slash meat production’s environmental footprint. So, Specht and her colleagues at the Good Food Institute hope to midwife the birth of a new clean-meat industry. Climat : Parlement européen vs Trump. Présidents des groupes du Parlement européen (Conservateurs, Démocrates-Chrétiens, Alliance des Démocrates et des Libéraux, Gauche unitaire européenne, Verts, etc.) Dans le monde de Donald Trump, l'Europe a la responsabilité de conduire le changement et de s'engager pour le climat ! Dans la perspective du vote sur la répartition de l'effort climatique, nous vous demandons d'accéder à la demande des citoyens européens pour la mise en place de véritables mesures contre le changement climatique et l'adoption d'objectifs ambitieux de réduction des émissions et étendus pour les états membres de l'Union européenne.
Les Etats-Unis et la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique et pour la protection de la planète par Louis SAISI - IdeeSaisies. Les Etats-Unis et la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique et pour la protection de la planète Le retrait annoncé le 1er juin 2017 par le Président des Etats-Unis de l’accord international de la COP 21 signé à Paris le 12 décembre 2015, même s’il est actionné par D.
These states, cities, and companies are going to support the Paris Agreement without Trump. In seemingly choreographed lockstep with President Trump’s revelation that the U.S. would exit the Paris Agreement, the Environmental Protection Agency announced on Thursday a buyout program to begin the process of cutting its staffing levels. According to an internal memo from Acting Deputy Administrator Mike Flynn (not that Mike Flynn), the EPA’s offer encourages “voluntary separations” that would cause “minimal disruption to the workforce.”
The workforce was plenty disrupted, however, by the budget proffered earlier this year by the Trump administration. It basically suggests taking a blowtorch to the agency — proposing a 31 percent budget cut and the elimination of 3,200 out of the EPA’s 15,000 jobs. The proposed buyout will cost $12 million, and will first have to be approved by the Office of Management and Budget. Retrait des États-Unis de l’Accord de Paris : une faveur pour le reste du monde. Le scénario n’est pas irréaliste, considérant le nombre élevé de climatosceptiques placés à des postes-clefs de l’administration américaine et qui n’ont eu de cesse de dénigrer, ces derniers mois, les politiques de réduction des gaz à effet de serre (GES) ou les budgets investis dans les recherches sur le climat.
Certes, il y a le risque qu’un retrait des États-Unis incite d’autres pays à faire de même. Mais la majorité des pays de la planète reconnaissent ouvertement la menace des changements climatiques. 5 Reasons Leaving The Paris Agreement Is A Terrible Decision. In 2015, nations came together to make a concrete plan on how to counter climate change. Now, President Donald Trump just announced that the United States will renege on its promise. Here’s why Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement is pointless and destructive to the environment, the U.S. economy and human rights. 1. The U.S. has contributed more carbon pollution, over time, than any other nation.
A crucial crack in an Antarctic ice sheet grew 11 miles in only 6 days. Requiem pour une planète en surchauffe. Ocean Conservancy. We’re literally losing sleep over climate change.