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Hand Embroidery

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Take a Stitch Tuesday. This week’s stitch for Take a Stitch Tuesday was herringbone. Here are a few of my samples: This was the simplest of the pages I stitched, as I tried to see what I could do with no more than the basic stitch. I started out with the basic herringbone, then add some horizontal and/or vertical stitches were the threads crossed. I did the same with the double herringbone however I played a bit with size and weight of thread. On the next sample I wanted to explore the various ways in which weaving could be used in conjunction with this stitch. On the third sample I wanted to explore what could be done with beads (and only beads). On my fourth sample, I wanted to explore the effect of combining various techniques (weaving, beading, and extra stitching). This sample remains incomplete as I wish to add to it in the future as time permits, but it is a basic exploration of couching and stitching down objects.

Thanks for the challenge, Sharon! Sublime Stitching - Welcome. Crossed fly stitch filling » Sarah's Hand Embroidery Tutorials. French Knot Monograms (Plus one more embroidery) - NEEDLEWORK. I made these monograms for my husband and myself (Joseph and Alyssa)! I would love to frame them in something like this ( but can't seem to find a similar frame for a reasonable price.

If anyone has any ides, please let me know! I'd love to put them on/above our bedside tables I put them in wooden hoops (I haven't cut the excess fabric, just tucked it behind), but since we're moving in a few weeks I didn't want to put new holes in the wall to hang them. So they're folded again and sitting around waiting for a frame! Really easy--just a lot of french knots.

I made the "c" for an art swap with a friend. One more embroidery: The phrase doesn't really make sense, I know! I COMPLETELY ripped this design off of someone! The grass is DMC 94, a variegated green. Carina's Craftblog: Free patterns. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. Hand Embroidery Patterns.