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Astonishing photos of New York Harbour in the 1970s reveal man's former dumping grounds. By Nina Golgowski.

Astonishing photos of New York Harbour in the 1970s reveal man's former dumping grounds

Jamestown Settlers Were Cannibals and More Reasons the Colony Was Hell. Advocates of the pseudo-scientific, secularized version of creationism love debates, because they give the appearance of two equal sides.

Jamestown Settlers Were Cannibals and More Reasons the Colony Was Hell

Here’s what it’s like to participate in one. Debating anti-evolutionists is something of a fool’s errand, which makes me something of a fool, especially if you read the reviews of my recent debate with America’s leading intelligent design “theorist.” Debates are curious events. They masquerade as intellectual contests, but are really just showcases for rhetorical cleverness and public charisma. The Commanches: The truth Johnny Depp wanted to hide. Comanche Indians were responsible for one of the most brutal slaughters in the history of the Wild WestHowever, Johnny Depp wants to play Tonto in a more sympathetic light By Jonathan Foreman Published: 22:29 GMT, 18 August 2013 | Updated: 14:37 GMT, 23 August 2013 Tribal myth: The Lone Ranger starring Johnny Depp as Tonto The 16-year-old girl’s once-beautiful face was grotesque.

The Commanches: The truth Johnny Depp wanted to hide

American Industrial History

American Social History. American Immigration. The American Civil War. Vietnam War. 18th-century American Women. American history. 125 photographic views of Chicago in the order ... All Timelines. Iconic Abraham Lincoln portrait revealed to be TWO pictures stitched together. By Lee Moran Updated: 16:01 GMT, 28 February 2012 Here's the proof that photo fakery is nothing new.

Iconic Abraham Lincoln portrait revealed to be TWO pictures stitched together

These days magazine 'artists' can indulge every whim of the vainest covergirls, but pictures involving celebrities have been modified for many a long year. Take this 150-year-old portrait of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, in which he looks every bit the all-American hero. Collections, Travel, and Great Writing On History. American Treasures of the Library of Congress. Archiving Early America: Primary Source Material from 18th Century America. Check that President Abraham Lincoln wrote the day before he was killed is discovered in bank vault. By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 02:53 GMT, 15 January 2012 A personal check that Abraham Lincoln wrote the day before he was assassinated is among those that were rediscovered by an Ohio bank.

Check that President Abraham Lincoln wrote the day before he was killed is discovered in bank vault

The Plain Dealer in Cleveland reports that 70 checks were found in a vault at Huntington Bank's Columbus headquarters, including checks signed by George Washington, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens and Thomas Edison. Some are being displayed at branches throughout the state. The Lincoln check had been made out to 'self' for $800. The check written by President Abraham Lincoln to himself from the First National Bank for $800 one day before he was assassinated The checks had been stored in a vault since at least 1983, when Huntington took over another bank, the Associated Press reports. Columbus and Columbia : a pictorial history of ...

History of the American Indian. Native Americans in the United States are the indigenous peoples in North America within the boundaries of the present-day continental United States, Alaska, and the island state of Hawaii.

History of the American Indian

They are composed of numerous, distinct Native American tribes and ethnic groups, many of which survive as intact political communities. The terms used to refer to Native Americans have been controversial. According to a 1995 U.S. Census Bureau set of home interviews, most of the respondents with an expressed preference refer to themselves as American Indians (or simply Indians), and this term has been adopted by major newspapers and some academic groups; however, this term does not typically include Native Hawaiians or certain Alaskan Natives, such as Aleut, Yup'ik, or Inuit peoples. Horses to horsepower. King's photographic views of New York. One hundred photographic views of Chicago .. Photographic views of Tampa Bay hotel, Tampa, F...

Prosperity and Thrift: The Coolidge Era and the Consumer Economy, 1921-1929. Shepp's photographs of the world : ... collecte... The 1960s United States. Top Sites for the 1960s United States. United States Historical Maps. From Martha to Michelle: The changing faces (and fashions) of America's 43 First Ladies. By Louise Boyle Published: 03:21 GMT, 25 June 2012 | Updated: 23:26 GMT, 25 June 2012 From shy and retiring homemakers to sophisticated party throwers and those whose political opinions mattered deeply to their presidential husbands, these are the 43 women who share the title of First Lady of the United States.

From Martha to Michelle: The changing faces (and fashions) of America's 43 First Ladies

Each has taken a unique approach to a role that is left much for the woman herself to define. While current First Lady Michelle Obama and predecessors such as Jacqueline Kennedy and Eleanor Roosevelt have taken on roles very much in the public domain, others have shied away. Abigail Fillmore, wife of President Millard spent her days hidden away in the White House Library arranging the collection while President John Tyler's wife Letitia was so shy she spent her time focused on domestic duties. Martha Washington: She was widowed for her first husband at 25 and left to raise four children. War Records for American Wars. Pictures of New York skyline from 1876 show how it has been transformed with skyscrapers. Dockyards from the early 1900s are gone as financial district gives rise to skyscrapers Word Trade Centre visible in 1988 replaced by Freedom Tower in 2013 for 9/11 victims By Rick Dewsbury.

Pictures of New York skyline from 1876 show how it has been transformed with skyscrapers