Low-impact Living: shelter. Interesting Homes/Architects. Earthbag Homes. Heat/Energy production. Prefab/Modular Homes. Build Green Canada. Straw Bale Construction. Rammed Earth. House Kits. Earthship biotecture. Manitoba Earthship. We plan to build our off the grid home in the 2012 and 2013 building seasons.
Our home of choice a Global Model Earthship, a sustainable home that provides everything we will need to collect our own water, grow our own food, heat our home, and generate our own energy; this non-conventional housing solution is new to Manitoba but not new to the world. Earthships have been designed and redesigned for over 40 years. As there are no building companies experienced in Manitoba for this type of build with the assistance of a project team we intend to independently manage the build in phases. The Purpose (Mission) These are the targets we want to meet.