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La Boite Verte sur Twitter : "Humour de geek religieux... Please Listen to Me - Save Me. Why Women Date Assholes [VIDEO] SciencePorn : It's called "reading." That's... 15 Rape Jokes That Work. Lindy West, Jessica Valenti, and Jonnie Marbles have already written everything I would have to say, and quite a bit more, about the latest Daniel Tosh rape joke controversy.

15 Rape Jokes That Work

So here’s what I have to add to the conversation: an even longer list (including some mentioned by Lindy, Jessica, and Jonnie) of rape jokes that work as jokes–which is to say, A) they’re constructed so that rape victims are not the butt of the joke, and B) they made me laugh. Emphasis on the “me” there. Not everyone’s going to agree, and some people are going to think I’m a bad feminist, which, what else is new.

But I want to be able to link to this post in the future, when this happens again–because it always does–and hordes of young men start screaming–because they always do–that feminists are trying to take all the funny out of comedy AGAIN. I am a feminist. 1. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our pussies were detachable? 2. 3. 4. I was raped by a doctor, which is so bittersweet for a Jewish girl. 5. Hello! 6. 7. 8. 'Get your arse out, mate': we turn the tables on everyday sexism – video. The official Dilbert website with Scott Adams' color comic strips, animation, mashups and more!

xI9TNfR.jpg (599×382) R9PV1et.png (518×605) Sexy NSA Commercial With Sasha Grey from Sasha Grey, Ryan Perez, Funny Or Die, Brian Lane, Chris Poole, Parker Seaman, Barats and Bereta, Melissa Gould McNeely, and BoTown Sound. 8 Animal-Based Sex Positions Other Than Doggy Style - CollegeHumor Article - Pale Moon. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Pale Moon. <map name="admap71632" id="admap71632"><area href=" shape="rect" coords="0,0,728,90" title="" alt="" target="_blank" /></map><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:728px;border-style:none;background-color:#ffffff;"><tr><td><img src=" style="width:728px;height:90px;border-style:none;" usemap="#admap71632" alt="" /></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#ffffff;" colspan="1"><center><a style="font-size:10px;color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;font-family:Tahoma, verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;text-transform: none;letter-spacing:normal;text-shadow:none;white-space:normal;word-spacing:normal;" href=" target="_blank">Ads by Project Wonderful!

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Pale Moon

Your ad here, right now: $0</a></center></td></tr></table> Archives Contact Forum Store! April 04, 2013 Oh yes. Discuss this comic in the forum April 03, 2013. Yiddish Curses for Republican Jews.


The Ten Twitter Commandments [VIDEO] Creepy Or What? [VIDEO] Dcigs: Stuff That Pisses Me Off! [VIDEO] Dcigs: "Casey Anthony Freed? BULLCRAP!!!" [VIDEO] Black Man Loves DBZ [VIDEO] Very Funny Pepsi Commercial. EPIC BALL PUMP PRANK - part 2. Angry Black Man On Call of Duty [VIDEO] Black Man Angry at Angry Birds [VIDEO] Black Man Angry At the Heatwave! [VIDEO] Just For Laugh- Top 10 funny pranks. Kuang Kuang and the 38th parallel. Here is another episode of Kuang Kuang’s Diary, featuring Kuang Kuang, the primary school boy with a permanent bloody nose, and his girlfriend Xiao Hong.

Kuang Kuang and the 38th parallel

This episode is called The 38th Parallel, a reference to the border between North and South Korea. In Chinese primary schools in the 1970s and 1980s, boys and girls who shared a desk would often draw a line down the middle of the desk and call it the 38th Parallel, meaning it was not to be crossed. The 38th Parallel is presented here for the first time with English subtitles. Kuang Kuang and the 38th Parallel Uploaded to Danwei’s Youtube account with the permission of the creators. More on Kuang Kuang On Danwei:Blowing up the school, Rabbit Rampage and Director Pi San on his Year of the Rabbit animation. On Hutoon’s web, pages on Tudou, Youku or Sina. North Korea: Witness to Transformation. It’s August and we’re in Hawaii and it’s the weekend.

North Korea: Witness to Transformation

Who wants to write blogposts? Here are some more North Korea jokes courtesy of Nambuk story via Ask a Korean. The last time we did this, Jinho Yim took us to task responding “Poking fun at the regime would have been funny. Poking fun at the hardship of folks who have very little control over their fate, not so much.” Ask a Korean! News: North Korean Jokes.

In addition to incredibly insightful posts on North Korea, Mr.

Ask a Korean! News: North Korean Jokes

Joo Seong-Ha at also puts up hilarious North Korean jokes. Here is a translated selection. A: There is a new power plant in Hamheung-si. B: No, I'm just coming back from there, but I didn't see a power plant. Comedy. Edika. ‪Elie Kakou - Le Marseillais‬‏ Nothing Will Be All Right › Everything is going to be bad and you should stop trying. The New Adventures of Stephen Fry. San Valentín dispara las ventas de viagra · ELPAÍ El día de San Valentín, celebrado por los enamorados en todo el mundo con bombones, flores y poesía amateur, también es la mejor temporada para las prescripciones de fármacos para la erección masculina, principalmente las pastillas de Viagra del gigante Pfizer.

San Valentín dispara las ventas de viagra · ELPAÍ

En su sección diaria Chart of the Day, la agencia Bloomberg muestra como las prescripciones semanales de los dos principales productos que hay en el mercado para la impotencia, Viagra y Cialis (de Eli Lilly & Co), se disparan a sus máximos anuales en los días previos al 14 de febrero, según las cifras de distribución de las farmacias estadounidenses. La disfunción eréctil afecta a 30 millones de hombres en EE UU, de acuerdo a los datos del Nacional Institutes of Health. PÉCHÉ - Une nonne expulsée pour excès de Web - Big Browser - Blog Ma Zone Contrôlée…VA MAL! » Visite du site de Marcoule , en bande dessinée… I must not copy what I see on the Simpsons.

Humor related to language

Humor pix. Humour relatif à la Chine. Angry Alien Productions: 30-Second Bunnies Theatre and other cartoons. The Idiots Have Won The War. Das Fest Des Huhnes 1/6. National Flags Never Tasted This Good. Armchair Generalist: WikiLeaks in 1945. The 6 Most Ingenious Misuses of Military Hardware.

War is serious business.

The 6 Most Ingenious Misuses of Military Hardware

Life-and-death stuff. Brutal, bloody and unrelenting. But who says it can't also be fun?! Whether it's fryin' up some bacon, going sledding, or just taking the gang out for ice cream, here are six ingenious uses of combat equipment that prove a little war is no excuse to go without a party. Using Fighter Planes to Make Ice Cream Nothing has been more responsible for machine gun noises made with the mouth than toy World War II-era fighter planes. "Remember, John: If you have to bail, take the soft serve with you.

Wait, what? Yep: You can make ice cream with a plane. Tea Heated by Machine Gun If you need an introduction to the concept of machine guns, our good friend Rambo would like to undertake that courtesy on our behalf. This is Why People Should Learn Statistics [Cartoon] Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. March 16, 2011 Going crazy before flying out to Chicago tomorrow!

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

You're all gonna come see me at C2E2, right? Progressive Cartoons: Liberal Cartoons. London Underground strike: the web's best jokes. Still life: Bent objects » Article », Digital Journalism. UPDATE: The Return of Bent Objects Wires transform these objects from inanimate to hilarious works of art.

Still life: Bent objects » Article », Digital Journalism

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" Les cons "

Erreurs. Making fun of politicians - Rire des politiques. Un peu pour rire... Humoristes sketchs vidéos. Facebook. Ma Zone Contrôlée…VA MAL! » Haro sur les pots en entreprise… Il faut boire avec modération qui dise !

Ma Zone Contrôlée…VA MAL! » Haro sur les pots en entreprise…

Mais c’est qui modération ? Nous avons lu sur le site cet article surprenant sur les pots en. Bienvenue DTC. Insolite. Chuck Norris Facts - Firefox. The Zimmers - Firestarter. BEST EPIC FAILS EVER!!! - Clipta Video Search. Richard Gotainer. Humour, blagues, textes humoristiques - Shiretoko. Conférence : humour soviétique. Cette courte conférence, prononcée (virtuellement) à une autre occasion, convient parfaitement dans le cadre de ce site afin de diversifier les sujets qui y sont abordés. C'est pourquoi je me suis permis de copier sans scrupule le texte sur mes propres données afin de le mettre à la disposition de mes nombreux lecteurs, s'ils le souhaitent.

Décor : imaginer une salle de conférence rectangulaire à Irkoutsk, dans le plus pur style stalinien, pleine à craquer. Attention, shopper. Girlology: Lesson 1. When A Guy Does Something Wrong. Chers voisins. Humour. DESSINS DE PRESSE -Chappatte. Les Indégivrables. 1er Degré, le journal sans papier. - émissions - Infrarouge. The Yes Men. The New York Times - Breaking News, World News &amp; Multimedia. By Stéphane Guillon Generator™