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THE KHAZARIAN EMPIRE. The Khazars were a Pagan civilization, and in a short period in history ,became the largest and most powerful kingdom in Europe, and possibly the wealthiest also.


They brought with them their religious worship that was a mix of phallic worship and other forms of idolatrous worship practiced in Asia by other Pagan nations. This form of Pagan worship continued into the seventh century with vile forms of sexual excesses and lewdness indulged in by the Khazars as part of their religious beliefs. This form of worship produced to a large degree a moral degeneracy that the Khazarian King could no longer endure. In the seventh century King Bulan, ( the ruler at that time ), decided to end the practice of Phallic worship and all other forms of idolatrous worship and to make one of three monotheistic religions,( which he new very little about ) the new Khazarian state religion.

Jews of our era fall into two main categories the Ashkenazim Jew (common), whom in 1960 numbered around 11 million. Khazars. KHAZARS, a national group of general Turkic type, independent and sovereign in Eastern Europe between the seventh and tenth centuries C.E.


During part of this time the leading Khazars professed Judaism. The name is frequently pronounced with an a-vowel, as in the Greek Χάξαροι and Arabic Khazar (Ḥazar), but there are traces of a different pronunciation in Hebrew (Kuzari, pl. Kuzarim), Greek (Χότξιροι), and Chinese (Kʿo-sa). The name has been explained as having derived from Turkish qazmak ("to wander," "nomadize (?)

"), or from quz ("side of mountain exposed to the north"). The Origin of the Khazars The Khazars, of Turkic stock, originally nomadic, reached the Volga-Caucasus region from farther east at some time not easily determinable. In the time of Procopius (sixth century) the region immediately north of the Caucasus was held by the Sabirs, who are referred to by Jordanes as one of the two great branches of the Huns (Getica, ed. - History of Jewish Khazars, Khazar Turk, Khazarian Jews. In search of the Khazars, the Middle Ages rulers of the Caucasus. The shared genetic heritage of Jews and Palestinians. The Times recently carried this unusual report on an Israeli Jew (Tsvi Misinai, a retired computer expert) who's hoping to prove that Palestinians are descended from Jews.

The shared genetic heritage of Jews and Palestinians

Apparently, he thinks that proving this will help to stop the bloodshed. His idea is that modern Jews are descended from emigration in the first few centuries of the Christian era. The Jews who stayed put in Palestine converted to Islam, and became Palestinian Arabs. There's hope that genetic tests might be able to prove this. Well, there is good news and bad news on that score. The good news is that the genetics of Arabs and Jews have been pretty extensively researched. What they revealed was that Arabs and Jews are essentially a single population, and that Palestinians are slap bang in the middle of the different Jewish populations (as shown in this figure). Another team, lead by Almut Nebel at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, took a closer look in 2001. So that's the good news. And the bad news? M. M THOMAS (2002). Table of Nations by Tim Osterholm.

Obama & Romney Are Related! Genealogy Infographic- GenealogyBank Blog. In time for the 2012 election countdown, I recently did some genealogy research to learn more about the background of both President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, and guess what—they’re related!

Obama & Romney Are Related! Genealogy Infographic- GenealogyBank Blog

What’s more: they’re also related to several former U.S. presidents, English kings, outlaws and celebrities. This is really huge! So huge in fact that our team at GenealogyBank decided to create this Infographic to show many of these surprising genealogical findings. Click the image for the even bigger full-size Infographic version. Obama & Romney Are Related? Yes. Several U.S. The 2012 presidential candidates not only share a royal ancestor, they also have many distant cousins-in-common.

Obama and Romney’s U.S. president distant cousins-in-common include: James Madison – 4th President of the United States William Harrison – 9th President of the United States Zachary Taylor – 12th President of the United States Ulysses S. Early American Presidential Roots. Were Thomas Jefferson's Ancestors Muslim? House of Tudor Family Tree.