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Economic impact

Social- Census. National Center for Environmental Health. One-Stop Shop for Environmental Public Health Data This Web site provides a reference list of nationally funded data systems that have a relationship to environmental public health.

National Center for Environmental Health

This list is not meant to be a comprehensive inventory. Rather, it highlights the major data systems with a national scope where public health and environmental data can be directly downloaded from the Internet.


Air Program. You are here: EPA Home Region 7 Air Program EPA Air Program Offices Region 7 State, Local and Tribal Programs Other Useful Air Links Statutes & Rules Databases Policy & Guidance Publications Region 7 works with state, local, and tribal agencies, industry and the public to ensure the Heartland region has healthy air to breathe.

Air Program

Air quality. Finding Public Information on Chemicals. Announcements On February 22, 2013, EPA made publicly available health and safety information from almost 300 TSCA cases bringing the number of cases in which formerly confidential chemical identities have been declassified to nearly 800.

Finding Public Information on Chemicals

Read more. EPA and other federal and international agencies maintain a variety of sites where you can find information on: Whether and how chemicals are regulated What chemicals are in your community What EPA and other agencies know about the health and environmental effects of specific chemicals In September 2009, EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson committed to strengthen EPA's current chemical management program. Chemical Information Sources: CDR - This database includes non-confidential information on the manufacture (including import), process and use of chemicals reported under the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule.

TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory to get a list of each chemical substance that is manufactured or processed in the United States. Government & Tribal Nations. Healthy Schools. Seeking Grant Proposals EPA is now accepting proposals for the 2014-2015 Environmental Education (EE) Grants Program.

Healthy Schools

EE Model Grants deadline is Feb. 2, 2015. EE Local Grants deadline is March 6, 2015. Learn more. Protecting Children's Environmental Health. National Center for Health Statistics. Data & Statistics. ATSDR Home.

Envirofacts. Community Action for Environmental Public Health. National Clean Diesel Campaign. National Clean Diesel Campaign EPA’s National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC) promotes clean air strategies by working with manufacturers, fleet operators, air quality professionals, environmental and community organizations, and state and local officials to reduce diesel emissions.

National Clean Diesel Campaign

As a result of EPA regulations, diesel engines manufactured today are cleaner than ever. Recent diesel rulemakings have focused on light- and heavy-duty highway vehicles, nonroad diesel equipment, locomotive and marine engines, and large ocean-going vessels. Reducing Emissions From Existing Diesel Engines Because diesel engines can operate for 20 to 30 years, millions of older, dirtier diesel engines are still in use. Clean Diesel Funding As part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (551 pp, 1.3MB), the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) authorizes funding of up to $100 million annually for FY2012 through FY2016 to help fleet owners reduce diesel emissions.

Our Nation's Air - Status and Trends through 2008. Center for Disease Control. FastStats - State and Territorial Data. Databases. Fact Sheets Index. Children's Health. Our Children Protecting children, our youngest and most sensitive citizens, from environmental health risks is fundamental to EPA's mission of protecting human health and the environment.

Children's Health

It is essential that children have clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, safe food to eat, and a healthy environment in which to learn, grow and thrive. Children grow best in such environments. Children may be more vulnerable to some environmental risks than adults for several reasons: Compared to adults, children proportionately eat more food, drink more fluids, and breathe more air than adults. Major Environmental Concerns These are the most common concerns for children in Region 7: Clean School Bus Program. The goal of Clean School Bus USA is to reduce both children's exposure to diesel exhaust and the amount of air pollution created by diesel school buses.

Clean School Bus Program

Iowa Efforts (Clean School Bus grants) The School Administrators of Iowa office has received a two-year $250,000 Clean School Bus Grant. It will be used to retrofit school buses with pollution reduction equipment (oxidation catalysts) and to help fuel the fleets of school buses in urban areas and eastern Iowa with cleaner burning soy diesel fuel made in Iowa. The grant will also fund clean engine replacements. (Testing and Maintenance) Iowa buses also undergo opacity testing for purposes of targeted maintenance. Kansas Efforts (Anti-Idling) Wyandotte County, Kansas, which is in the Kansas City ozone maintenance area, currently has an anti-idling law in effect for school buses. Citizens. FOIA - Freedom of Information Act. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) gives you the right to request information from federal agencies.

FOIA - Freedom of Information Act

From FOIAonline you can submit FOIA requests to all participating agencies, track the status of requests, search for requests submitted by others, access previously released records, and generate agency-specific FOIA processing reports. FOIAonline participating agencies include: The Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Commerce (except the US Patent and Trademark Office), U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of General Counsel of the National Archives and Records Administration, Merit Systems Protection Board, Federal Labor Relations Authority, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, Department of the Navy. New: As of October 1, 2014, the General Services Administration and the Small Business Administration have joined FOIAonline as participating agencies.

Note: Privacy Act requests must be sent directly to the appropriate agency. Sustainable Skylines - Kansas City. What is it?

Sustainable Skylines - Kansas City

Sustainable Skylines is a locally-led, EPA-supported, public-private partnership to reduce air emissions and promote sustainability in urban environments. Greater Kansas City was chosen as one of the first pilot communities to implement the Sustainable Skylines program. What will it do for Kansas City? Sustainable Skylines will provide a flexible framework for stakeholders to choose projects for implementation over the next three years.

Those projects will: