Don't take, make! Summary: Today's geo-enabled Web relies on a host of technologies and processes, notably mashups.
But according to authors Giuseppe Conti, Raffaele De Amicis, Federico Prandi (all from Graphitech) and Paul Watson (from 1Spatial), those are just a stepping stone to future technologies and processes that will enable a spatio-temporal Internet of Places using the growing mass of unstructured data resources on the Web. How will we design products for the Internet of Things? As revolutionary as the mobile ecosystem is, it’s the interactions of more-intelligent connected devices with people outside the context of phones or computers that will drive more innovation, says Mark Rolston, the chief creative officer at Frog Design.
Rolston, speaking at the Mobile Future Forward conference on Monday in Seattle described a future where devices become more contextually aware, thanks to embedded and connected sensors. Instead of thinking about the buttons on a phone or a laptop, manufacturers and designers need to think about what will happen when computers are embedded in everything and connected all the time. Instead of computing’s being confined in a box on a desk or in the hand, computers will be everywhere, pulling data from a variety of places. In fact, user interaction might be a very minimal part of the overall design. IBM open-sources ‘Internet of Things’ protocol. Infrastructure innovation (credit: Ericsson) IBM announced it is joining with Italy-based hardware architecture firm Eurotech in donating a complete draft protocol for asynchronous inter-device communication to the Eclipse Foundation, ReadWriteWeb reports.
A projected 24 billion simultaneous devices — sending billions of messages per hour — including RFID tags on shipping crates, heart rate monitors, GPS devices, smartphone firmware, automobile maintenance systems, and even earrings may become more socially active than any teenager presently alive by the year 2020. Gerd Kortuem - Internet of Things, Human-Centered Computing, Future of Web. Internet of Things and Prospects - IOT: Internet of Things / Internet of Things.
La valeur économique de tout objet est définie selon 2 critères : "rareté" et "utilité" (2).
Aujourd’hui, afin de traiter le problème posé par la "rareté" d'un objet qui nous est "utile" (3), nous l'achetons (en prenons possession) pour l’avoir en permanence à notre disposition et disposer de la garantie de pouvoir l’utiliser à n'importe quel moment, ce même si l’usage en est occasionnel. Nous payons ainsi un prix pour avoir les objets "sous la main" car il nous est difficile d'en prévoir à l'avance l'usage : nos besoins n'étant pas toujours anticipés et les conditions de partage des objets qui y répondent étant compliquées à mettre en œuvre (problème d'organisation), nous nous garantissons individuellement – avec la propriété - un accès permanent aux ressources qui nous sont utiles.
Or, dans les approches les plus crédibles de l’Internet des objets, il est proposé d'attribuer de l’intelligence logicielle associée aux objets. The Daily Internet of Things. Creative Industries - IoT Guest Post No. 6: Interview with Fjord's Helen Le Voi - Articles - Technology Strategy Board. The Internet of Things - this is where we're going. Innovation and the ‘Internet of Things’ Innovation and the ‘Internet of Things’ Posted on Mon, Oct 24, 2011 Last week the Financial Times ran a great article, ’Welcome to the ‘Internet of Things’, by Chris Curran, leader of technology strategy and innovation for PwC.
The Internet of Things refers to a fast-growing and seemingly infinite eco-system of embedded devices in computers, cars, smartphones, appliances, - even clothing, books and toys – all connected to the Web and all producing data about who we are, where we are, and what we are doing. For example: A modern car may have as many as 200 sensors, measuring everything from engine performance to tire pressure.
The Internet of Things delivers a ‘connected life’ with immediate access to data, media, communities and communications across a broad range of devices. The Internet of Things on — Viewser. When the stream of media forming our consciousness is indistinguishable from the stream of consciousness forming our most enlightened media we will have arrived at a distinctly new place in human evolution. – (2010) The popular concept of the internet is that it is a place for people to connect with the world – to search for information, keep in touch with other people, and buy things.
Miraculous, instantaneous, world-wide human interaction. Facilitated by devices small enough to put in your pocket. Creative Industries - Internet of Things 4.5m Competition Live Webinar - Recording & Slides - Articles - Technology Strategy Board. Ben Bashford - Notebook of Things. New Article: “Internet of Things: Services and Applications Categorization” « INFOdocket. April 14, 2014 LJ INFOdocket Information Industry News and Resources from Gary Price.
What does an internet of things business look like? Mirko Presser: IOT Comic Book. The Internet of Things to Come: elements of a ubiquitous computing innovation ecosystem (GigaOM presentation) - Orange Cone. I was again honored to be asked to speak at GigaOM Mobilize this year. Last year I spoke about service avatars, but when GigaOM's Surj Patel asked me to talk about the future of the Internet of Things, I was somewhat stymied. Looking over what happened since last year, I haven't seen many major technological or commercial events that point in any particular direction (except the acquisition of Pachube, which is more validation of the value of open M2M communication than a trend in itself).
However, when I thought about it, I saw that there was a trend. The social web of things – a social network for your devices. Welcome to Thinking Ahead.
We’ve brought together the best in tomorrow’s technology, the latest research into what consumers all around the world want, and leading experts’ insights into the future of the Networked Society. Ericsson ConsumerLab Find out what consumers want. Ericsson ConsumerLab interviews 100,000 individuals in more than 40 countries and 10 megacities every year to find out what the world thinks about ICT products and services. Get the latest reports revealing the trends, expectations and desires that are shaping the market and the globe. Go to ConsumerLab Technology Insights See tomorrow’s technology today. Go to Technology Insights Networked Society Blog. The top of strategic technology to keep in mind for your business. With the new year coming up fast and as we all draw a thankful breath that there is some form of holiday in sight, you would do well as a brand to keep an eye on what's going to be big in digital strategy next year to keep ahead of the game.
Mobile tablets: Companies can expect to be dealing with their clients via diverse forms of media next year. Using multiple form factors for your marketing campaign is in your best interest if you want to remain relevant to your client. Due to the interactive nature of mobile technology especially in the form of mobile tablets like the iPad, it would be wise to develop two types of mobile strategies for your consumer that will address them in a business to employee scenario as well as in a business to consumer scenario.
Including both directions will allow your brand to consider social goals, business goals, financial goals, and risk management goals. Council Interview with Sally Applin. Sally A.
Applin is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK, in the Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing (CSAC), where she is researching the impact of technology on culture, and the consequent inverse: specifically the reifications of Virtual Space in Personal Space. At Kent, Sally is developing the framework and descriptive theory of PolySocial Reality (PoSR) with Dr. Michael D. Fischer. The many opportunities and challenges of the Internet of Things « Digital Agenda for Europe Blog. — Posted by Gérald Santucci, DG INFSO, Head of unit: Networked Enterprise and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) On the 26th of October 2011, the Polish Presidency of the EU will host a conference on the Internet of Things at Poznań University of Technology during Future Internet Week.
This is an important milestone in Europe's commitment to sustainable economic growth and better quality of life for citizens. Towards Abundant Do-it-Yourself (DiY) Service Creativity in the Int... User experienceresearch@prle. Suggestions for renaming 'the internet of things' - Rapid City Geek Culture. The internet has gone through many changes since the beginning. Currently it is undergoing the beginning of true convergence with the real world around us, turning on lights and such on our phones, to embedding stuff in our stuff to help us do things like help us drive our cars better, and making sure we get in trouble for being parked longer than we paid for at the meter.
Connecting material, spatial and cultural practices. Some people find the naming of things to be incidental, uninteresting or even irrelevant, but from a sociological perspective the struggle to find the "right" name is critical to understanding people's interests, concerns and claims over domains of knowledge and practice. (For example, to declare the name of something an issue that needs correction, or as a problem to be solved, can be seen as the first step in what have called a sociology of translation--the successful result of which comprises an " as contested domains of knowledge and practice, so I was really interested in a conversation I followed on Twitter this morning.
Now, it's actually pretty hard to sequentially represent a Twitter conversation between several people so the transcription below only approximates how it unfolded in real-time. Plus, there were participants whose Twitter accounts are not public, and so not included here. Tomorrow's "Internet of Things": What's it all about? - business value & ICT - Telecommunications - Green IT - Orange Business Live blog. The Mobile City » Blog Archive » Why The Economist is wrong about ‘the internet of hype’ Some weeks ago The Economist published an article about ‘the internet of things’, with the provocative title ‘The internet of hype‘. The journalist, (nick)named [?] Schumpeter, was invited to attend the corporate event Fundación de la Innovación in Madrid.
2020 Predictions -Model for Future Innovations. The Next Boom in Mobile Devices Is the Car. SAN DIEGO — Cars, one of the great mobile devices to begin with, are about to get connected to the Internet like never before. The Internet of Things from the user’s perspective. The Internet of Things – this is where we're going. The many opportunities and challenges of the Internet of Things « Digital Agenda for Europe Blog.