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Palestine under the British mandate

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Palestine Center - Recommendations of the King-Crane Commission On Syria and Palestine. Recommendations of the King-Crane Commission on Syria and Palestine 28 August 1919 At the meeting of the Big Four on 20 March 1919 (Doc. 22) President Wilson proposed that an Inter-Allied Commission visit Syria “to elucidate the state of opinion and the soil to be worked on by any mandatory” and to report their findings to the peace conference.

Palestine Center - Recommendations of the King-Crane Commission On Syria and Palestine

Such “a Commission of men with no previous contact with Syria,” argued the President, would “convince the world that the Conference had tried to do all it could to find the most scientific basis possible for a settlement.” The Supreme Council adopted Wilson's suggestion. But the French refused to appoint representatives, and, although the British had already named theirs, Whitehall also withdrew.

The Commissioners make to the Peace Conference the following recommendations for the treatment of Syria: 1. 2. Lebanon has achieved a considerable degree of prosperity and autonomy within the Turkish Empire. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Politics of Partition : The Politics of Partition Oxford Scholarship Online. Abstract This book chronicles King Abdullah's relationship with the Zionist movement from his appointment as Emir of Transjordan in 1921 to his assassination in 1951.

The Politics of Partition : The Politics of Partition Oxford Scholarship Online

Focusing on the events that led to the partition of Palestine, the book challenges many of the myths and legends that have come to surround the first Arab-Israeli war and the creation of the State of Israel. This edition of the text includes a new Introduction, placing the book in the wider context of the on-going debate about 1948, and reflecting on the subsequent course of Israeli-Jordanian relations, which culminated in the signing of ... More This book chronicles King Abdullah's relationship with the Zionist movement from his appointment as Emir of Transjordan in 1921 to his assassination in 1951. Keywords: King Abdullah, Zionist movement, Emir of Transjordan, assassination, partition of Palestine, Arab-Israeli war, Israel, Israeli-Jordanian relations, peace treaty Bibliographic Information. One Palestine, complete: Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate - Tom Śegev, Haim Watzman.

One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate: Tom Segev. Britain and the Palestine Mandate - 2009. Department of International History public lecture Date: Wednesday 4 March 2009 Time: 6.30-8pm Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House Speaker: Professor Norman Rose Chair: Professor David Stevenson A review of British policies in Palestine in particular and the Middle East in general with special emphasis on the inter-war and post-war periods.

Britain and the Palestine Mandate - 2009

For the Jews, this critical period led to the establishment of the state of Israel, for the Palestinians, to their 'Nakba' (Catastrophe), and for the British, a humiliating retreat from their imperial standing. Norman Rose is a graduate of the LSE and now holds the Chair of International Relations at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. A distinguished historian and Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, he is also the author of much acclaimed biographies of Winston Churchill, Chaim Weitzman and Harold Nicholson, as well as a study of the Cliveden Set.
