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Journalisme d'investigation

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BotOrNot by Truthy. Participative European Newsmaking. The Press Club Brussels Europe (PCBE), in collaboration with Link Campus University, launches a innovative networked training initiative for digital journalism and communication in Europe.

Participative European Newsmaking

The initiative, called Participative European Newsmaking (PEN), aims to foster digital collaborative journalism and encourage news professionals to develop joint projects on EU-related topics, through engaging their user communities, and reach a pan-European audience. The main goal is to equip news professionals with both the tecnical skills and the sense of entrepreneurship they need to approach journalism in a world that is increasingly dominated by social media and content marketing.

Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ) The Criminal Migrant Shipping Network. Refugees and migrants are not treated like first-class passengers when they set out for Europe: stowed away on cargo ships, piled onto dinghies, they are often abandoned, their smugglers no longer interested in their fate.

The Criminal Migrant Shipping Network

Who are those well-organised criminals hiding behind those ships? Are they members of criminal or even terrorist networks? Are these ‘ghost ships’ linked together? Can European countries really work together to detect these structures and unearth their financial flows? A team consisting of three Belgian, two Jordanian, one Turkish, one Romanian, one Greek and one Italian journalist set out for an investigation, starting with the ships on which men, women and children are sent to “Fortress Europe”. Photo © Gabriel Drogeanu File number: 2015/300 Journalismfund supported A grant of €15,230 was allocated on 28 October 2015. Product - Linkurious - Understand the connections in your data. Je sais qui vous êtes - Institut Pandore. Ces derniers mois, j’ai pris l’initiative de condenser toutes mes techniques et tous mes outils sur ce site Internet ainsi que dans un livre.

Je sais qui vous êtes - Institut Pandore

Le dernier chapitre du livre est consacré à des techniques de protection. En apprenant à attaquer, vous apprenez automatiquement à vous défendre. Sans plus attendre, voici le contenu exact du livre. Home - Data Portals. Près d’un Américain sur trois a changé ses habitudes en ligne après les révélations Snowden. De nombreux Américains doutent que les programmes révélés par le lanceur d’alerte se préoccupent de l’intérêt général.

Près d’un Américain sur trois a changé ses habitudes en ligne après les révélations Snowden

Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Martin Untersinger (Austin (Etats-Unis), envoyé spécial) Comment les internautes ont-il réagi aux révélations Snowden sur la surveillance d’Internet ? Le très respecté centre de recherche américain Pew Center a présenté, lundi 16 mars lors du festival SXSW, une enquête à ce sujet.

The Overview Project — Visualize your documents. Verification Handbook: homepage. Henk van Ess trains media professionals, teaches internet research, social media and multimedia in Europe.

Verification Handbook: homepage

Current projects include ‘fact-checking the web’, Facebook graph search and data journalism. He works for EBU, Schibsted, Axel Springer Akademie and eight European universities. He is @henkvaness on Twitter. Online research is often a challenge for traditional investigative reporters, journalism lecturers and students. Information from the web can be fake, biased, incomplete or all of the above. Offline, too, there is no happy hunting ground with unbiased people or completely honest governments. 1. Let’s do a background profile with Google on Ben van Beurden, CEO of the Shell Oil Co. a. The simple two-letter word “is” reveals opinions and facts about your subject.

The AROUND() operator MUST BE IN CAPITALS. B. Verification Handbook: homepage. Craig Silverman is the founder of Emergent, a real-time rumor tracker and debunker.

Verification Handbook: homepage

He was a fellow with the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University, and is a leading expert on media errors, accuracy and verification. Craig is also the founder and editor of Regret the Error, a blog about media accuracy and the discipline of verification that is now a part of the Poynter Institute. He edited the Verification Handbook, previously served as director of content for Spundge, and helped launch OpenFile, an online local news startup that delivered community-driven reporting in six Canadian cities.

Craig is also the former managing editor of PBS MediaShift and has been a columnist for The Globe And Mail, Toronto Star, and Columbia Journalism Review. PlagSpotter - Free Duplicate Content Checking Tool. Factbrowser - The Research Discovery Engine. IntelliTamper Download. IntelliTamper is a tiny but very practical tool that you can use to scan a website in order to reveal all its files and folders, including the unlisted ones.

IntelliTamper Download

Easy-to-trigger actions The interface is extremely simple to use. Write the name of the website in the address bar and hit the Enter button. IntelliTamper thoroughly scans and displays all contents found on that particular website (including extra links) in alphabetical order (the program uses a dictionary). Website scan results Results are shown in an Explorer-based layout. You can also access files directly from IntelliTamper, as if you were reading them from your hard drive. Several flaws Unfortunately, IntelliTamper crashes one too many times (at least on Windows 7), especially when adding a new website to be scanned, without first stopping the current scan.

Gallery View. Internet Archive: Wayback Machine. Recueillir des données sur le Web. Recueillir des données sur le Web Vous avez tout essayé, et vous n’êtes toujours pas parvenu à mettre la main sur les données que vous voulez.

Recueillir des données sur le Web

Vous avez trouvé les données sur le web, mais hélas – aucune option de téléchargement n’est disponible et le copier-coller montre ses limites. N’ayez crainte, il y a toujours un moyen d’extraire les données. Vous pouvez par exemple tenter les actions suivantes. Using an IP lookup service you can find the whereabouts of a computer or router, the owner and the name of the computer.

For example, you can use IP Address Lookup to make sure an individual is located where they say they are in order to avoid fraud. It is sometimes useful to know whether somebody is contacting you from the USA, the UK, Nigeria or China for example. Our IP Address Locator tool is the right tool to know IP location from any IP address or Domain. VIS. Visual Investigative Scenarios platform: Pages. Data-driven investigations - Project for Excellence in Journalism. Investigative Dashboard. Open Newsroom – Daily Debunk – Communauté – Google+ Online Journalism Blog. Data-driven investigations -

Maltego. Map influence in government and business. - grano project. Source - Journalism Code, Context & Community - A project by Knight-Mozilla OpenNews.