Banque de photos libres des droits : Acheter Images, Videos, Illustrations - iStock FR. Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Office Building With Reflection And Parking On The Street Background Illustration vectorielle libre de droits 215374849. Hospital Building On A City Street With Trees And Road Illustration vectorielle libre de droits 187100063. Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Stick Figure Trust Fall - 3D Figures - Great Clipart for Presentations - www.PresenterMedia.com.
ITEM#: 2701 TYPE: Presentation ClipartThis clip art image shows a stick figure falling back off a box with two stick figure ready to catch.
This graphic displays concepts of trust, teamwork, risk, assurance, certainty, confidence, and faith. Pre-Generated Files. Use the customizer to make modifications. The PresenterMedia logo will not appear on downloaded images. KEYWORDS trust fall catch free hope teamwork team help risk assurance certainty certitude confidence dependence faith TIP - Change the Color of this Image You can change the color (hue) of this image by dragging the HUE slider or choosing TINT in the customizer to the left. Stick Figure Falling Down The Stairs - Presentation Clipart - Great Clipart for Presentations - www.PresenterMedia.com. ITEM#: 8544 TYPE: Presentation ClipartA stick figure is shown tripping on a ball and free falling down the stairs.
Pre-Generated Files. Use the customizer to make modifications. The PresenterMedia logo will not appear on downloaded images. KEYWORDS stick figure falling down the stairs free ball trip fall lose control clean up safety TIP - Change the Color of this Image You can change the color (hue) of this image by dragging the HUE slider or choosing TINT in the customizer to the left. Stick Figure Trip Cinder Blocks - Medical and Health - Great Clipart for Presentations - www.PresenterMedia.com. ITEM#: 9649 TYPE: Presentation ClipartA stick figure trips over a small pile of cinder blocks.
This clip-art can represent dangers in the workplace. Pre-Generated Files. Use the customizer to make modifications. Custom Falling Short - Presentation Clipart - Great Clipart for Presentations - www.PresenterMedia.com. ITEM#: 13141 TYPE: Presentation ClipartA stick figure is shown falling short of the finish line where you can put your own custom text KEYWORDS falling short close finish line stick figure almost lose loss trip fall custom text ADD YOUR OWN TEXT Use the tools to the left to rebuild and download the image using your own message.
Tips for Creating Custom Images: The number of characters is a suggested limit for optimum results. In most cases you can enter up to twice as many characters. TIP - Change the Color of this Image You can change the color (hue) of this image by dragging the HUE slider or choosing TINT in the customizer to the left. Limited Time Offer - Save 40% Download this image and as many other images, animations, and templates as you need when you become a PresenterMedia subscriber. Image Complete! Custom Falling Short - Presentation Clipart - Great Clipart for Presentations - www.PresenterMedia.com. fFigure Sitting Dazed. ITEM#: 13950 TYPE: PowerPoint AnimationA figure sits on the ground rubbing head as stars circle above.
Pre-Generated Files. Use the customizer to make modifications. The PresenterMedia logo will not appear on downloaded animations. KEYWORDS figure sitting dazed stunned disoriented fall head spinning faint dizzy woozy. Construction Woker Unconscious - Presentation Clipart - Great Clipart for Presentations - www.PresenterMedia.com. ITEM#: 14743 TYPE: Presentation ClipartAn image of a construction worker that is unconscious.
Pre-Generated Files. Use the customizer to make modifications. The PresenterMedia logo will not appear on downloaded images. KEYWORDS construction accident unconscious work helmet safety fall worker risk job injury help industrial danger caution hard protection slip emergency wound knocked out floor ground TIP - Change the Color of this Image You can change the color (hue) of this image by dragging the HUE slider or choosing TINT in the customizer to the left. Limited Time Offer - Save 40% Download this image and as many other images, animations, and templates as you need when you become a PresenterMedia subscriber. Figure slipping on water custom sign. ITEM#: 14210 TYPE: PowerPoint AnimationA stick figure is shown slipping on a puddle and not paying attention to the custom text sign.
KEYWORDS slip water accident wet safety puddle careless unexpected hazard fall danger safety caution sign custom text ADD YOUR OWN TEXT Use the tools to the left to rebuild and download the image using your own message. Tips for Creating Custom Animations: Due to length and complexity, some animations may take a couple of minutes to build. If you don't want to wait, your animation will be saved in 'My Custom Media' for you to pick up later.
How to Download an Animation Learn how easy it is to add our animations to PowerPoint. Money Dollar Tree at PresenterMedia. Homme chute sur fond blanc — Photographie ISergey © #1604914. Résolutions Taille: Pouces | Cm Type de fichier Prixen crédits Prix XS 400 x 300 Lic.
Normale. Man with stairway — Photographie CGinspiration © #38036107. Résolutions Taille: Pouces | Cm Type de fichier Prixen crédits Prix.
Man with stairway — Photographie CGinspiration © #38036107.