Søren Kierkegaard - Subjectivity, Irony and the Crisis of Modernity. KierkegaardConcludingUnscientificPostscript. Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) Philosophy: The Classics : Soren Kierkegaard - Either/Or. DIALECTIC AND EXISTENCE IN KIERKEGAARD AND KANT - Nythamar de Oliveira. Hebrew Gospel of Matthew. Kierkegaard, Søren A Priori vs. A Posteriori Knowledge. Kierkegaard, "God's Existence Cannot Be Proved" Phil. 102: Introduction to Philosophical Inquiry Soren Kierkegaard, "God's Existence Cannot Be Proved" 1.What is Kierkegaard's argument relating God's existence to proof? 2. Explain: "I reason from existence, not towards existence. " Is the example of Napoleon and his deeds a good one? 3. According to Kierkegaard, where are the works of God? 4. Let us look at a standard-form categorical syllogism as a proof for God's existence.
An [unknown thing] is an existent thing. The syllogism is of the valid form: All B's and C's. Notice how we have assumed in the very premisses the very point we which to prove. In an argument, one gives reasons, grounds, and evidence for the acceptance of a conclusion. Consider the following inferences from the Square of Opposition: All philosophy students are awake ----------> At least one philosophy student is awake. For example, one does not prove Napoleon's existence from his deeds. The works or deeds of God are not immediately given. Kierkegaard and the Self Before God: Anatomy of the Abyss - Simon D. Podmore. Jack Marsh : Hegel, Kierkegaard, and the Structure of a Spirit-full Self - Quodlibet Journal. Abstract It is the intent of this essay to sketch a comparison between the thought of Hegel and Kierkegaard. I will argue that their respective understanding of the logic of identity and difference, taken together, offers a dialectically holistic analysis of authentic spirit-full selfhood.
By isolating a basic category of disagreement, we can possibly retain their penetrating insights while sidestepping some of the unfortunate implications in their respective positions. I hope to show that this analysis and synthesis offer a powerful model for understanding the dynamics of becoming a self, and is instructive as to the epistemic status of our various philosophical and theological projects.
Like the strife of lovers are the dissonance of the world. In the midst of conflict is reconciliation, and all things that are parted find one another again. Great spirits now on earth are sojourning... -- Shelly Hegel and Kierkegaard were men of their times. Hegel Hegel identifies essence and spirit. Irigaray and Kierkegaard: On the Construction of the Self - Helene Tallon Russell. Søren Kierkegaard, "God's Existence Cannot Be Proved" Abstract: Søren Kierkegaard explains why the existence of something cannot be proved.
He argues that the use of logic merely develops the content of a conception and concludes the existence of God can only be known through a leap of faith. “An existential system cannot be formulated. Does this mean that no such system exists? By no means; nor is this implied in our assertion. Reality is a system—for God; but it cannt be a system for any existing spirit. System and finality correspond to one another, but existence is precisely the opposite of finality. It may be seen, from a purely abstract point of view, that system and existence are incapable of being thought together; because in order to think existence at all, systematic thought must think it as abrogated, and hence not existing.” Relay corrections, suggestions or questions to larchie at lander.edu Please see the disclaimer concerning this page.