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Problem loading page. Khan Academy. Khan academy. Understanding Color. Cours/Université à distance. TED Talks & You Tube. Visual thinking: los garabatos toman las riendas en la oficina. Antes de las palabras estuvieron los dibujos.

Visual thinking: los garabatos toman las riendas en la oficina

Ahora los garabatos retoman el poder con una forma nueva e innovadora de presentar proyectos o ideas: el visual thinking, que vuelve a las raíces creativas del ser humano compartiendo ideas y explicando conceptos dibujando. Para poder entender el nuevo recurso hemos hablado con Scott Matthews, el director creativo de Dachis Group, una empresa internacional experta en visual thinking basada en EEUU. “Para mí, visual thinking es hacer lo abstracto entendible: coger ideas, pensamientos y conexiones de la cabeza de una persona y plasmarlo en algo sólido.”, dice Matthews. “Cuando podamos convertir este tipo de cosas en imágenes dibujadas en una pared las personas lo pueden ver, entender la conexión, comprender dónde va conectado todo y se hace muy claro.

“Es lo mismo que cuando entras por la puerta grande de un centro comercial, verás un mapa grande que te marca donde estás. Charlie Todd: La experiencia compartida del absurdo, Buenas ideas TED. Puño - MAD 2011. 6 Ways To Learn Something New Online Everyday. The Internet is a double-edged sword – it can be used to procrastinate the day away, or it can be used to learn something new everyday.

6 Ways To Learn Something New Online Everyday

Here at MakeUseOf, we’re particularly focused on the latter. There are a lot of ways you can use the Internet to learn something new everyday in a matter of minutes. We’ve put together a list of six ways you can learn something new on the Internet on a daily basis – some of it will take no more than 10 minutes, while others are in-depth and will require at least an hour’s worth of dedication from you. No matter what you choose, you’ll walk away far more enriched than when you started. In addition to the sites listed below, TED is of course an additional resource which, it goes without saying, is a great way to learn something new.

iTunes If you’d rather listen than read, podcasts are the best way to go. iTunes has a great variety of educational podcasts where you can learn everything from a new language to self-defense, from photography to finance. Reddit. Elenigmadelafruta, cuenta y muestra cosas que pueden ser de interes. Opinión para conocer la Ley de D’Hondt JULIA RAMOS - Collado Villalba, Madrid – 19/10/2011 Si un partido político gobierna con mayoría absoluta, no teniendo como mínimo el 51% de los votos, sino que con algo más del 40% le vale, no es por el voto en blanco, es porque en la mal llamada modélica Transición se pactó aplicar en las elecciones la Ley de D’Hondt, perversa entre las perversas.

elenigmadelafruta, cuenta y muestra cosas que pueden ser de interes.

Y si los partidos lo pactaron, habrá que decir a estos partidos que no estamos de acuerdo, que no nos gusta la Ley Electoral en general, que queremos que se cambie. Y para ello no hay nada mejor que votar en blanco porque les decimos que queremos participar, que hemos luchado por tener elecciones libres y por eso votamos, que no nos quedamos en casa para que otros decidan. Pero ellos -en especial quienes se benefician de esta Ley Electoral, los partidos mayoritarios y nacionalistas- no nos representan a quienes votamos en blanco. Entonces tal vez no haya votos en blanco. Articulo Wikipedia ley D´Hondt. Dan Ariely pregunta: ¿tenemos control de nuestras decisiones? Los mejores cursos gratis. Coursera. Scribd. Educatina - Aprende lo que quieras gratis. Flower of Life. Occurrences of the ornament[edit] The Flower of Life symbol drawn in red ochre Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt Abydos (Egypt)[edit] Possibly five patterns resembling the Flower of Life can be seen on one of the granite columns of the Temple of Osiris in Abydos, Egypt, and a further five on a column opposite of the building.

Flower of Life

They are drawn in red ochre and some are very faint and hard to distinguish.[3] As a New Age symbol[edit] The New York Times quoted a New Age artist as saying, "The Flower of Life has been found in sacred sites throughout the world. References[edit] ^ Jump up to: a b Melchizedek, Drunvalo. SlideShare. Education Video Library. Academic Video Lectures. Your free online classroom. Education. Famous Quotes are Paired with Clever Illustrations. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia-based illustrator Tang Yau Hoong has just released a brand new series where he pairs one of his older illustrations with a famous quote.

Famous Quotes are Paired with Clever Illustrations

A few years ago, we discovered Hoong and we quickly became fans after we saw his ability to cleverly incorporate negative space into many of his works. As he told us then, "I enjoy making illusion art because it has the ability to mislead us. We rely on sight in our lives and yet it is so fragile that we could easily be deceived by what we see. " In one of our favorite new prints, Hoong takes one of Steve Jobs' famous quotes, "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish" and illustrates it by putting two half eaten apples next to each other.

Within the negative space, one can subtly make out Steve Jobs' silhouette. As he tells us, "Most of them are old illustrations that I redrew to match the style I was looking for and the meaning of the corresponding quote. You can pick up these prints over at Hoong's shop.