5 Steps To Redefining Your Library - Ideas & Inspiration from Demco. Start with an audit of your marketing materials, posting them for a review.
Is there a consistent tone or voice in your messages? Is there a consistent use and style of graphics and fonts used? Do you have different styles and treatments for the various areas of your library? Adult vs. The School Library as Change Agent. Perhaps the most valuable real estate in a school is its library.
Here’s why: It is my belief that libraries offer a unique two-part invitation to learners. This invitation is grounded by the opportunity for students to develop the skills associated with being literate, a time-honored purpose that these spaces have always supported. 10 Steps to a Better Library Interior: Tips That Don’t Have To Cost a Lot. By Traci Lesneski, September 9, 2011 An interior designer weighs in with simple, effective, and inexpensive steps that can be taken to reinvigorate your library At a time when many of our country’s libraries need an update owing to age and higher-than-ever expectations from patrons, available dollars for renovations are all too scarce.
Fortunately, there are simple, effective, and inexpensive steps that can be taken to reinvigorate your library interior. You are in your building every day, so you probably don’t even see the interior anymore. Take a step back, and view your library with fresh eyes. Anythink Libraries. Digital Innovation in Learning Awards. Application and Nomination Eligibility Application Process Awardee Benefits Selection Process and Criteria Sponsors Who can apply for these awards?
TeachersAny individuals or teams who work directly in the classroom with students: teachers, teams of teachers, etc. School and District AdmininstratorsAny individuals or teams who work in the operations or leadership of schools and districts: administrators, instructional coaches, etc. Edtech OrganizationsAny individuals or teams that work outside of a school district but within the education sector: for-profit education technology companies, nonprofit organizations, etc.
Back to Top · Email Us I live outside of the United States. Yes, any international applicants may apply. I'm in higher education. Yes, any higher education individuals or organizations may apply and/or be nominated. How many awards are given out? Makerspaces are changing schools. This video isn't encoded for your device May 6, 2016, 12:54 PM 3,356 America is in the midst of a "Do It Yourself" (DIY) renaissance.
Spurred on by networks like HGTV and DIY, as well as websites like Pinterest, people of all stripes are getting in on the action. One of the hotbeds of this maker movement? Schools. Creating School Library Makerspaces. While there is no clear, single definition to the term makerspaces (Burke, 2013; Fontichiaro, as cited in Bell, 2015), there are commonalities existing in terms of features, functions, goals and activities that makerspaces provide.
A makerspace is a place where people gather as communities to be innovative, create and collaborate, to share knowledge, tools and resources (Britton, 2012). Mac Smashing - Home. MakingintheLibraryToolkit2014. SparkFun Electronics. The True Adventures of a High School Librarian. Is Design Thinking the same as “making”? People often ask me two questions about Design Thinking.
First, is the same as making, and second, do I like it. It’s obvious there are similarities and overlaps, and similar ways that they can be implemented well (or not so well). I think design is the key to modern STEM education, but it’s a mistake to think that using Design Thinking methodology is the same as teaching design. Design Thinking gets the “big D, big T” treatment because it’s a methodology invented at the Institute of Design at Stanford University (also known as the d.school) with assistance from ideo, a product design and consulting company. Design Thinking, both in its origin and existing implementation in K-12 schools is grounded in product design and end user empathy. A search for solutions assumes that the problem is defined properly and we all agree on the values inherent in defining the problem — no small assumption. A different kind of literacy.
Aaron and Colleen Graves, the new librarians at Denton High School and Ryan High School, respectively, have been updating their schools’ definitions of “library” one tiny engineering project at a time.
Both librarians spent their summer moving shelves, getting rid of periodicals and reference texts and opening up the libraries’ layouts. Use Your Words: Optimizing Content for Growth. Use your words Optimizing Content for Growth (A Blow-by-Blow of My Talk at SXSW for Those Who Missed It, or for Those Who Want to Relive It Again.
And Again!) After a few private power poses and some inspired nostril breathing, Evany Thomas takes the stage at 11am on Saturday March 14, at the 2015 SXSW interactive conference. The GCAA Makerspace. Makerspace featured on KSDK!
(11/7/13) Thank you to Erich Vieth (GCAA Parent) for producing this video! At Grand Center Arts Academy, the density of students with artistic sensibilities is incredibly unique. Tlvirtualcafe.wikispaces. 2015 Back to School Special! Chat Archive: Join us as we kick off the newest season of the #TLChat Virtual Cafe Webinar Series with special guests Andy Plemmons, Diana Rendina, and Nikki D. Robertson! aSTEAM Village Science Technology Engineering Arts Math Education.
Invent to Learn Workshop Shopping List and Downloads. The following are some of our favorite things and stuff used in Invent To Learn workshops. Enjoy! IDEA WATCH: Making Space for Makerspaces. Libraries have been too long thought of as a warehouse—a place to go to get things. But they’ve always been much more than that: a place for interactions between librarians and teachers and students, a place where students create projects with the assistance of the library staff, a place where students go to interact with ideas.
Makerspaces in school libraries are a natural fit with the mission of the library—and they are springing up in public libraries all over, providing excellent models for school libraries to model their own spaces after. At first I admit that I viewed makerspaces as a fad, but the more I have learned about them and the more examples I have seen of them, I’ve realized they can be a very powerful fit with the library mission. After all, we aren’t just about print literacy; we are about “understanding the world we live in” literacy.
NOT YOUR GRANDFATHER’S LIBRARY. When Sheri McNair, library media specialist at James I. O’Neill High School in Highland Falls, NY, came to her district four years ago, she stepped into a very traditional space that was mostly taken up by free-standing stacks of books, traditional wooden tables, and eight computers that “needed to go,” she laughs. McNair quickly realized that she was spending most of her time scraping the heavy wooden desks across the floor, rearranging the space to encourage classes to come in. So the first thing she did was move the freestanding stacks. Professional Books. Experts. Middle School Maker Journey: Preparing for the Capstones. In architecture, a keystone (also known as a capstone) is the central stone in a rounded arch required for it to stand. In education, according to Wikipedia, a capstone course (or experience) "serves as the culminating and usually integrative experience of an educational program.
" In this post, I'll share our Digital Shop capstone experiences, what they'll entail for each grade level, why they matter, how they support our educational mission, and how to refine this approach for next year. Why Capstones? Why All Grade Levels? Johns Hopkins U - Digital Media Center. The DMC is a multimedia lab space as well as an equipment, printing and knowledge resource for students interested in exploring creative uses of emerging media and technology to communicate their ideas. How a School Library Increased Student Use by 1,000 Percent.
Teens to take over Central Library’s third floor - The Downtown Blog. Renderings of the new Teen Service Area on the third floor of the Central Library. Renderings of the new Teen Service Area on the third floor of the...Central Library. Students work in the current Teen Service Area at the Central Library. The floor plan of the new Teen Service Area on the third floor of the Central Library. The floor plan of the new Teen Service Area on the third floor of the...Central Library. Teens to take over Central Library's third floor Back to Gallery The cramped Teen Service Area at the Central Library has occupied the far right corner of the facility’s ground floor since 1996. New Teen Spaces from Coast to Coast. Teens are taking center stage—literally—at new library teen spaces throughout the country.
From Boston to San Francisco, libraries are focusing on what their teens need and achieving great responses. Memphis Public Library CLOUD901 Velocity Leadership Video. CLOUD901 Features – Memphis Public Library. Audio Production Lab (not currently sponsored): Lay down the next hit track to come out of Memphis. Record and produce audio using sound isolation booths and professional sound mixing equipment. Video Production Lab (not currently sponsored): See yourself on (or behind) the big screen. Record and produce videos using professional grade equipment, lighting, and a green screen, and prepare your Oscar speech (don’t forget to include the library!). Tl sustaining makerspace. WHS RECORDING STUDIO PRESENTATION VIDEO. SisOps: Girl-Friendly Tech Programs. Participants in Black Girls Code are among the growing number ofstudents bolstered by tech initiatives designed primarily for girls.Diane Christina Photography (courtesy of Black Girls Code)
Our Learning Commons and Mission. The MoHS Library Learning Commons operates on an open schedule that is accessible and welcoming to the entire school community. Making it Real at Monticello High School – ASBJ. Monticello High School Learning Commons Tour. Demco Webinar Mix It Up 032316. YALSA nationalforum final. Grants. Possible PD conferences to attend. Library Pioneers to Follow. The Hooch Learning Studio. Architecture, Psychology... and Furniture? Engaging Teen Library Spaces, Programs & Outreach. Trying to understand how to stay relevant to your teens? Libraries across the country are looking at what they need to do to provide services and spaces to keep their teens engaged.
San Francisco Public Library noticed several years ago that they were seeing fewer teens in their libraries and wanted to do something about it. Collaborating and Making in the Library Learning Commons. Personalized learning: Why your classroom should sound like a coffee shop. Teens at SFPL. Not So Distant Future.