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The Seven Ways To Become An Animation Powerhouse. The domestic box office made $11.3 billion last year.

The Seven Ways To Become An Animation Powerhouse

A lot of that came from the movies that got most of the hype: comic-book movies, sequels, Oscar bait. But there’s another category of movies that contributed a major chunk of that total: animated movies, which pulled in $1.4 billion. This year, animated movies have already made more than $1.5 billion. And this weekend, “Kubo and the Two Strings,” an animated movie about a kid who goes on an adventure with Matthew McConaughey and Charlize Theron from independent studio Laika, will try to add to that total. The movie — which is stop-motion, not digital, animation — is getting absurdly good reviews. In Cuomo’s Film Hub, Vacant Studios, Lawsuits and Little Action. Photo DEWITT, N.Y. — Of all the pronouncements that Gov.

In Cuomo’s Film Hub, Vacant Studios, Lawsuits and Little Action

Andrew M. Cuomo has made about creating jobs in upstate New York, perhaps the most fanciful came in the state’s decision to spend $15 million to build a high-tech film studio in Onondaga County. The studio — called the Central New York Hub for Emerging Nano Industries — would create at least 350 high-tech jobs, and would, according to Mr. Cuomo, effectively bring Hollywood to central New York. Going to the Movies Could Be a Fully Interactive Experience by 2020. Movie Theaters Revolt as Netflix's 'Beasts of No Nation' Debuts Online, Arthouse. Largest exhibitors won’t show Idris Elba war drama because it will be available for download as film hits theaters Friday “Beasts of No Nation,” the first theatrical release from streaming giant Netflix, finds itself in the middle of another battlefield as it arrives in theaters Friday.

Movie Theaters Revolt as Netflix's 'Beasts of No Nation' Debuts Online, Arthouse

Netflix will make the critically-acclaimed film available for download at the same time that it debuts in 31 locations in the top 30 markets — but none of those theaters are run by the biggest chains. Cary Fukunaga (“True Detective”) wrote, shot and directed “Beasts of No Nation,” which stars Idris Elba and is the story of a civil war in an unnamed country in Africa told through the eyes of a child soldier. The film industry is on the precipice of a fundamental shift - Business Insider. YouTube, AwesomenessTV Partner For Feature Films Led By Digital Stars. YouTube’s plan to assist its stars isn’t limited to original web programming.

YouTube, AwesomenessTV Partner For Feature Films Led By Digital Stars

In addition to the four new series it announced, a recent blog post from YouTube also revealed the site’s partnership with AwesomenessTV, alongside which it will create feature films starring YouTube content creators. Over the next two years, YouTube and AwesomenessTV will release “several” feature films that will premiere on YouTube before they arrive anywhere else.

AwesomenessTV CEO Brian Robbins, who founded the teen-focused multi-channel network, will develop and produce the film projects. Music, Film, TV: How social media changed the entertainment experience. InShare511 Social media is more than a digital water cooler for TV and movies.

Music, Film, TV: How social media changed the entertainment experience

The global conversation that takes place around events and the experiences people share based on what they watch teaches us about consumer preferences. More importantly, their activity influences behavior. Behavior counts for everything. What Social Media Really Means To The Film Industry. Photo by Adam Freeman Valentine’s Day 2005 was a momentous day in the history of cinema – a date overlooked by the moguls of Hollywood and the learned film scholars.

What Social Media Really Means To The Film Industry

It was the day that the three co-founders of registered the URL at a website called The launch of this social media website itself took a further six to eight months, and with it, YouTube has helped change the face of movie distribution. Social media has changed three main areas of the film industry. Here's What 'Grand Budapest Hotel' Looks Like as an Animated Film (Exclusive Video) Side-by-side video places the film’s original animatic sequences next to the finished movie.

Here's What 'Grand Budapest Hotel' Looks Like as an Animated Film (Exclusive Video)

Amazon moves into movie market. Taken 3, LinkedIn, and More Dumb Viral Movie Marketing. Disney CEO Bob Iger's empire of tech. Even in a dress-down gray sweater, Bob Iger looks a bit mechanical.

Disney CEO Bob Iger's empire of tech

Netflix Orders Live Action 'Richie Rich' Series From AwesomenessTV (Exclusive) Netflix/Awesomeness TV.

Netflix Orders Live Action 'Richie Rich' Series From AwesomenessTV (Exclusive)

Adam Fogelson Joins Robert Simonds' New Studio as Motion Picture Chairman. Robert Simonds and Adam Fogelson The former Universal Pictures chairman has joined the next generation film and television company Former Universal Pictures chairman Adam Fogelson will be named chairman of the Motion Picture Group for the new, next generation film and television studio being led by Robert Simonds, the company announced Wednesday.

Adam Fogelson Joins Robert Simonds' New Studio as Motion Picture Chairman

Fogelson, who most recently led Universal Pictures to three of the most successful years in that studio's history, will oversee all aspects of the motion picture group for Simonds’ new studio, including its production, marketing, distribution and home entertainment strategy. The studio is currently ramping up to finance and self-release up to 10 major motion pictures a year, primarily in the $20-$60 million budget range. “This is a monumental moment for our new company. Earlier this month, the studio recruited former Disney production and marketing chief Oren Aviv as its president and chief content officer of the Motion Picture Group. Smosh Gets A Movie Deal Through Lionsgate, DEFY Media, AwesomenessTV. DreamWorks Animation Aiming Beyond Film. Photo. Can 'Veronica Mars' Convince Mainstream Hollywood to Embrace Crowdfunding?

When “Veronica Mars'” creator talked with Kickstarter about launching a crowdfunding campaign to fund a movie, Kickstarter joked it would end up on the cover of Entertainment Weekly. A year later, it's already there. “Veronica Mars” will be the greatest test yet of Hollywood's uneasy relationship with crowdfunding. Few established filmmakers had experimented with Kickstarter when Rob Thomas, creator of the “Veronica Mars” TV show, mounted a campaign to raise $2 million for a movie. He raised $5.7 million, more than any other film or video project in the history of Kickstarter.

That enthusiasm encouraged Warner Bros., whose TV studio produced the show, to greenlight a movie. Warner Bros. to Refund Angry 'Veronica Mars' Contributors. Contributors to the “Veronica Mars’ crowdfunding campaign said they felt “ripped off” because of their struggles to download the movie Warner Bros. will provide refunds to backers of the “Veronica Mars” crowdfunding campaign who struggled to download the movie they helped support, the studio said Friday. Irate contributors complained about their problems throughout the day, having been promised a digital download within days of the movie's release.

Most of their vitriol is directed at Flixster and UltraViolet, the services Warner Bros. used to release the movie digitally to the project's supporters. Anyone who tries to buy the movie now can do so using iTunes and Amazon, but backers had to use Flixster/UltraViolet and are incensed by their lack of choice. Flixster is owned by Warner Bros. Jackie Robinson ’42′: Warner Bros., Legendary Swing Away With Biopic. How do you sell an old-fashioned hero story? That’s the challenge Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures are facing with Jackie Robinson biopic “42,” touting it as “The true story of an American legend.” Exclusive: Disney to begin layoffs in studio, consumer products - sources.