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Stretch Your Ring Finger With Your Thumb and Maintain For a Few Seconds. Reason You’ll Love!! - Go Fit Stay Fit. In our fingers we have huge amounts of nerve endings and when they pressed in a specific way, help us connect channels that allow energy circulation through the body.

Stretch Your Ring Finger With Your Thumb and Maintain For a Few Seconds. Reason You’ll Love!! - Go Fit Stay Fit

That is why with some position of our hands we can reach harmony and joy. Gyan Mudra for Healing ( Mudra of Knowledge) How to do it: Sit in a lotus posture and keep your hands on knee then touch thumb tip with your index finger tip and keep the remaining three fingers free. Benefits: -Improves concentration -helps us relax -treats insomnia -treats depression 2. Fold your index finger towards palms and press with the base of thumb. How to do it:Touch the tip of your ring finger witg tip of thumb and then pressing the bth binger with each other. 5. Touch the little finger tip of thumb and don’t press the fingers and then keep the rest of the fingers straight like shown above picture) -reduce body aches -improves circulation -reduce dryness of mouth 6. Firs phalanx of your middle finger should be pressed with thumb base. What My Morning Journal Looks Like. History is littered with examples of successful (and unsuccessful) people who kept daily journals.

What My Morning Journal Looks Like

It ranges from Marcus Aurelius to Ben Franklin, and from Mark Twain to George Lucas. But what on earth did they write about? Or perhaps you’ve seen examples of their writing and thought to yourself, “Goddamn, that reads like the Gettysburg Address!” And become demoralized. In this post, I’ll show you what my raw morning journal looks like. Why? Because it’s easy to imagine our heroes as unflappable juggernauts, who conquer insecurity with a majestic mental karate chop every morning. A while back, I bared my soul in a post about “productivity” tips for neurotic and crazy people (like me). Many of you have since asked about my “morning pages,” so I’m oversharing again… The Daily Struggle. How to Practice Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta), When All You Want to Do Is Knock Them Out. 18EmailShare “Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.” - Joseph Campbell Have you ever been so mad at someone you just wanted to knock them out?

How to Practice Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta), When All You Want to Do Is Knock Them Out

You wanted to go off on them for how they were mis-treating you. You wanted to hurt them as badly as they were hurting you. You wanted to make them pay for ruining your life. This is the final article in the 7-part series on forgiveness–something many people, including myself struggle with. If you have been following the blog for the past two years or have delved into the archives, you may have come across the mental, emotional and psychological struggle I faced while working with a difficult person. There are only two emotions First, there are only two emotions; love and fear. You either feel one or the other. We are all products of our environments, beliefs and thinking processes and experience love and fear accordingly.

Loving kindness equals liberation. Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace). A book by Chade-Meng Tan. "If Meditation Is Too Easy, You're Doing Something Wrong" 4 scientific studies on how meditation can affect your heart and brain. Many people have tried to sell me on the idea of meditating.

4 scientific studies on how meditation can affect your heart and brain

Sometimes I try it, and have an incredible, refreshing experience. But usually, as I close my eyes and focus on my breathing, while I know that I’m supposed to be letting all thoughts go, more and more fly through my mind. Soon I have a laundry-list of “to-dos” in my head … and then my legs fall asleep. It’s all downhill from there. Today’s TED Talk, however, might actually convince me to give meditation another shot. “We live in an incredibly busy world. In this talk, Puddicombe — who is as equally as turned off by incense as me — shares the fascinating story of how he become a monk, and gives a convincing argument for why it is worth it to take 10 minutes a day to refresh the mind.

“Most people assume that meditation is all about stopping thoughts, getting rid of emotions, somehow controlling the mind, but actually it’s much different than that,” says Puddicombe. Is meditating a good way to increase creativity?