Localised artisan food groups. Oriel Food Group. San Patrignano: A Model Restorative Community for People with Addiction Problems by Restorative Justice & Other Public Health Approaches for Healing. On September 11, 2008 I spent six hours touring and learning about the San Patrignano drug rehabilitation community located in Rimini, Itlay.
I spent the week before in Lausanne, Switzerland providing training on conflict management for women from over 50 different countries who primarily work for their country’s Olympic Committees. My friend Marina Canatacuzino, a journalist who created The Forgiveness Project, suggested I visit San Patrignano, which is relatively close to Switzerland. San Patrignano is considered one of the world’s finest drug rehabilitation programs, and after visiting it I can easily understand why. I believe San Patrignano is a model for building peace and is an example of an effective restorative justice and solution-focused response to conflict and dealing with serious social problems. Comunità di San Patrignano. Richard Baraniuk on open-source learning. Open-source curriculum. An open-source curriculum (OSC) is an online instructional resource that can be freely used, distributed and modified.
OSC is based on the open-source practice of creating products or software that opens up access to source materials or codes. Applied to education, this process invites feedback and participation from developers, educators, government officials, students and parents and empowers them to exchange ideas, improve best practices and create world-class curricula. These “development” communities can form ad-hoc, within the same subject area or around a common student need, and allow for a variety of editing and workflow structures. Examples[edit] The Artisan Food Centre. Theartisanfoodcentre. Fresh, Local, Seasonal And Handmade Food. The School Of Artisan Food.
The School Of Artisan Food … When I ran into Joe from The School Of Artisan Food at the Derbyshire Food Festival, we made an arrangement for me to go up to the Welbeck Estate near Worksop in Nottinghamshire to have a look round.
The school has made national coverage, with people like Matthew Fort and Tom Parker Bowles praising them for the work that they are doing in teaching all aspects of artisan food production. For those of you that haven’t come across them yet, the School is a not for profit organisation that teaches such things as baking, brewing, butchery and cheesemaking but they are all about reviving and continuing the artisan skills that were once a part of our local high streets, and which seem to be all over the continent, except here. To give you a bit of the history of the school, In 2006, two of the School of Artisan Food’s directors decided to open an artisan bakery in the premises of the old fire station on the beautiful Welbeck Estate in the middle of Sherwood Forest. Artisan Food Centre planned for Elmwood College. QUESTIONNAIRE Artisan Food Centre.
Bodnant Welsh Food. The World's First Destination Eco-Food Processing Park. The National Swedish Center for Artisan Food. About open source - opensource. Opensource.com is an online publication focused on how open source is applied to different areas including business, education, government, health, law and other disciplines of life.
Our goal is to further the open source way by sharing the open source movement. Our community of readers is made up of those who believe that open participation and sharing can tackle the business, social, environmental, and technological challenges facing us today. Open source is a philosophy and a culture The term open source began as a way to describe open access to software source code and the collaborative model for how it is developed.
FRENCH KITCHEN ADVENTURES. Failte Ireland - Tourism business. We are working with tourism businesses in the Boyne Valley to help them develop their area as a world-class tourism destination.
Find out about the progress we've made so far and plans for future development. Tourism Destinations Tourism destinations are generally known for a key attraction or activity that makes them market leaders and instantly recognisable as a must-see place. Louth Holidays, accommodation, attractions and events in Louth, Meath, Boyne Valley - Artisan Food Producers. Land trust. 7 Reasons to Use Land Trusts. You wouldn’t walk around with a financial statement taped to your back, would you?
Then why are you holding title to your real estate in your own name? Whether it’s your personal residence or your rental properties, you are a “sitting duck” for disgruntled tenants, ex-employees, ex-spouses, the IRS and their attorneys. Real estate is very public, and ownership is public record for anyone to view online. Land trusts are a very powerful tool for the savvy real estate investor. A land trust is a revocable, living trust used specifically for holding title to real estate. Here are seven reasons to use land trusts for titling property to real estate. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Land Trust Advantages. Land Trusts and Asset Protection, a Primer. There has been much published in regard to land trusts.
However, many real estate investors are completely oblivious to the fact that the land trust, in and of itself, provides absolutely no asset protection. Don’t get me wrong, land trusts are great vehicles for privacy, but privacy will only take you so far. You must use a land trust in conjunction with an entity such as an LLC in order to gain the benefits of asset protection. The Land Trust Structure There have been some very good articles written on the mechanics of land trusts to serve as an excellent resource on how land trusts are structured, such as those found on BiggerPockets.com. Privacy One of the benefits that a land trust offers is anonymity for the investor. Anonymity is an extremely useful tool when you are looking to shelter your assets from prying eyes.
Lack of Asset Protection Even though the investor may not be the trustee of the trust he or she is the trust beneficiary. What are the pros and cons of having “members” in your land trust. Q.
What are the pros and cons of having “members” in your land trust, in addition to a board of directors? (11/07) A. Our board is exploring the question about whether our land trust should consider moving away from a “membership” corporation. Rather than have members who pay dues and in return get legal rights such as voting for the board of directors or changing the bylaw, we propose having “members,” who provide support but do not have voting rights.
Teri Ptacek, Director Agricultural Stewardship Association 28R Main Street Greenwich, NY 12834 (518) 692-7285 Fax: 692-7720 teri@agstewardship.org Response #1 Teri – The other excellent comments prompted me to follow up with a few more details. First, our members commented overwhelmingly (in the discussion about the change) that they did not become members because they wanted a vote. I have seen exactly the same behavior in another local organization, the Nashua River Watershed Association (I’m the current board president). Fiducie. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Pour les articles homonymes, voir Trust. En droit canadien[modifier | modifier le code] Une fiducie de revenu d’entreprise recueille des capitaux en offrant au public des parts de fiducie et elle utilise ensuite généralement le produit de cette offre pour investir dans des actifs qui génèrent un rendement en fonction des revenus d’une entreprise exploitée activement. Les fiducies de revenu sont des mécanismes de transfert généralement structurées de manière à ce que leur revenu soit attribué aux détenteurs d’unités : la fiducie ne paie aucun impôt sur ses bénéfices.