Free Gift Box Templates to Download, Print, & Make. Make your own gift box in 5 minutes with one of my free gift box templates.
Heart-shaped, cube-shaped, bag-shaped, and more. Free Gift Box Templates - Blank Make a box using your own craft paper and card stock. Print one of these templates onto the blank side. Click the box you want to make for further instructions and free template: "Print and Make" Heart Boxes Check out our printable heart boxes, which you can make with just your home printer (no special craft paper required). Vintage Butterflies Click here to find out more. Free Gift Box Template - Heart Box This heart container looks really sweet and is great for Valentines Day, anniversaries, or other romantic occasions.
This design is seriously easy to make. Materials All you need is A printer Cardstock or paper Scissors This design turns out best when you make it from card stock. Download Download my heart box template. Open the file and print it onto your nice paper. Don't have pretty paper? Free Box Template Instructions Step 1 Step 2 Step 3. How to Make an Envelope in 1 Minute. Learn how to make an envelope from a sheet of paper.
It's really easy! Why would I want to make one when I can just buy one? Because normal envelopes are boring and handmade ones are awesome. When you make your own envelope, you can you can make it in whatever color or pattern you want. You could use Christmas paper to make a Christmas-patterned one for a Christmas card, for instance. I made the red envelope on this page for my friend's baby's "moon party", which is a Chinese celebration for when a baby turns one month old.
Why else? Well, maybe you've run out of envelopes and just don't feel like going to the store. Can I post an envelope like this in the mail? I can't guarantee anything, but I've posted these in the mail several times and they've always arrived at their destination. How to Make an Envelope - Step by Step Step 1: I've got a greeting card (left) and I'm going to make an envelope for it from a sheet of paper (right). Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Fold down the two top corners. Step 5: Instructions for Making Gift Boxes.
Printable Gift Bag Templates - Cute Bags with Handles. Make a cute bag like this one with my free printable gift box and gift bag templates.
Free Gift Box Templates - Blank Make a gift bag or box using your own craft paper and card stock. Print one of these templates onto the blank side. Click the box you want to make for further instructions and free template: Easy Peasy Printable Gift Boxes Gorgeous printable boxes and bags, all you need is a home printer! Click here to find out more Gift Bag Templates - Gable Bag. Printable Gift Bag Template - Free Download. Make Your Own Gift Box: Video Tutorial + Picture Instructions.