Corporate Site. TechSoup’s Local NGO Definitions. Appel à projet environnement de la Fondation GoodPlanet - Domaine de Longchamp. Depuis 2011, la Fondation GoodPlanet prolonge sa mission de sensibilisation et de protection de l’environnement en accompagnant les entreprises (PME, grands groupes, etc.) vers un développement économique plus responsable.
En effet, elles sont un puissant levier de changement pour lutter contre le dérèglement climatique, la dégradation des écosystèmes, etc. La Fondation interagit avec l’ensemble des parties prenantes des entreprises (clients, collaborateurs, fournisseurs, etc.) afin de co-construire des modèles de développement innovants, économiquement efficaces, socialement équitables mais aussi écologiquement viables. La Fondation aide les entreprises à créer de la valeur à travers la mise en place ou la refonte de leur démarche RSE via l’analyse, le pilotage et la mesure des actions déployées. Tolemi. Contrat cadre de l'Union Européenne.
Le Contrat-cadre fournit aux pays bénéficiaires des programmes d'aide extérieure de la Commission Européenne le recrutement rapide d'expertise pour répondre à des problématiques particulières, ou préparer le terrain pour des initiatives prévues dans le Programme Indicatif National.
Sur le plan opérationnel, il permet de disposer d'experts dans un délai d'un mois maximum. Dès l'identification d'un besoin, les responsables du projet dans les Délégations de l'Union Européenne dans le monde avec l'entité bénéficiaire élabore le Termes de Référence (TdR) où les objectifs, les tâches, les prestations et l'expertise demandée sont décrits. Les TdR sont adressés aux Consortiums pré-sélectionnés afin de leur permettre d'identifier, choisir et recruter le personnel approprié pour la prestation demandée.
Valdani Vicari & Associati - VVA - Home. Devenez membre – La ferme digitale. Axiscope. Fjord. The Design & Innovation consultancy. Creative electronic tools - Bare ConductiveBare Conductive. Beautiful Information ~ Learn. Enjoy. Do Good. Bouygues Construction. Domestic Data Streamers. What we do - The Liminal Space. Our curated learning experiences are developed on a bespoke-basis around the specific client challenge and requirements.
Our work has ranged from designing a series of immersive experiences on the human senses, through creating in-house learning programmes to designing an engagement process to accelerate innovation for 300 people. Our work is typically delivered in the following ways: Learning & Engagement programmes, Away Days, Innovation Workshops, Lecture Series, Symposia, Safari experiences, Exhibitions & Built Experiences, Hands on making and Retreats (away week). We make ideas and concepts tangible for people, in order to aid understanding, imagination and innovation. Our learning experiences and programmes are immersive and hands on. They are based on art and or design principles and approaches and are created to stretch thinking in new directions.
Doable Innovation. Innovations: Open Innovation - Research & Management - Pictures of the Future - Innovation - Home - Siemens Global Website. As data flows ever more quickly between research and development and production, innovation cycles are becoming shorter.
In this context, an unhindered exchange of information regarding trends and new technologies is becoming ever more important. Many companies have therefore turned to open innovation (OI) as a means of bringing together knowledge from different departments – and even from outside the organization. Open innovation is an established method at Siemens. Online knowledge exchange platforms and idea competitions link the company’s research and development community worldwide.
Employees discuss developments together, identify the best ideas, and transform their concepts into market-ready products. Innovations: Collaboration with Start-ups – Foundation of next47 - Research & Management - Pictures of the Future - Innovation - Home - Siemens Global Website. The new unit’s first project, agreed with Airbus in April 2016, is electrification of aviation.
The two companies aim to demonstrate the technical feasibility of hybrid/electric propulsion systems for small planes to medium-sized passenger aircraft by 2020. next47 will operate globally and cater to all regions of the world from locations that include Berkeley, Shanghai and Munich. “We’re backed by a strong foundation of start-up activities on which to build,” says Russwurm. Siemens has worked with start-ups for around 20 years. Over 800 million euros has been invested in around 180 start-ups. The new next47 unit is a key component of the company’s open innovation strategy.
The Little Book of IDEO. I’ve always been proud of IDEO, but I am particularly proud of where we are today.
The diversity of our teams and the importance of the projects we do are staggering. Most impressive to me is that IDEO-ers are so smart and talented that when a new project comes in, we can put together a seemingly random team of designers out of who is available in the firm at that time, and in the end, magic happens: breakthrough ideas and happy clients. I am most proud of the culture of the place. When I started the firm that would eventually become IDEO, all I really wanted to do was work with my friends on cool projects. I dreamed of a life that was like summer break from college all the time for me and my pals. CoLAB. We Are - Food + Future coLab. IDEO Futures. OI Engine - Product features.
How might we dramatically reduce waste by transforming our relationship with food? - Research. Les appels à projets innovants. Open-Source CNC Farming. Public – fuseproject. In the new landscape of work, technology enables us to work anywhere and interact virtually.
Despite this, people continue to work out of the office, because they see the value of face-to-face interaction. Collaboration is a key factor to success, and yet office furniture has not evolved to harness the potential of these interactions. That’s what inspired PUBLIC Office Landscape – our new collection for Herman Miller.
PUBLIC transforms every part of the office – including individual desks – into places for collaboration. Visually uniform and modular surfaces, storage, and seating can be configured into a broad range of settings that encourage fluid transitions between collaborative and focused work, and elegantly fill any office space. The way we work has changed. We conducted primary research with a broad range of organizations to better understand what workers and leaders are seeking in their office environment. Continuum Blog.