Sociometry - Wikipedia. Sociometry is a quantitative method for measuring social relationships.
It was developed by psychotherapist Jacob L. Moreno in his studies of the relationship between social structures and psychological well-being. Definition[edit] The term sociometry relates to its Latin etymology, socius meaning companion, and metrum meaning measure. Jacob Moreno defined sociometry as "the inquiry into the evolution and organization of groups and the position of individuals within them.
" He developed sociometry within the new sciences, although its ultimate purpose is transcendence and not science. One of Moreno's innovations in sociometry was the development of the sociogram, a systematic method for graphically representing individuals as points/nodes and the relationships between them as lines/arcs.[1] Moreno, who wrote extensively of his thinking, applications and findings, also founded a journal entitled Sociometry. Moreno's sociograms Moreno's criteria for sociometric tests[edit] See also[edit]
Sociogram - Wikipedia. An example of a social network diagram A sociogram is a graphic representation of social links that a person has.
It is a graph drawing that plots the structure of interpersonal relations in a group situation.[1] Overview[edit] Sociograms were developed by Jacob L. Moreno to analyze choices or preferences within a group.[2][3] They can diagram the structure and patterns of group interactions. Validation de l’échelle de mémoire transactive en langue française et adaptation au contexte académique. Ushahidi.
Collaborative Design in Immersive Virtual Environments. Home. Accueil - Rennes 2030Rennes 2030. Puzzle Installation & Collaborative Project - Tim Kelly, artist. The Puzzle Art Installation & Collaborative Project is a growing and traveling group art exhibition.
You don't have to be an artist to participate, you just have to have something to say. People of all ages have contributed their individual voice collectively with others to form this historic and massive art project. It's a simple way for each of us to tell our own story. The Puzzle Art Installation & Collaborative Project is about expressing ones self and collaborating with others. Each piece starts out blank white. The project is being sustained and maintained by the efforts of the artist Tim Kelly and his cast of artistic helpers... where it continues to evolve and grow into something amazing.
What makes the puzzle installation so interesting is the unique message or story of each individual puzzle piece. Several small sub-projects are currently being created and displayed across the country and around the world. Groups contact Tim Kelly directly to make arrangments. Art is good, Collaborative Design in Immersive Virtual Environments. NEXUS AT OXFORD RIVERSIDE GALLERY - COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE ART. Pochon Steinbach 2007. Fan TimeGiver. Sciences citoyennes. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Les sciences citoyennes sont des programmes de recherche associant des scientifiques et une participation « citoyenne » d'amateurs volontaires, d'amateurs éclairés, de spécialistes à la retraite, etc. Elles se sont notamment développées dans le domaine naturaliste, où dans le fil des sociétés savantes des siècles passés, une grande partie du travail se fait sur le terrain sans nécessiter de moyens coûteux ou de laboratoire, permettant à des non-professionnels de contribuer aux avancées en matière de connaissance et d'inventaires. Mais des objets plus lointains, astronomiques notamment font aussi l'objet de sciences citoyennes. Le document Green Paper on Citizen Science: Citizen Science for Europe les décrit dans ces termes (traduction libre) : « ... des activités de recherche scientifique auxquelles des citoyens contribuent activement par un effort intellectuel ou par l'apport de connaissances pertinentes, d'outils ou de ressources.
0262290758chap123. Crowdsourcing and Collective Intelligence. Around crowdsourcing, a number of related terms exist but none of them can be uniquely identified with it.
Such are Open Innovation, Collective Intelligence, Co-creation or User Innovation. These terms are used in different ways by different authors: some of them use these terms as opposite while others treat them as synonyms of crowdsourcing. Using the information a found for a talk I gave on 24 March at a conference in the CEU-Cardenal Herrera University, called “El valor de Internet”, in this post I will clarify the relationship between crowdsourcing and Collective Intelligence. Preparing the talk, I came across a paper written by Thomas W. Malone that is very clarifier: “Harnessing Crowds: Mapping the Genome of Collective Intelligence”. From this definition, it is easy to assume that many activities will be considered examples of collective intelligence. Genes de la inteligencia colectiva Why are not crowdsourcing?
References: Zooniverse. Solve Puzzles for Science.