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Crystals, Atlantis, Pyramids, Ray Brown, Cayce. Ray Brown's Crystal Pyramid Experience The Atlantean Crystal Sphere The Original Crystal Sphere It is the size of a tennis ball. Authentication of the crystal needs to be given. As all is a Consciousness Hologram, take from this whatever connects. The Atlantean Sphere on 11/11/11 at the Mayan Crystal Skull Conference in Los Angeles - Photos by Robyn Swick The Atlantean Sphere is linked to Thoth (Tehuti in Atlantean Mythology) and the rest of the Egyptian Pantheon. It is currently owned by Arthur Fanning of Albuquerque, NM. who calls himself the Guardian of the Atlantean Sphere. I spoke with Arthur on 11/14/2011. Arthur feels the energies of the Sphere are a feminine archetype which take us to Creation.

As with any version of the Atlantean Crystal Sphere - I believe it is all subjective. Arthur Fanning discusses his experiences with the sphere. Leonard Nimoy narrates this History Channel presentation The Original Text File Allegedly in 1968, Dr. Dr. The Bimini Wall Edgar Cayce Atlantean Crystals. Northern Tradition Shamanism: Mastering the Elements. Excerpt from Wyrdwalkers: Techniques of Northern-Tradition Shamanism Shamans and spirit-workers and even witches and magicians the world over, and throughout time, have learned to master the basic four elements in order to get things done.

However, mastering them is much more than just doing a few spells, or contemplating the nature of each element, although that's a good way to start. I should disclaimer, here, that mastering the elements is nothing like some Truncheons And Flagons game of creating "fire spells" and "water spells" and so forth. While there are legitimate uses for those, the kind of shamanic work that I was set to do by the spirits around mastering elements is very specific. I don't control them. I work with them, I have established a relationship with them, I call upon them, I have a deep understanding of them.

That said, here is the N-T Absolute Minimum Necessary To Master The Elements. AirFireWaterEarth Mastering Air *1. . *2. . *3. . *4. . *5. . *6. 7. 8. Mastering Fire *1. . *2. Levels of Consciousness. In the book Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins, there’s a hierarchy of levels of human consciousness. It’s an interesting paradigm. If you read the book, it’s also fairly easy to figure out where you fall on this hierarchy based on your current life situation. From low to high, the levels of consciousness are: shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, pride, courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace, enlightenment. While we can pop in and out of different levels at various times, usually there’s a predominant “normal” state for us.

I’ll go over these levels in order, mostly focusing on the ones between courage and reason, since that’s the range where you’re most likely to land. Shame – Just a step above death. Guilt – A step above shame, but you still may be having thoughts of suicide. Apathy – Feeling hopeless or victimized. Grief – A state of perpetual sadness and loss. Fear – Seeing the world as dangerous and unsafe. Peace – Total transcendence. Volunteer Souls. Through Jo Amidon Family of Light volunteers are on Earth to aid in planetary change and transformation. They are to bring in or ‘remember’ high levels of information, guidance and awareness…and most importantly to anchor the energy of unconditional love. This is to aid in raising the overall energy of the planet. Much of the information given to the planet is not new to you, it acts to stir memory, and to remind you of what you have known before.

You are incarnated upon Earth at this time to help create a high level of light, unconditional love, knowledge, willingness to grow, and to aid in the shifting of consciousness needed for the planet. Due to the roles, as Family of Light volunteers, the reasons behind your being on Earth will differ from those given in standard Earth teachings. You, who are Family of Light, are well-trained masters of disguise. Each of you have had lifetimes specifically designed to go “deeper” and “deeper” into the density on Earth. Like this: Like Loading...

Indigo Children

Science & Spirituality. As a child - being raised in a Christian minister's/ writer's household - I asked for the wisdom of Solomon to be my greatest gift. Although I've been called "precocious" in life, I always felt that I was merely stumbling through. Having been pulled back and forth between the physical world and it's rules and limitations (the finite), and the unseen spiritual side with it's multi-levels of rules and without limitation (infinite), I have come to understand the common rift people find and focus on between science and spirituality. But this rift is just an expression of their own genetic-makeup, culture, and personal beliefs. Most people tend to be (mostly) either: Left-brained (auditory/linguistic, mathematical, logical, squared, literal, physical, MALE) or Right-brained (visual/spatial, artistic, abstract, circular, symbolic, spiritual, FEMALE) Religious beliefs tend to follow these trends.

Science balanced with love of the spiritual is the goal. Chaos ensues until this balance is found.