Pakistani woman 'strangled for helping friend elope' A 16-year-old girl in rural Pakistan was drugged, strangled and burned alive on the orders of village elders for helping a couple elope.
Pakistani police arrested 15 members of a tribal council in in Makol in northwest Pakistan accused ofordering the killing of the teenager - including her mother and brother. The murder of the girl has been labelled an 'honour killing', with her family members present at her 'trial' and allegedly supporting her death sentence. Honour killing: Members of the tribal council that sentenced the 16-year-old to be burned alive is parade by Pakistani police, who also arrested the girl's mother and brother, who reportedly supported her death sentence The 16-year-old girl was set on fire last week in the townof Donga Gali, about 30 miles northeast of the capital,Islamabad, on the orders of the council, said district policechief Saeed Wazir. The couple which the teenager is alleged to have helped elope appeared to have escaped.
Pregnant woman in Jordan had stomach slit in 'honour' killing, before body thrown in dumpster. Body of a pregnant woman was autopsied yesterdayStomach was cut open, showing her four-month-old foetus.
Worldwide Trends in Honor Killings. To combat the epidemic of honor killings requires understanding what makes these murders unique.
They differ from plain and psychopathic homicides, serial killings, crimes of passion, revenge killings, and domestic violence. Their motivation is different and based on codes of morality and behavior that typify some cultures, often reinforced by fundamentalist religious dictates. In 2000, the United Nations estimated that there are 5,000 honor killings every year.[1] That number might be reasonable for Pakistan alone, but worldwide the numbers are much greater. In 2002 and again in 2004, the U.N. brought a resolution to end honor killings and other honor-related crimes. Most honor killings are not classified as such, are rarely prosecuted, or when prosecuted in the Muslim world, result in relatively light sentences.[3] When an honor killing occurs in the West, many people, including the police, still shy away from calling it an honor killing. Afghan woman¿s family ¿behead her and her lover and dump their bodies in graveyard in horrific honour killing¿ 10 men broke into their home, kidnapped and beheaded them, police saidPolice believe the girl's family is to blame after she went to live with her loverThe man's brother told police he loved the girl, 20, and wanted to marry her By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 10:57 GMT, 23 October 2013 | Updated: 12:24 GMT, 23 October 2013 A young couple in conservative southern Afghanistan have been found beheaded, apparently killed for having a love affair outside of marriage, officials said Wednesday.
Police investigating the case said they believed the family of the woman, aged around 20, was responsible for the murders in the southern province of Helmand, a lawless hotbed of the Taliban insurgency. The elder brother of the male victim, who was in his 20s, told officers the woman had run away with him recently and was living in their family home. Aesha. Without a knock, the office door flies open.
She barges into the room, a perfumed tornado disrupting every conversation and worker in her path. Wearing skinny jeans, UGG knockoff boots and a pea coat, she carries the swagger of any self-absorbed American teen. Her long dark hair flows thick, smooth and enviable. Her makeup is impeccable -- barring one small flaw. It doesn’t perfectly match the shade of her prosthetic nose. Girl whose brother struck her 15 times with an axe in attempted 'honour killing' says she wishes she had died that day. Gul Meena was forced to marry a 60-year-old man at the age of 12After five years, she met a boy and fled Pakistan for Afghanistan with himBut her brother tracked them down, killed her boyfriend and left her for dead By Helen Lawson Published: 06:45 GMT, 5 April 2013 | Updated: 21:31 GMT, 5 April 2013.
Exclusive: How my brother tried to kill me in 'honor attack' Gul Meena, 17, left her abusive husband in Pakistan for another manShe knew she was committing the ultimate crime according to Islamic customsMeena's brother hacked her friend to death with an ax, before turning on herGul Meena is one of thousands of women living in shelters across Afghanistan Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- It's cold and raining in Kabul and the pothole-filled dirt roads have turned into a sea of mud.
We drive up to the gateway of a high-walled compound. A soldier brandishing an AK-47 stands guard outside the building. We've come to a women's shelter to meet Gul Meena -- a 17-year-old girl from Pakistan who shouldn't be alive. My crew and I are ushered into a room and sitting on a wooden chair slouched over is small, fragile Gul Meena. Gul's bright coloured headscarf is embroidered with blue, red and green flowers and covers most of her face. Educating girls in Afghanistan Inside a firefight with the Taliban Packing up, shippping out of Afghanistan A woman like Malala U.N. Islam doesn't justify 'honor murders,' experts insist. By Richard Allen Greene, CNN (CNN) - Zainab Shafia's crime was to run off to marry a man her parents hated.
Middle sister Sahar's crime was to wear revealing clothes and have secret boyfriends. Youngest sister Geeti's crime was to do badly in school and call social workers for help dealing with a family home in turmoil. The punishment for all three teenage Canadian sisters was the same: death. Their executioner: their brother, acting on instructions from the father to run their car off the road. Woman in Jordan stabbed 20 times in face and chest 'by brother who wanted to cleanse the family honour'
Authorities in Amman said brother was unhappy at sister leaving the house The woman, in her twenties, had her throat slit and was stabbed Comes two weeks after body of pregnant woman was found burned in another so-called honour killing By Martin Jay Published: 06:51 GMT, 1 May 2013 | Updated: 10:00 GMT, 7 May 2013 A woman died after being stabbed 20 times in the face and chest by her brother in an apparent 'honour killing' because she went out of the house alone, police in Jordan said.
'Honor' crime: Why just kissing a boy can trigger murder. Jasvinder Sanghera ran away from home aged 15 to escape arranged marriageShe said her parents disowned her to this day because she'd "shamed and dishonored them"Her sister committed suicide rather than marry man to whom she was promisedSanghera: Triggers can be trivial or serious; religious communities doing little to tackle honor crime London (CNN) -- Jasvinder Sanghera was eight years old when she was promised in marriage to a man she had never met.
When, six years later, her mother showed Sanghera a photograph of her intended husband, the 14-year-old reacted with horror. The pressure on the youngster mounted as Sanghera's Indian-born mother tried to involve her in the wedding arrangements. Afghan woman is shot dead by her own father in front of mob of 300 after she 'dishonoured her family by running away from her husband' By Mail Foreign Service Published: 14:52 GMT, 30 April 2013 | Updated: 17:56 GMT, 30 April 2013 An Afghan woman has been shot dead by her own father in front of a mob of 300 after she was accused of dishonouring her family by running away from her husband. The victim, known only as Halima, was aged between 18 to 20 and had two children, according to Amnesty International.
She had eloped with a male cousin while her husband was in Iran. Love Commandos rescue India's forbidden couples. Volunteers help couples who, because of caste differences, aren't allowed to be together Expert: Some who've resisted arranged marriage have been victims of honor killingsYoung lovers Dev and Lalita ran away, and the Love Commandos helped marry them (CNN) -- Devender had a crush on Lalita. She was so pretty. He'd take long looks at her during class. When she left school, Dev would ditch just to watch her walk down the hall, push the doors open and glide away.
Indian woman, 20, tortured and lynched by her family and her boyfriend beheaded in horrific honour killing. Nidhi Barak and boyfriend Dharmender Barak, 23, were killed last nightLocals in Gharnavati village, Haryana, watched the grisly scene unfoldThey had eloped to Delhi but were lured back with promises they could wedPolice arrived to find the girl's family cremating her body on a pyreThe girls parents and uncle were arrested but other family members fled The boyfriend's body was allegedly dumped outside his parents' home By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 11:30 GMT, 19 September 2013 | Updated: 16:27 GMT, 19 September 2013 A young Indian woman was beaten to death by members of her own family and her boyfriend beheaded in an horrific honour killing after they were lured back to their village thinking were going to be allowed to marry.
Lawyer shoots dead his own sister in honour killing in middle of Pakistan courtroom. Woman was shot in the head at point blank range by her brotherGunman opened fire in a packed courtroom in front of dozens of witnessesHe used his lawyer's black coat to smuggle pistol into courtroomHe claims he did it because her marriage brought shame on the family By Kerry Mcqueeney Published: 09:39 GMT, 6 August 2012 | Updated: 13:31 GMT, 6 August 2012 A lawyer shot dead his own sister in the middle of a courtroom because she had 'brought shame' on the family for marrying a man they disapproved of, it has emerged.
Parents who suffocated their 'Westernised' teenager daughter in honour killing are found guilty of murder. By James Tozer and David Williams and Imtiaz Hussain and Sara Malm Published: 12:08 GMT, 3 August 2012 | Updated: 23:14 GMT, 4 August 2012 Ifthikar Ahmed was an adulterous bigamist who married Shafilea's mother Farzana behind his first wife's back, abandoning their three-year-old son. He also 'embraced western culture', dated white girls, loved going to discos in tight jeans and preferred to be known as 'Buzzer', his Danish ex-wife Vivi Lone Anderson has revealed.
Today it emerged that the man who murdered his 17-year-old daughter because she simply wouldn't conform to the values of 'rural Pakistan’ once shunned his strict Muslim family to marry Vivi who describes 'the most liberal of husbands' as a doting father who would never raise a hand in anger. Scroll down for video. Shafilea Ahmed murder trial latest: Parents found guilty of killing 'Westernised' daughter jailed for life. Afghan father charged with gunning down two teenage daughters who ran away with Nato interpreter. Killings come as Afghan couple who eloped to Pakistan enter police custody amid fears they will be murdered Published: 19:26 GMT, 22 July 2012 | Updated: 16:41 GMT, 23 July 2012 An Afghan man shot his two teenage daughters dead when they returned home four days after running away with a young man, police said today.
The father has been detained on murder charges in Nad Ali district in the southern province of Helmand, a hotbed of Taliban insurgency, provincial police spokesman Farid Ahmad Farhang said. 'He killed two of his daughters. His daughters had run away with a young man four days ago. This week's killings come after a video emerged earlier this month (still shown above) in which the Taliban are seen executing a woman accused of adultery Police have issued an arrest warrant for the young man, who is said to be working as an interpreter with Nato forces in the southern province, the spokesman added.
She had been accused of having an affair with a Taliban commander. Caught in the middle of a Taliban love triangle: The moment helpless Afghan woman, 22, is gunned down 'because two fighters couldn't decide who could have her' Mother, 30, and her two young children beheaded by ex-husband in Afghanistan 'honour killing' Ghazala Javed defied Taliban and divorced husband after finding out he had second wife before being shot dead as she left beauty salon. Pictured: Father who beheaded his daughter in rage over her relationships as he remains unrepentant over attack. Five women 'killed by tribal elders for dancing and singing with men at wedding party in remote Pakistani village'
Afghan family guilty of honour killing in Canada. Father, mother and son found guilty of murdering family's three teenage daughtersThe girls defied strict rules by dating, socialising and going onlineBodies found submerged in car in canal. Facing Death, Afghan Girl Runs To U.S. Military.