Behance. Project Scope - Front-end Architecture - Pawel Malenczak, Warsaw. JeyaKarthika CV. Creative digital studio. Rodolpho Henrique - Visual Designer. Heco Partners. As a Creative Director and writer with over 13 years of experience, Matt Cowen works across creative disciplines—from Product Design to UX to Strategy—to help clients develop stronger brands and better messages.
He believes in listening first, trusting curiosity and being kind. Also, he designs furniture. As a Creative Director and designer with over 12 years of experience, JT Helms helps clients develop better brand identities, web experiences and interactive product designs. He believes in clear communication, excellent craftsmanship and the simplest solution. Also, he makes electronic music and award-winning music videos. Patrick Heng - Experiments Lab. Jantana Hennard - Interactive designer at Gobelins. UI / UX Designer at HETIC. 8 things to know about building a design portfolio. Two years ago, I was finishing my last semester of college and preparing for the seminal moment in a design student’s life: portfolio reviews and finding a job.
And even though I was finishing a degree in graphic design, I was looking for a full-time job as a UX/UI designer. My hard work paid off. I landed a job at Bloc, and it’s been a magical time. But it was a painful process. I got a lot of rejection emails and made a lot of mistakes. 1. Fill your portfolio with as many case studies as possible. When I applied to jobs in college, I filled my portfolio with big, beautiful visuals. “Show that you can solve problems, and you’ll show that you’re worth hiring.” I asked a friend for help—and she passed along a few portfolios of friends who’d gotten hired at top-tier companies and… They all had case studies.
I thought, Why couldn’t I have case studies? So I added case studies. Big beautiful images look great, but they don’t tell a hiring manager if you can solve a problem. 2. 3. Jean-Christophe Suzanne - Creative front-end developer. Jonathan da costa — LVMH Insights. Product design studio. Rayfranco. Makiopolis by David Ronai. UXDesigner.top □ UX Designers every week.
Aurélien Grimaud. Hetic portfolio - Robin Mastromarino. Alex Pate - Front-end Engineer. Jonathan Ravasz. Ellen Skye Riley. Jonathan Ravasz. Lorenz Young - Interactive Studio. MikeAlger. "I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Mike Alger.
Mike has worked with the Apiary Fund since its inception and has led every aspect of the brand development and implementation. He has been an invaluable asset to the founding team and a reliable and consistent contributor to our progress over the last three years. Mike is excellent at conceptualizing, planning, and managing projects through to completion. Apiary has developed several eLearning modules that integrate video and motion graphics into a short interactive training course that teaches financial concepts. Mike has taken the lead on this and many other projects and has demonstrated a tremendous ability to conceptualize, plan, coordinate, develop, and manage them with assurance, persistence, and progress.
Mike is well organized and structured in his tasks. Mike is competent in many areas. Corentin Fardeau - Creative Developer - Paris. Sparkbit. Nerisson — Freelance Webdesigner Strasbourg. Direction Artistique / Motion design / Illustration. Kommunikationsdesign. Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG: Köhler und Wilker GbR Waldstr. 32 28857 Syke Vertreten durch: Silas Köhler Christian Wilker Kontakt: Telefon: +49 1577 4723002 E-Mail: mail@crioco.com Steuern: Steuernummer: 46 / 234 / 06503.
Interactive Developer Freelance. Benjamin Guedj - French designer. Point // Home. Isa Pinheiro › PASMO APPLICATION. Tim Brack, Art Director. Brian Nathan Hartwell. Adrien Le Menthéour - Creative front-end developer. Pierre Nguyen - Freelance Digital AD & UX designer. Xbition-art, Portfolio de Julie Franck. Sans titre. Creative developer - Gaston Bouchayer. Quentin Hocdé - Creative Developer. Rémi Mercier.
Jürgen Hassler - Digital Product Designer & Design Director. Cam Strobel / UX Designer & Developer. Enthusiastic UI & Interaction Designer. JanLosert.com 2016 - Live! by Jan Losert - Dribbble. 5 Tips to Make Your Design Portfolio Stand Out in 2016. Frontage. Björn by Ernest Asanov - Dribbble. Portfolio Exploration 4 by Adrián Somoza - Dribbble. 03_home_freelancer.jpg by Logan Cee. Dejan Markovic. Personal Portfolio of Paul Fletcher. Paul is awesome!
While his portfolio tells it all, he has asked me to write a personal perspective which pleases me very much. He is, hands down, one of the most talented new media designers and developers I have ever met (and I've met quite a few). To make that even better, he is also one of the nicest people with whom I have worked. I've known Paul for many years. I first met him at the Academy of Art University when I was the Director of the School of New Media and Paul was a student — not just an ordinary student but the one who set the bar in all of his classes!
Paul is the best designer I have ever worked with. Paul is one of the best coworkers and friends you can ask for. Paul is the guy you want working with you. Paul, hands down, is one of the best designer/developers I have ever worked with. Kelsey Klemme.