Fellow Dr. Aomar Boum. Should Religious Minorities Be Concerned About The Rise Of Islamist Governments? Saba Mahmood – Religious Liberty, the Minority Problem and Geopolitics. Event Date: 12 – 13 November Goodenough College Mecklenburgh Square London WC1N 2AB Experiments in political subjectivity The possibility of conceiving practices of citizenship after orientalism points to experiments that uncover, rearticulate and provoke subjugated forms of politics.
Through addressing the intersections between orientalism, colonialism and citizenship (panel 1), exploring possibilities of democratic politics for decolonizing citizenship (panel 2) and troubling universal claims to rights (panel 3), we ask what images of citizenship are emerging in relation to the process of deorientalization? It is this experimentation itself, rather than its outcomes, that constitutes ‘citizenship after orientalism’ as a field of investigation.
Keynote lecture by Professor Saba Mahmood (University of California, Berkeley) – Religious Liberty, the Minority Problem and Geopolitics Introduction by Meleiha Malik. Black Madonnas. Black Madonnasby Michael P.
Duricy History of the Black Madonna Genre. Hanbali Literature [Archive] - Multaqa Ahl al-Hadeeth. Books of jadal from the Hanabila.
Google. James Treat. Project: browse the Gothic Bible. By default the text is presented verse by verse, with selected interlinear translations.
Every word is ‘clickable’, linked to tentative lexical and morphosyntactic analyses. These annotations have been generated automatically and are gradually being disambiguated or corrected where necessary. Visit the download page if you prefer static documents for offline reading or processing. Undertheabaya.wordpress.com. Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies .:. Main.
Google. Ali Gomaa - Official Website. Dr. John Andrew Morrow. Jonathan Brown — Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies and Muslim Christian Understanding. Saba Mahmood: Religious Liberty, the Minority Problem and Geopolitics. Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie: Why Interfaith Dialogue Doesn't Work. I have been participating in interfaith dialogue as a rabbi and Jewish leader for more than 30 years, and most of the time it just doesn't work.
Most of the time -- and it is painful for me to admit this -- it is terribly boring. Most of the time there is a tendency to manufacture consensus, whether it exists or not. Most of the time we go to great lengths to avoid conflict. Most of the time we cover the same ground that we covered last month or the month before. And far too often we finish our session without really knowing the people across the table and what makes them tick religiously. Tabsir.net. An American Girl learning to survive while living in Saudi Arabia. Asma Lamrabet : What does the Qur’an say about the interfaith marriage? What does the Qur’an say about the interfaith marriage?
Asma Lamrabet It goes without saying that the marriage of a Muslim woman to a non-Muslim man is one of the main taboo issues in debates on Islam. According to a broad consensus religiously sterile, a Muslim woman is formally forbidden to marry a non-Muslim man regardless of his religion, while a Muslim man is allowed to get married to a non Muslim woman, mainly a Christian or a Jew, considered by the Islamic schools as “People of the Book”[1].
Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin - America's Unfortunate Interfaith Couple. "Across the country, Desi moms can barely contain their glee at pointing out to their daughters how Weiner is what you get when you marry out.
" For those who aren't acquainted with the term 'Desi' - it designates someone of South Asian descent. The Facebook page that carried this amusing message last night revealed a sub plot to the Weiner sex chat saga, namely that Weiner and Abedin are perhaps the highest profile interfaith couple in America and the troubles in their relationship have the potential to be used as another case in point of those issuing dire warnings about interfaith marriages. Anthony Weiner, as you know even if you live under a rock, was exposed (ahem) Tuesday as having continued to engage in sex chatting with young ladies for over a year after he lost his congressional seat due to the last sexting scandal in 2011. When the news emerged on Tuesday, the mayoral candidate promptly held a press conference. Coverage of religion, ethics and spirituality from around the globe.
Rabia Terri Harris's blog. An International call for Moratorium on corporal punishment, stoning and the death penalty in the Islamic World. Muslim majority societies and Muslims around the world are constantly confronted with the fundamental question of how to implement the penalties prescribed in the Islamic penal code.
Evoking the notion of sharî’a, or more precisely hudûd[1], the terms of the debate are defined by central questions emerging from thought provoking discussions taking place between ulamâ’ (scholars) and/or Muslim masses: How to be faithful to the message of Islam in the contemporary era? How can a society truly define itself as “Islamic” beyond what is required in the daily practices of individual private life? AfriYorkan American, Muslim Woman, Trying to make a difference. New Books in Religion — Just another New Books Network podcast. Muslim boy with a love for tattoos. Health& Living Thursday, 14 March 2013 20:24 Written by Polly Kamukama Munir Suat's passion for body started in 2004 while still in secondary school Munir Suat developed a passion for body art in 2004 while in S.1 at Turkish Light Academy, Wakiso.
He started out using a Bic pen to draw pictures on his arms. “I used to charge a fee of about Shs 1,000; so, I basically never ran short of breakfast money,” says 21-year-old Suat recalls, revealing the hype motivated him to research more about tattooing. IRDP - Home. Internet History Sourcebooks. Internet Medieval Sourcebook Selected Sources: Islam Contents General Pre-Islamic Arabia Muhammad and Foundations - to 632 CE Islamic Expansion and Empire - to 750 CE The Abbasid Caliphate - after 750 CE Politics Philosophy Science Literature Crusades Al-Andalus: Muslim Spain Muslim Persia Egypt and North Africa Muslim Religious Development Sufism The Sunni Tradition The Shia Tradition Relations with Other Religions The Turks General Pre-Islamic Arabia Ancient Accounts of Arabia Accounts from Herodotus, Strabo, Dio Cassius, Ammianus Marcellinus, and Procopius.
Egyptian press summaries and media research for dialogue. Www.covenantsoftheprophet.com. Redirecting. Merrimack College. To advance our mission in coming years the Center adopts a new strategic vision forward to guide its work and prioritize its activities. Our vision is that the Center will make Merrimack the premier undergraduate College for interfaith dialogue and intercultural education among Jews, Christians, and Muslims through distinctive, nationally and internationally recognized programs and services designed for students and young adults. The Center’s programs and services will: Engage students and young adults in interfaith and intercultural encounter, including: Merrimack and other American college students; Young professionals at entry level and mid-level positions; and Young people in other countries connected with the Center through educational networks.
Reflections on the Intersection of Religion, Race, and Gender. Having converted to Islam way back in the '80's, I've had time to think about it. AfriYorkan American, Muslim Woman, Trying to make a difference. Islam and women: the case of the tablighi jama`at. SEHR, volume 5, issue 1: Contested PolitiesUpdated February 27, 1996 the case of the tablighi jama`at Barbara Metcalf The Tablighi Jama`at is a quietist, apolitical movement of spiritual guidance and renewal that originated in the Indian subcontinent, whose networks now reach around the world. Today Tablighi Jama`at's annual meetings in Pakistan and Bangladesh are attended by over a million people, and, even though meetings in India are smaller, participants may well be as many.
The Muslim Institute. Mawla - Oxford Islamic Studies Online. Shaik Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah - His articles, Books ] Official website. Jawdat Said. Sheikh Jawdat Said on the power of nonviolence today. Sojourners: Celebrating 40 Years of Faith in Action for Social Justice. The Islamic Monthly — Politics, Culture, Society. Islamic Arts Magazine. Is Interracial Dating Biblical for Christian Teens - Interracial Dating - Christian Teens - Relationships - Race Relations - Bible - Scripture. Question: Is Interracial Dating Biblical?
Unfortunately prejudice and racism is still a worldwide issue. In countries that have a variety of races in its population the question of whether or not interracial dating is an acceptable practice for Christians is appropriate. In order to answer the question we need to take a close look at God’s Word. Answer: Mark LeVine: A Critical Voice of the New Generation. I received my BA in comparative religion and biblical studies from Hunter College. My MA and Ph.D. were done at New York University's prestigious Department of Middle Eastern Studies, home of the most acclaimed new generation of Middle Eastern scholars in America. There I focused on the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and modern Islamic religious and political thought and movements.Before being hired at the University of California, Irvine, in 2001, I was a fellow at numerous research institutions, including the International Center for Advanced Studies at NYU, the Stuttgart Seminar in Cultural Studies, in Stuttgart Germany, the Society for the Humanities at Cornell University, and the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.
Biography | Recent Articles | TV-Radio Appearances/Transcripts | Reviews of Heavy Metal Islam and Why They Don't Hate Us | Contact Major Publications: Performance, Politics, Piety: Music as Debate in Muslim Societies of North Africa, West Asia, South Asia and their Diasporas. ICIP-The International Centre for Islam and Pluralism. Assyaukanie.com. Islamic Renaissance Front. Welcome to Al-RawiyaFoundation. Digital Islam. WHAT'S NEW. Karamah Home. Women Living Under Muslim Laws. Sisters in Islam - Home. Having converted to Islam way back in the '80's, I've had time to think about it. Official website. AbdolKarim Soroush. Siti Musdah Mulia: A courageous woman. JP/M.
Azis Tunny Siti Musdah Mulia is no stranger to human rights. Euro-Islam: News and Analysis on Islam in Europe and North America.
Contributors « Love, InshAllah. Meet our inspirational and courageous contributors! Click on these links to go directly to Salaam, Love or Love, InshAllah. The Editors Editors Ayesha Mattu and Nura Maznavi’s first book, Love, InshAllah: The Secret Love Lives of American Muslim Women, was featured globally by media including the New York Times, NPR, the BBC, Washington Post, Guardian, Times of India, Dawn Pakistan, and Jakarta Post.
Battling for gay rights, in Allah's name - US news - Life. Safra Project. Internet Sacred Text Archive Home. At-Tahawi. University of Toronto Faculty of Law. Abdullahsaeed.org. Women As Prophets. THE NEWS INTERNATIONAL: You (Vol. 3, No. 22), 1993 Women As Prophets in Islam A few months back an interesting opinion was published by the team of scholars who edit 'Our dialogue', the religious column in the Arab News. Halima's Home Page. Shaykha Halima Krausen - Radical Middle Way. Germany. Muslim Peace Fellowship. Nonviolent Soldier of Islam: Badshah Khan, a Man to Match His Mountains - Eknath Easwaran. Home - Muslim Public Affairs Council.
For Peace and Justice. Justification for Violence in Islam Part VIII Quietism rather than Pacifism in Islam. Here are a few tips for a successful search: Search by keyword, orFind a PersonFind a CongregationFind a Churchwide Ministry. Religion Dispatches. Religion News in Photos, Articles & Video. A public radio show promoting religious harmony and interfaith understanding. On Being: meaning, religion, ethics, and ideas on public radio and online. Open source buddhist research institute » Documentaries. Muslim Voices: Islam Blog, Videos and Podcasts Promoting Intercultural Dialogue. Stopping Oppression: An Islamic Obligation. Rabbis for Human Rights. Trembling Before G-D - Watch the Documentary Film for Free. CRCC: Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement : About the Center. Qantara.de - Dialogue with the Islamic World.
GOATMILK: An intellectual playground edited by Wajahat Ali. Loonwatch.com - "The Mooslims, they're heeere!" The Feminist Sexual Ethics Project. The goal of the Feminist Sexual Ethics Project is to provide religious communities and society at large with the knowledge and framework needed to recognize and acknowledge past collaboration in slavery; to engage in restorative justice for slavery; and to create sexual ethics untainted by slave-holding values. Many people think they know exactly what religion teaches about sexual morality, namely that everyone should abstain from premarital sex, that marriage is a sacred bond between one man and one woman, that the principal purpose of sex is procreation, and that life begins at conception.
Islam, Human Rights, and the Secular: A Conversation with Talal Asad and Abdullahi An-Naim. Politics of Religious Freedom and the Minority Question: A Middle Eastern Genealogy. TEDxJaffa - Amal Elsana Alh'jooj - Insisting on Equality. Edward Said Memorial Conference - Lila Abu Lughod.