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Remembering Steve

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Steve Jobs Dies. Steve Jobs. TNW Review: Two lessons from the biography of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. The story of Steve Jobs by the biographer of Henry Kissinger and Albert Einstein.

TNW Review: Two lessons from the biography of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

If there ever was a no-lose scenario it was this one. How could this not be one of the best reads of the year, if not the decade? It turns out that it is in fact a really, really good read, but perhaps not in the universal way that we had all hoped. Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs unsurprisingly focuses a lot of attention on the companies and products that Jobs helped bring into being. As one of the most intuitive and inventive corporate personas of our time, his life is inextricably wound around those physical and corporate entities. 5 resolutions to change the world in 2012. We lost a legend this year.

5 resolutions to change the world in 2012

All Steve Jobs ever wanted was to change the world. And whether you love Apple or hate it, you have to admit that Jobs achieved his goal. At a minimum, he mainstreamed a lot of things we now take for granted: downloadable music, super elegant hardware, multi-touch user interfaces, app stores, Apple Stores, voice-based virtual assistants and white earbuds, to name just a few.

Jobs was as controversial in life as he has been since his death; his bio has only sharpened controversy over whether he was a brilliant visionary, a totalitarian task-master or, most likely, both. The Legacy of Steve Jobs « Robert F. Bruner, Dean. The death of Steve Jobs on October 5th proved to be of such moment that it eclipsed headlines about wars, politics, and economics.

The Legacy of Steve Jobs « Robert F. Bruner, Dean

The outpouring of grief rivaled the passing of Princess Diana, the assassinations of world leaders, and the loss of Edison and Einstein. Emotions surged because Jobs was so closely identified with techno-cool, the marriage of design and engineering. But cool and technology have short half-lives. 7 Creative Tributes to Steve Jobs. A Sister’s Eulogy for Steve Jobs. When Steve Met Bill: 'It was a kind of weird seduction visit' 1985: The young and the restless.

When Steve Met Bill: 'It was a kind of weird seduction visit'

Gates and Jobs, photographed at Tavern on the Green in New York City FORTUNE -- The complex relationship between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs began in the late 1970s, when Microsoft was making most of its money writing software for the Apple II. When Jobs began developing the original Macintosh in the early 1980s, he wanted Microsoft to create for it a version of BASIC, an easy-to-use programming language, as well as some application software, such as word processing, charts, and spreadsheet programs. So he flew up to visit Gates in his office near Seattle and spun an enticing vision of what the Macintosh would be: a computer for the masses, with a friendly graphical interface. Gates signed on to do graphical versions of a new spreadsheet called Excel, a word-processing program called Word, as well as BASIC.

Gates frequently went down to Cupertino for demonstrations of the Macintosh operating system, and he was not very impressed. They were right to worry. Steve Jobs claimed he had “cracked” the code for an integrated Apple TV. Apple is planning an easy-to-use, advanced television, according to comments made by the late Apple founder Steve Jobs to his biographer.

Steve Jobs claimed he had “cracked” the code for an integrated Apple TV

“I’d like to create an integrated television set that is completely easy to use. It would be seamlessly synced with all of your devices and with iCloud,” Jobs reportedly told the biographer, Walter Isaacson. “It will have the simplest user interface you could imagine. I finally cracked it.” Steve’s Final “One More Thing…” Steve Jobs was the ultimate showman.

Steve’s Final “One More Thing…”

As such, it should be no surprise that he realized the power of following up a great performance with an encore. But unlike many musicians who treat encores as a given add-on for each show, Jobs seemed to recognize that encores are much more powerful if they’re used judiciously. Steve Jobs’ biography leaked, here are the highlights. An early copy of Steve Jobs’ biography by Walter Isaacson has leaked to certain news outlets.

Steve Jobs’ biography leaked, here are the highlights

These publications are The New York Times, The Huffington Post, the Associated Press and CBS News. Jobs’ biography will officially be released on October 24. Steven P. Jobs: His Life, His Companies, His Products - Interactive Feature. Tim Cook: "No words can adequately express our sadness at Steve's death" Statement by Apple’s Board of Directors. Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005. Introducing the new iPhone PART 1. Jobs 1996 interview about the Web. Steve Jobs has been right twice.

Jobs 1996 interview about the Web

The first time we got Apple. The second time we got NeXT. Apple's stock under Steve Jobs: from $10 to $400. #thankyousteve. Steve Jobs, 1955 – 2011. It’s impossible to imagine the web as it is today without Steve Jobs in the story.

Steve Jobs, 1955 – 2011

Even something as seemingly simple as proportional width fonts might not exist were it not for Jobs and Apple, to say nothing of the WebKit project and dozens of other contributions. Through it all Jobs and Apple always managed to keep the focus on people. Computers, useful as they are, are nothing without people. The web is the same. The web is about people. So thank you Mr. My apology to Tim Cook and remembering Steve Jobs. A few weeks ago I wrote an article for the Next Web about Steve Jobs.

My apology to Tim Cook and remembering Steve Jobs

In it I tell about my front-row seat on Steve Jobs career. Tonight I apologized to Tim Cook, Apple’s new CEO, for being harsh on him and his performance on Tuesday where he introduced the iPhone 4s. If you’ve been following my Google+ account, you’ve been seeing all that. That’s where I’ve been “blogging” lately. Tonight I was driving near the Cupertino/Sunnyvale border when I heard the news on KGO Radio. It was quiet. Some other photos and discussion: First flower appears in memorial to Steve Jobs. Video of a bagpiper who played in front of the Apple campus: Apple employees reading their iPhones, waiting for a bus. Apple’s headquarters when I came on campus. Apple’s headquarters with dark storm clouds overhead. A rainbow over Silicon Valley shortly after I learned of the news. Steve Jobs on Mock Turtlenecks and Jeans.

Steve Jobs was famous for his wardrobe of black mock turtlenecks and Levi's 501 jeans, but the story of what inspired him to adopt the basic but unique uniform has never really been revealed in detail. Organic Startup Ideas. April 2010 The best way to come up with startup ideas is to ask yourself the question: what do you wish someone would make for you? There are two types of startup ideas: those that grow organically out of your own life, and those that you decide, from afar, are going to be necessary to some class of users other than you.

Very short story

Thank you. Steve Jobs. Tributes. Steve Jobs.