Permanent Magnetic Motor from Argentina. A self running, free energy generator! FREE UNLIMITED ENERGY : THIS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND Can Our DNA Electromagnetically 'Teleport' Itself? One Researcher Thinks So. A Nobel prize winning scientist who shared the 2008 prize for medicine for his role in establishing the link between HIV and AIDS has stirred up a good deal of both interest and skepticism with his latest experimental results, which more or less show that DNA can teleport itself to distant cells via electromagnetic signals.
If his results prove correct, they would shake up the foundations upon which modern chemistry rests. But plenty of Montagnier's peers are far from convinced. The full details of Montagnier's experiments are not yet known, as his paper has not yet been accepted for publication. But he and his research partners have made a summary of his findings available. Essentially, they took two test tubes – one containing a fragment of DNA about 100 bases long, another containing pure water – and isolated them in a chamber that muted the earth's natural electromagnetic field to keep it from muddying the results.
Pictures of sand: Close up photographs reveal its incredible beauty. Scientists invent heat-regulating building material. (PhysOrg.com) -- A new material that can retain and release heat according to specific temperature requirements could make a significant difference to the cost of heating and cooling buildings, scientists say.
Researchers based at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) believe their invention — which could be used in existing structures as well as new builds — could offer considerable energy savings. The novel non-deformed energy storage phase change material (PCM) has the unique advantage of possessing a larger energy storage capacity with faster thermal response than existing materials and could be cheaply manufactured. If, for example, the required optimum temperature in a room is 22°C, the material can be fixed so that it starts absorbing any excess heat above that temperature.
The heat-regulating material, devised by researchers at the University’s Center for Sustainable Energy Technologies, could be applied anywhere, from walls and roofs to wallpaper. Salt Water-Powered Car? Water Fuel Car Red Ice Radio - Ralph Ring - Ether Technology, Magnetism, Nikola Tesla & Otis T. Carr EV Gray Updated - 02/23/00. Three Notes: This is a sensitive time for the resurgence of the EV Gray electric motor, so for the purposes of safety and anonymity, no names or locations are in this document to protect the principals.
This file will be updated or cross linked with additional information as it becomes available.Feel free to copy, reprint, mirror or otherwise use these documents or information as you will, the more people who know about it, the better.Right click on any photo on this page and select 'view image' to see the full picture. For years, those of us in the alternative science community have heard rumors about the death of Ed Gray. No one has come forward to my knowledge providing any insight into the truth of what actually happened. Recently, a friend and associate was fortunate enough to meet one of the principals involved with EV Gray during his experimental period. Dr. Peter Lindemann. Peter Andrew Lindemann was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1951.
He grew up in the suburbs of Milwaukee and Chicago, and graduated from Whitefish Bay High School in 1969. He entered Iowa State University in the fall of 1969 on an engineering curriculum, but fate interrupted his plans to become a fully trained engineer. In the spring of 1970, two events happened that changed the direction of his life. First, his mother died suddenly on April 24th at the age of 43. One week later, President Nixon invaded Cambodia on May 1st, precipitating the most violent anti-war protests ever seen during the Vietnam War period. This double upheaval began a period of deep introspection that culminated in a plan to pursue self-directed education from that point on. Dr. Peter Lindemann's Website. Above Top Secret - UFOs, Nikola Tesla, Free Energy and Antigravity Technology Full Documentary- Modern Marvels- Nikola Tesla, Mad Electricity- THC subs español 1de5
Water engine New Energy Series 2: John Hutchison Part 1 John Hutchison. Stanley Meyer's water fuel cell. The water fuel cell is a technical design of a "perpetual motion machine" created by American Stanley Allen Meyer (August 24, 1940 – March 20, 1998), around which a case of controversy developed.
He claimed that an automobile retrofitted with the device could use water as fuel instead of gasoline. Meyer's claims about his "Water Fuel Cell" and the car that it powered were found to be fraudulent by an Ohio court in 1996.[1][3] Description[edit] The fuel cell purportedly split water into its component elements, hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen was then burned to generate energy, a process that reconstituted the water molecules. The term "fuel cell"[edit] Throughout his patents[4][5][6] Meyer used the terms "fuel cell" or "water fuel cell" to refer to the portion of his device in which electricity is passed through water to produce hydrogen and oxygen.
Media coverage[edit]